iPhone 7 Makes Hissing Noises under full load

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Soon iPlode?
Normally zombies are groaning, but I don't really see why they couldn't be hissing as well.
Something is getting cooked in there.. Probably an "Apple"... 😀 [youtube]In5AIu40vnc[/youtube] [youtube]ogs_g9BlGQc[/youtube]
Ha-ha-ha! Hey, we all forget that: 1) There's NO problem until Apple confirms it. 2) If there's an issue it can't affect more than "a small number of users". 3) Failure to believe points 1 and 2 is a blasphemy.
Something is getting cooked in there.. Probably an "Apple"... 😀 [youtube]In5AIu40vnc[/youtube] [youtube]ogs_g9BlGQc[/youtube]
hahaha baked apples, mmmm :thumbup:
Great marketing slogan indeed: "At least its not exploding ..." :P
Samsung already patented this, pretty sure those Note 7s would also make a hissing sound while they are setting fire to your face
Something is getting cooked in there.. Probably an "Apple"... 😀
Dude you made my freaking day. Still giggling. On a serious note how real is this video? has any other reports of this come to light? Just curious not owned an apple device since god told me not to have one or was eat one..:bang:
Coil whine is common issue on electronics. It usually can be avoided though. There must be some bad design or materials in there. It shouldn't be a serious issue though. Just an annoying thing. If you are one of those who once they spot something they can't get it out of their head then yes it is really annoying. But as usual Apple will ignore the issue pretending the iPhone is pristine and has no issues.
somewhere a PR rep. reherses in front of his mirror "The new iphone 7 has many features, if u find something we can't , please hold the product properly. Even condoms cause problems if u dont hold them properly, this is a 21st century masterpiece. You're holding it wrong, again"
another first for apple the all new hissing feature ..... designed to let you know your using your iPhone to the max. make your phone hiss today
Coil whine is common issue on electronics. It usually can be avoided though. There must be some bad design or materials in there. It shouldn't be a serious issue though. Just an annoying thing. If you are one of those who once they spot something they can't get it out of their head then yes it is really annoying. But as usual Apple will ignore the issue pretending the iPhone is pristine and has no issues.
Yea Apple will probably issue an update which will reduce cpu power. Does make me chuckle to see it in phones though
When there are launch problems like this, apple will usually fix it and replace early adapter devices. Only time they didn't, is when Steve Jobs claimed you're holding the phone wrong. I don't get the mentality of people though, Apple has a small defect and it's the end of the world. Samsung has a phone that explodes and people excuse it.
another first for apple the all new hissing feature ..... designed to let you know your using your iPhone to the max. make your phone hiss today
Its called iHiss. It's actually a new feature in iOS 10.
... .....Coz lets face it, they are pushing their limits by finally have a quadcore processor that android users have had since 2011. ....
Actually Apple's chips are pretty darn fast compared to the competition IPC performance wise. Not even Sammy's unreleased 3GHz 8895(Samsung S8?) chip can match its single thread performance afaik(~2300 vs ~3300). It a similar scenario with another two companies/competitors. 8cores slower than 4cores. Won't name names tho. :P
it'll be interesting to see how widespread this issue is, and how much apple actually cares about its customers - the note 7 issue is definitely more serious but at least Samsung has done the right thing by recalling the device and writing off a replacement for the interim - and losing a Billion+ At least they show they care, whereas Apple is unlikely to do squat, other than a software update to limit the devices performance. Coz lets face it, they are pushing their limits by finally have a quadcore processor that android users have had since 2011. Had apples new phone started exploding, I highly doubt they'd have handled it as well as samsung has. EG : I can't see Apple EVER writing off something like a 5S for each ip7 user to keep even if their defect was life threatening.
Samsung didn't have a choice but to issue a recall. It doesn't show that they care about their customers. A recall is always cheaper than legal action when you sell so many of 1 product.
Samsung didn't have a choice but to issue a recall. It doesn't show that they care about their customers. A recall is always cheaper than legal action when you sell so many of 1 product.
Quite possibly. They "corrected" their mistake, before they were liable for blame.
what with all of quality issue in latest smartphone ? exploding note7... and not hissing iphone7 this is flagship premium smartphone that priced around $1000 geez... not sure if they somewhat reduce QualityCheck/QualityAssurance or rushing their product to market
Cant argue with the performance of their a10 dont get me wrong. Its really iOS's lightweight software that makes all the difference and android being hindered by its high overhead. Still, clearly I am not a fan of apple and their limitations and this is just my opinion. Too many people think apple products are perfect, unhackable and superior to the competition. When really its the phone made for dummies who can't think for themselves and in my shop we see just as many issues with apple products as we do with androids.
I would argue that while they are not "unhackable," they are pretty close to it. If they were hackable, you would see an easy jailbreak release for every iOS version out there. Heck, just to break the encryption Apple had to create something that nobody else could. Whereas Android, one example is Towel Root that works on a number of devices. To gain root, you find an exploit. There are ways to almost unlock a bootloader, crack a bootloader, but to do all of this you need to exploit a software issue. Mind you most Android devices can be rooted with common methods to root an Android device. I have used both Android and Apple products, I like Android but the devices I had I was not impressed with. I've been on iPhones for awhile now, I have not seen the need to jailbreak mine like I did for my Android devices. I love my iPhone, it's efficient, it's quick and easy to use, perfect size and shape for me. I shouldn't have to think about how to use a phone, I'm not solving the world's hunger problem with it. It works, and for me that's perfect. There's no 4" Android device that scales quite as well as iOS does on the 5/SE. Also having quad cores for years really means nothing when they were power hungry, not efficient, and underpowered. Apple's A SoC's have had high IPC for years since being custom designed, very well on power, and whatever they could not manage do Apple was right there creating coprocessors to work along side it. Don't get me wrong, I am not a fanboy of Apple. I hate when Apple gets this bad rep for having products people deem as "dumb," or "not original." I hate the term iSheep. Are there people that blindly follow Apple products because they're Apple and they can do no wrong? Yes, certainly. Are there people that do the same with Google, Motorola, and Samsung? Yes, there are. I am a fan of efficiency, and the iPhone and the iPad have efficiency down. Then we get into the business sector. Do you know how many business grade Android devices there are? There are 4. 2 from Blackberry, and 2 from Casio. Even then, the Blackberry Android devices can be managed with Blackberry MDM completely. Casio runs stock Android, which MDM for Android devices are awful. No profile settings, no reset settings, nothing. MDM for Apple devices, sure you need a Mac to run the initial server, or you can do the more expensive subscription based option like Symantec for example. When I was in IT we tried both Google Admin tools to manage Android(which is nice that it is just a simple web GUI), but options were limited. We switched to MDM direct from Apple using 5 Mac Minis(Each can do 200 devices under MDM), and they are perfect. Now to put my point in what I'm saying lol. The Apple that Steve Jobs, was vengeful, he ran his company with spite against other companies, he closed his services off, he pushed his ideals as fact. Tim Cook on the other hand, is very open, he expands everything in the right direction, I like the way Tim Cook's Apple is going.
Jobs was a megalomaniac a brilliant one but he was bordering on nuts once he got an idea in his head look out lol.The wife is still on a 4s it just works but then again I'm still on a Blackberry 9900 which is bulletproof as I don't browse,listen to music or watch video on a tiny screen.Apple great hardware not so much on the software side.