Windows 10 to get tool that shows what collected telemetry data is send to Microsoft

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They just need a button that turns it off.... actually turns it off. Off, the opposite of On.

They just need a button that turns it off.... actually turns it off. Off, the opposite of On.

Or just don't care and use your computer like normal. We are being monitored since the 50's, not sure why people are so paranoid when it comes to Windows 10. It's probably Microsoft hate, yet people refuse to dump it and switch to Linux.
It's a programme that takes 30 seconds to install and that is it, and what is paranoid about people wanting to be in control of their own pc's and what is on them, or am i to assume you have no curtains or blinds on your windows at home(pun intended) and are quite happy for the world to stand looking into your home 24/7 because as you say, why so paranoid about privacy right, come on. lol
Nothing wrong with it, but i think his point is that some people tend to obsess over it. I do agree that the people who have no issues with telemetry should stay out of the business of those who do, and vice versa. I go out my way to make sure I have all the telemetry enabled on my phone, so it would be pointless to disable anything on the PC. They should probably incentivise enabling it, since I imagine the data gathered makes them money. Probably a bad idea though, as the amount of people who disable it is probably very low.

It's a programme that takes 30 seconds to install and that is it, and what is paranoid about people wanting to be in control of their own pc's and what is on them, or am i to assume you have no curtains or blinds on your windows at home(pun intended) and are quite happy for the world to stand looking into your home 24/7 because as you say, why so paranoid about privacy right, come on. lol
You know, I have got no curtains at home, and the blinds I only use to keep the sun out in summer, work against the heating. So... thanks for validating my not wanting to be open to anybody's nosey bothering about what's none of their business. 😀

Same old argument: "Switch to Linux!" If the majority of users could handle Linux, or use it's environment just like Windows, they'd do it. That's... just not the fact. Or did something major change? If so please fill me in, I'd be curious.
If I wasn't a gamer I would switch to Linux no questions asked. Yeah I know that there are games out there for Linux but that is few and far between compared to Windows. Not sure if this is true now but the same games that run under Linux and Windows they ran terrible under Linux back when Steam Os was the new hot thing.

If I wasn't a gamer I would switch to Linux no questions asked. Yeah I know that there are games out there for Linux but that is few and far between compared to Windows. Not sure if this is true now but the same games that run under Linux and Windows they ran terrible under Linux back when Steam Os was the new hot thing.
Exactly my problem with it. Not only that it requires more time to set up compared to windows, the drivers are not really up to par with how well they perform under windows either. And then we're not even talking about game availability... But well I know, the same saying afterwards, if everybody would switch they'd optimise the drivers for Linux and offer more games... sadly, they're just too late, and there's no lobby behind it that flashes out the $ to force such a development of the ecosystem. As a customer, for me as a gamer, linux is not an option, never has, probably won't be for a very, very long time.

If I wasn't a gamer I would switch to Linux no questions asked. Yeah I know that there are games out there for Linux but that is few and far between compared to Windows. Not sure if this is true now but the same games that run under Linux and Windows they ran terrible under Linux back when Steam Os was the new hot thing.
I´m on the same boat. I want to switch to Linux but gaming is the big problem. But sooner or later i´m gonna do it because W7 is not going to last forever and W10 is not an option unless MS removes the telemetry and forced updates. I have a laptop that i only use for streaming and the occasional trip that is gonna be my guinea pig into the Linux world...
Linux is what i consider to be a fun OS, something that I enjoyed tinkering with but never considered it something that I could use as a day to day OS. Even if it offered every game, every piece of software and no performance penalty, you would still have a hard time getting most people to switch to Linux, as it would have to offer something additional, some sort of exclusive feature. If Valve couldn't make the gaming side of it work, then no one will. Not even Vulkan has helped much either.

Exactly my problem with it. Not only that it requires more time to set up compared to windows, the drivers are not really up to par with how well they perform under windows either. And then we're not even talking about game availability... But well I know, the same saying afterwards, if everybody would switch they'd optimise the drivers for Linux and offer more games... sadly, they're just too late, and there's no lobby behind it that flashes out the $ to force such a development of the ecosystem. As a customer, for me as a gamer, linux is not an option, never has, probably won't be for a very, very long time.
linux is pretty much plug and play now, if you stick to a distro like ubuntu, dont need to touch terminal at all. dont even need to install drivers most of the time. Gaming is getting there, wine for linux hasn't been the best experience for windows based games in the past, but now with vulkan, things are progressing much more quickly ( and more importantly improved compatiblity) , we got the vk9 vulkan-dx9 wrapper ( works on linux and windows), DXVK vulkan-dx10/11 wrapper ( Wip, can already run some programs despite being only months old) and there is also a vulkan to dx12 wrapper being developed ( started just a few months ago), vulkan looks like its gonna allow linux to avoid most of the overhead that that the current ogl to dx translation has typically had , easier to fix bugs too since there is less abstraction. Gaming on linux might be a different story in a year The day may come when windows based games run on linux as well as they do on windows. and its sooner rather than later i think.

Gaming on linux might be a different story in a year
oh!! very good news thanks a lot for info 🙂 so I'm waiting this dream day 😛 and good bye M$FT definitely maybe 😀

Most of those fines were a joke the EU likes screwing with American companies like fined for not offering a choice of browsers seriously??
Because M$ was pushing bloatware to every windows PC? And that they are screwing with "American" companies, yes, but mostly because they are coincidentally sitting there. No victims there either... Have a read btw, they were fining European companies just the same (or even for more).
Why not give us the option to fully op-out from the data collection with a single push of a button?

Most of those fines were a joke the EU likes screwing with American companies like fined for not offering a choice of browsers seriously??
Collecting data that consumers have not authorized is worse, would you not say? Apparently the reason MS has offered this 'data viewer' to its customers is precisely because they were concerned about repercussions and fines if they did not do so. And with the Dutch getting ready to do something about it:

Why not give us the option to fully op-out from the data collection with a single push of a button?
Because having as many people as possible means better data, making it easy means more people would opt-out.

Linux is what i consider to be a fun OS, something that I enjoyed tinkering with but never considered it something that I could use as a day to day OS. Even if it offered every game, every piece of software and no performance penalty, you would still have a hard time getting most people to switch to Linux, as it would have to offer something additional, some sort of exclusive feature. If Valve couldn't make the gaming side of it work, then no one will. Not even Vulkan has helped much either.
Don´t know about that. I think lots of people would switch to Linux if it was as good as Windows even without any additional feature. I think lots of people are tired of Windows and want something "new" but the options are minimal.

Gaming is getting there, wine for linux hasn't been the best experience for windows based games in the past, but now with vulkan, things are progressing much more quickly ( and more importantly improved compatiblity) , we got the vk9 vulkan-dx9 wrapper ( works on linux and windows), DXVK vulkan-dx10/11 wrapper ( Wip, can already run some programs despite being only months old) and there is also a vulkan to dx12 wrapper being developed ( started just a few months ago), vulkan looks like its gonna allow linux to avoid most of the overhead that that the current ogl to dx translation has typically had , easier to fix bugs too since there is less abstraction. Gaming on linux might be a different story in a year The day may come when windows based games run on linux as well as they do on windows. and its sooner rather than later i think.
Personally lower performance on Linux versus Windows is not a big concern for me. The important thing is that games run as well as they run on Windows even if slower. I would gladly take a 20% performance hit on Linux compared to Windows as long as every work as they should. This is my opinion of course. I understand others thinking the other way around.

Don´t know about that. I think lots of people would switch to Linux if it was as good as Windows even without any additional feature. I think lots of people are tired of Windows and want something "new" but the options are minimal.
I said most though, lots isn't enough and I proposed a best case scenario that is pretty much an impossibility. Nobody I know in person or online would make the switch. The only exceptions are though who already dual boot Linux or have had previous experience.
I just can't seriously consider switching to Linux. Even if everything available on Windows was available natively on Linux, I still wouldn't switch as long as the performance isn't equal.

Exactly my problem with it. Not only that it requires more time to set up compared to windows, the drivers are not really up to par with how well they perform under windows either. And then we're not even talking about game availability... But well I know, the same saying afterwards, if everybody would switch they'd optimise the drivers for Linux and offer more games... sadly, they're just too late, and there's no lobby behind it that flashes out the $ to force such a development of the ecosystem. As a customer, for me as a gamer, linux is not an option, never has, probably won't be for a very, very long time.
Plus I do emulation gaming as well and Im not sure on how compatible certain controllers would be under Linux. Such as the xbox 360/one controllers.