GeForce 9600 GT 512MB SLI review (Inno3D)

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9 - Game Performance: Crysis


Gaming: Crysis - Single Player Demo

With mankind facing an alien cataclysm, your elite Delta force and North Korean forces combine, united by common humanity in a battle to save Earth. Graphically stunning, tactically challenging and always intensely immersive, Crysis sets player choice at the heart of its gameplay, with customizable tactical weaponry and adaptable armor allowing instant response to changing conditions. Judging from the downloadable demo, Crysis doesn't feel all that different from its predecessor, Far Cry. Both are set on an island. Both involve a latent (here in the demo, only briefly glimpsed) alien menace. Both bid you move more or less linearly through shaggy jungle areas, where the fact that you're progressing in a single direction is camouflaged by your ability to approach obstacles in your path any way you like. Think the "every time you play a situation yields radically different behaviors and results" approach in games like Rainbow Six Vegas or Gears of War except on more of a geographic scale.

Oh yeah, you probably want to hear about how it performs, right?

Medium Image Quality settings Image Quality setting Medium: 0x Anti Aliasing 16x anisotropic filtering So we discarded the internal benchmark for Crysis as I felt that the in-game gameplay performance does not match up with a large fly-by at all. We took the beach scene and started using fraps to measure the actual framerate. As you can see, Crysis is a tough nut to crack for any graphics card. 1280x1024 is playable with a GeForce 9600 GT which is pretty good. Let's look at the SLI setup. Now this is interesting, we tested with the latest 1.1 update of the game which we know have SLI optimizations. At medium quality settings we see a definitive difference in performance. We also tested at high quality settings, yet SLI just would not kick in. Work in progress I guess.

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