May Xbox One update adds 120Hz gaming and variable refresh rate

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What about the precious cinematic feeling?
That was a Sony dev talking about The Order 1886 (Ru Weerasuriya from Ready at Dawn Studios - SOURCE). Thankfully no one connected to Xbox has tried to make that argument (that I know of).

Xbox actually does have hardware capable of that? I don't think so ๐Ÿ™„
The XB1X is more powerful than you think, it's capable of running simple games like Rocket League at 1080p/120fps. If the video card Gods didn't grant me a 1080 Ti I might have said fuck it and bought a One X.

That was a Sony dev talking about The Order 1886 (Ru Weerasuriya from Ready at Dawn Studios - SOURCE). Thankfully no one connected to Xbox has tried to make that argument (that I know of).
Oh ok i knew it was a developer that did but i knew no specifics about it ๐Ÿ˜› it is an epic fail quote though, the kind that really sticks ๐Ÿ˜› ,jokes aside i am happy to see more options to consoles even if aaa games are too heavy to make use of it i bet a lot of indies would!

This is nice addition, but it won't change a main issue ... that there is not enough interesting games only for Xbox console.
There is no more interesting game only for one console only right now exept on Nintendo... Even on PS4. Time have changed (again) and people want to play the same game on PC, Console and smartphone.
nice move from M$

I dont think this is possible with a hdmi cable. My gaming monitor only uses 144hz with either a display port or dvi port. LMAO the xbox one struggles to even get 60 fps and 30 fps how are they going to get more fps
Why are you talking and spreading false info, stop talking about info you do not have any clue about. HDMI 2.0 is capable of 240hz on 1080P without problems. In order for you to achieve 120+ on your HDMI cable the GFX AND MONITOR needs to have HDMI 2.0 certification, THAT IS BOTH NOT JUST THE GFX. Monitors example the BenQ xl2450 has been out for 2 ยฝ years and back by then it WAS and still is able to achieve 240hz on HDMI 2.0 input/ouput, in fact I have 3 of those monitors as my setup and guess what? All run 240hz via HDMI. Understand the pixel clocks, and understand the hertz
First the 4k 60fps nonsense and now this.
I give MS an A for effort here. But I do not see this working out. They can barley do 60 fps at 1080p let alone 4K.

Xbox actually does have hardware capable of that? I don't think so ๐Ÿ™„
Maybe @ 720p or 900p. But certainly not at 1080p or 4K or even 1440p.
Consoles will always be behind PC obviously, but there's no reason not to celebrate consoles getting better. A healthy console ecosystem has positive benefits for PC gaming.

Consoles will always be behind PC obviously, but there's no reason not to celebrate consoles getting better. A healthy console ecosystem has positive benefits for PC gaming.
is not just that it really makes scratch my head when i see people celebrating when playstation or xbox or pc gets a lesser experience or reduced feature or the lack of features ...ahm why ? ok say you are a pc gamer ...or playstation owner ...why celebrate xbox missing ... the Y feature ? does it harm you in anyway or benefit em ?
PC master race here why so jealous of consoles, it is hilariously obvious.

PC master race here why so jealous of consoles, it is hilariously obvious.
the last console i owned was ps1 why pc master race ? and not gamer race ?!

the last console i owned was ps1 why pc master race ? and not gamer race ?!
Everyone in this forum is bitching about consoles when they belong to almighty 1000-10000$ rig race. Consoles are for living peasants, why do they care about consoles having more spotlight and incoming features? Whether consoles are able to use them, it is not their call.

Everyone in this forum is bitching about consoles when they belong to almighty 1000-10000$ rig race. Consoles are for living peasants, why do they care about consoles having more spotlight and incoming features? Whether consoles are able to use them, it is not their call.
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything of the sort. I knew that consoles were always going to behind PCs in technological specs and capabilities. The reason for owning a console is that some devs do port games to PCs very well or they do not at all and besides there are Console exclusives especially on PS4 and the Switch.

the last console i owned was ps1 why pc master race ? and not gamer race ?!
There's no such thing as gamer race. There's PC master race, and the plebs. I own consoles, 100%, for their exclusives, and the xbox one s' 4k blu ray player. If exclusives did not exist on consoles, i would not own a console, unless it was cheaper to buy it then buy whatever the best media player is at the time. Console gaming plain and simple is a closed ecosystem, why anyone would praise that over PC gaming other then non-gamers who think they are gamers claiming "but its simpler", makes zero sense.
well yeah i prefer to game on a pc by far ...but still i do not mind if consoles get more features and options ....someone enjoying to the best possible way a game in a console does not harm me in any way shape or form !
People fail to realize that freesync being available on consoles and making its way into TVs too, means that game developers will actually have the feature actively in their minds. Up until now, neither freesync nor g-sync were considered by game devs. It was designed to "just work", but no game developer has actively targeted it. And I've seen game devs state "g-sync and freesync are not supported" in their communications (release notes, patch notes, etc.) This might change now and we might see games being actively optimized for VRR, like minimizing FPS stalls as much as possible (engine stalls produce severe stutter in VRR.)
Don't forget that there's supposedly another Xbox on the way. They're basically getting these kind of features in early. MS obviously has future-proofing in-mind. State of Decay 2 has unlocked frame-rate for example.
Regardless if you use them or not, having the chice of more features is alway better for the end user.