Xbox 720 Could Require always-on DRM

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i dont mind. i prefer my games 0 and i dont sell my games anyway. and wait a minute. i buy digital versions of ps3 and xbox360 games anyway.
I always hear the Bane's voice in my head when I read you :P
Yeah, an always online console or even just a requirement to be online to 'register' a game the first time you play it would mean the next Xbox wouldn't be a suitable console for a child who perhaps has their console in their bedroom but does not have access to the internet (or their parents might not want them to). Microsoft would be potentially limiting the number of people who could use their consoles so it would be a stupid thing to do really.
I am not a console gamer and won't buy one, but I really agree with your post 100% They will lose sales if they implement this and not really gain much of anything by it. :3eyes: zoom it.
I guess it's going to be more like one time authorisation instead of online all the time. It's just meant to be connected all the time to keep things synced and up to date. I think. It would be stupid choice to require always on connection. What about those who bring their consoles to summer cottage where they have no internet connection?
I lost interest in the next Xbox as soon as the rumours about it shipping with Kinect 2.0 surfaced but this latest rumour about mandatory installs (they were bad enough on the PS3 IMO due to its limited hard drive space) and always online DRM has all but put me off considering buying one. Of course, it may not be true but I only really want one console next generation anyway so I hope it is! I've already pre-ordered a PS4. :P
consoles are trying too hard to be socially connected... i'm playing a video game to AVOID my family and friends, not stay in constant contact with them.:bang:
i reserve judgment for now, but im not liking this at the moment
consoles are trying too hard to be socially connected... i'm playing a video game to AVOID my family and friends, not stay in constant contact with them.:bang:
I agree. I play games to enter another world for a short time. To relax and forget about your live for a few hours.
consoles are trying too hard to be socially connected... i'm playing a video game to AVOID my family and friends, not stay in constant contact with them.:bang:
Consoles for a long while now have been more than just a video game system, Microsoft has already labeled the 360 a social entertainment system. Now we're seeing more of that come into play
It will be death of console gaming !
Ahh lovely, new reasons for why console gaming sucks! Allthough... Anyone wanna bet that Windows 9 will feature always-on DRM as well? :P
Can someone, in this infinite circle jerk, point out where it even indicates that the Xbox will have a form of always online DRM as a requirement to play games, or lock your game to your console/account?
Can someone, in this infinite circle jerk, point out where it even indicates that the Xbox will have a form of always online DRM as a requirement to play games, or lock your game to your console/account?
You did read the first post?
You did read the first post?
Did you? I did. I actually followed it back to the original where the screenshot was posted. And no where in the original post, or in the SDK screenshots does it say anything about DRM. It's something Extremetech added for no reason other than to click bait with this ridiculous headline: "Xbox 720: Always-on DRM and mandatory game installs point to the death of used games" At least Hilbert edited that garbage into a decent headline. It does say that there is a power state that allows the network connection to be active continuously but that's a far cry from always-on DRM. And no where does it talk about locking games to the consoles. People take the words "report" "could" "may" way too substantially in this forum.
You did read the first post?
Which is WHY I am staying with PC Screw all that **** 10x over. PS4 and these guys can suck it!
This one? Or you meant Hilbert's. Hilbert's says a bunch of things with 0 backing. Things like...
Always-on DRM is thought to be Microsoft’s answer to curbing used game sales; if the console is always connected, it can verify whether a game is used or not.
I'm not sure how it matters that the console has to always be connected, or how it follows that if it is always connected, then it must be checking a license? Especially considering the PS4 has used exactly the same "always connected" terminology and yet has committed to exactly the opposite of the logic of the quoted statement.
On top of that, the overview stated that the console will not run games from the optical drive, which would make the optical drive basically an install-slave for games, and nothing more. If the games cannot be run from the optical drive, this is more support for the theory that the Xbox 720 won’t run used games.
I fail to understand how this follows logically either, especially considering the PC has been installing games to a hard disk for a very long time now, with no used game sales issues aside from select titles. It certainly doesn't follow that "if installed to hard disk then unable to be resold" Has anyone, anyone, stopped to consider that maybe, maybe the damn thing just has so much RAM and hard disk space, and that these are so cheap these days, that it is slow and inefficient to stream from the disc drive? Has anyone even considered for a moment that PC games haven't streamed content from the disc for over a decade? Why is that? Because discs are too slow a medium for next generation games with enough textures and data to use 8GB of RAM at a given time. Not because "Screw gamers". There is zero reason to believe this. What you have is a single inflammatory piece written on the smallest shreds of evidence and then disseminated to everyone, because you guys lap this stuff up by the gallon.
This one? Or you meant Hilbert's. Hilbert's says a bunch of things with 0 backing. Things like... I'm not sure how it matters that the console has to always be connected, or how it follows that if it is always connected, then it must be checking a license? Especially considering the PS4 has used exactly the same "always connected" terminology and yet has committed to exactly the opposite of the logic of the quoted statement. I fail to understand how this follows logically either, especially considering the PC has been installing games to a hard disk for a very long time now, with no used game sales issues aside from select titles. It certainly doesn't follow that "if installed to hard disk then unable to be resold" Has anyone, anyone, stopped to consider that maybe, maybe the damn thing just has so much RAM and hard disk space, and that these are so cheap these days, that it is slow and inefficient to stream from the disc drive? Has anyone even considered for a moment that PC games haven't streamed content from the disc for over a decade? Why is that? Because discs are too slow a medium for next generation games with enough textures and data to use 8GB of RAM at a given time. Not because "Screw gamers". There is zero reason to believe this. What you have is a single inflammatory piece written on the smallest shreds of evidence and then disseminated to everyone, because you guys lap this stuff up by the gallon.
To be fair it's definitely possible that you could put in place an always-on DRM system on top of those additions. In fact I'd say you could even assume that's what they are going to do based on current market trends in gaming. But there is a difference between "Could" and "Xbox 720: Always-on DRM and mandatory game installs point to the death of used games". Hilbert's title at least painted uncertainty to the entire piece. Unfortunately many members of Guru3D ignore that uncertainty and just take it as fact. The same thing happened when the same rumor came out for the PS4. Same thing happened just yesterday about the Android 5 report. It happens every time some rumor is posted to this forum.
Just don't buy it ;D i wonder what microsoft reaction would be: "OMG DRM made sales worse"
This one? Or you meant Hilbert's. Hilbert's says a bunch of things with 0 backing.
Ah, if what Hilbert said isnt true, my apologies. I took him at his word.
This one? Or you meant Hilbert's. Hilbert's says a bunch of things with 0 backing.
It's not hard to type in Google and find site after site saying the same thing. Can't all be wrong, can they?
It's not hard to type in Google and find site after site saying the same thing. Can't all be wrong, can they?
To be fair, just because a lot of other sites might say the same thing, doesn't make it automatically right. And also, can't see hilbert saying something like this without reason, or pulling it out of his ass.
I think people assume this is going to happen, if they can't make it happen that doesn't mean that they don't want to do it. Of course MS would like to have more control over it's system, to what extent that control is measured is yet to be seen. MS did say they didn't want to add an optical drive to the 720 so people would have only a digital download option. Games on cd/dvd is finished, most of the retailers have gone bust in the uk cause no one buys that way any more or the % of people doing so isn't profitable enough now. So its a console based on Steam/marketplace. The question will be is there an Offline mode.
It's not hard to type in Google and find site after site saying the same thing. Can't all be wrong, can they?
Why on earth can't they all be wrong? Who makes a point based on "well everyone else can't be wrong" of course they can be wrong. All the same exact websites were doing this same exact fear mongering and all the same exact people were spewing it everywhere because it gets you to click it. I love how everyone's so convinced everyone's so greedy, EA so evil, Ubisoft so bad, all they want is money but they never ever once think to question the writers of the articles who are doing the same exact thing for a paycheck. The article Hilbert linked took some generous conjecture and turned it into a semi-factual blog post. That's it. If I'm wrong, and the damn thing locks every game to your live account, fine. I'm not even saying that's impossible. What I'm saying is, looking at the two facts you have: Installing games to the hard disk, and always being connected, and saying those two facts mean that it is definitely going to happen is just disingenuous. As I pointed out: Both those things exist already. It's called a PC. Even the PS4 touts similar technology. While there are a couple companies trying some always online DRM experiments, the platforms as a whole don't suffer from it.