Wi-Fi 7 tested - ASUS ROG Rapture GT-BE98 review (Breaching 3.75 Gbps wireless)

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10 meter Performance Wireless WIFI7 802.11be

We'll do the same trick all over again. This time we have roughly 10 meters distance in between the router and client, the WIFI signal needs to pass through walls. Our office is well insulated isolated. So you can compare these test results to passing through a floor accessing WIFI in your bedroom/work room/study etc.


Above 10 meters throughput (2.4 GHz connection selected) 


Above 10 meters throughput (5 GHz connection selected) 


Above 10 meters throughput (6GHz connection selected) 

As you can see, at a 6 GHz connection with the BE Wifi7 configuration enabled, we're still seriously faster than your average 1 Gigabit connection. WI-Fi 7 opens up a lot of new options and possibilities. 


Fd you do not want to select WIFI frequencies per band manually, you can also configure the router to do that automatically and assign a smart connect rule. Depending on your WIFI signal the router will assign the best option for you.  Below you can see that we dropped a bit in performance, but got a much more consistent throughput, likely two 5G bands have been combined and assigned here. 

Again, 10 meters passing though walls ...  almost 1.4 Gbps throughput.


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