Xbox 720 Could Require always-on DRM

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Which is WHY I am staying with PC Screw all that **** 10x over. PS4 and these guys can suck it!
Mistake. Pc had its share of DRM troubles(still some, but not as bad) and now it's stemming to consoles.
Microsoft just gave this round to Sony on a plate. Grats on alienating your loyal 360 userbase who, have now left college, found jobs, started a family and wouldn't mind playing games during those 4AM baby feeds.
So there is no offline mode at all? Really strange if that would be the case. I'll reserve judgement until it is announced. If there is no running games off the disc then it implies some form of key being tied to your account, otherwise people will go crazy sharing the discs. Not good at all and more importantly the advantages over the PC are narrowing. Really, MS is making it harder to be likeable.
This new protection from used games will simply killed all local resellers stores.
I lost interest in the next Xbox as soon as the rumours about it shipping with Kinect 2.0 surfaced but this latest rumour about mandatory installs (they were bad enough on the PS3 IMO due to its limited hard drive space) and always online DRM has all but put me off considering buying one. Of course, it may not be true but I only really want one console next generation anyway so I hope it is! I've already pre-ordered a PS4. :P
i dont mind. i prefer my games 0 and i dont sell my games anyway. and wait a minute. i buy digital versions of ps3 and xbox360 games anyway.
So when your broadband is down and you want another way to have some fun, if XBox is your entertainment, you cant use it. Sounds like a great purchase. MS are full of great ideas these days.
Microsoft just gave this round to Sony on a plate. Grats on alienating your loyal 360 userbase who, have now left college, found jobs, started a family and wouldn't mind playing games during those 4AM baby feeds.
i dont mind. i prefer my games 0 and i dont sell my games anyway. and wait a minute. i buy digital versions of ps3 and xbox360 games anyway.
You dont mind not being able to use your console?
They might as well add a "wave at kinect" gesture + face recognition before launching any game to ensure you're the one who is the owner of the account :P Your younger siblings want to have a go at it? PAY MOAR! 😀
They might as well add a "wave at kinect" gesture + face recognition before launching any game to ensure you're the one who is the owner of the account :P Your younger siblings want to have a go at it? PAY MOAR! 😀
You'd better remove this comment, so that no one on Microsoft reads it and takes it seriously
Always-on is the most stupid idea ever, I know a lot of people still don't connect their consoles online (yes those people exist), I have friends and family that don't connect them because they don't see the need to connect their consoles online because they just don't play multiplayer games. deltatux
Yeah, an always online console or even just a requirement to be online to 'register' a game the first time you play it would mean the next Xbox wouldn't be a suitable console for a child who perhaps has their console in their bedroom but does not have access to the internet (or their parents might not want them to). Microsoft would be potentially limiting the number of people who could use their consoles so it would be a stupid thing to do really.
Always-on is the most stupid idea ever, I know a lot of people still don't connect their consoles online (yes those people exist), I have friends and family that don't connect them because they don't see the need to connect their consoles online because they just don't play multiplayer games.
I'm one of these people. I went online with my 360 ONCE to get some updates for Forza 3, other than that, not at all. Don't play online, too many overcompetitive aholes that I can't be arsed dealing with, that and I refuse to pay £8 a month for the privieldge. M$ won't be getting any of my money if this idea is the case.
Oh dear :/
This is hilarious. I wonder if MS have any other brilliant ideas for shooting themselves in the foot. I'm definitely not going to pick up a console with always-on DRM. No way, no how.
Unless they have uber power in comparison to the PS4, they have lost this round before it began.
I'm not gonna bash anyone until theres official information. This leak could or could not be true so what the hell. IF it does have always online well that does suck for real but i'll reserve my judgement.
Unless they have uber power in comparison to the PS4, they have lost this round before it began.
I've heard the specs are a bit under but of course those are jus rumors.