GTA V: Cheat Tool Developer Must Pay $150,000 to Take-two

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Good. Hopefully more cheat devs realize that messing with on-line gaming has consequences.
R* obviously cares, a lot of FPS shooter devs / publishers don't. Too bad nobody cares to go up against Battlefield cheat suppliesers, they've been in the business for at least 10 years, same homepage, same forum, same guys, no legal action by EA. It used to be the same with COD when I still played that franchise.
Now if any game dev / publisher *cough*EA*cough* could go after the creator of the artificial aiming hacks that would be great thanks.
I typically hate siding with a big corporation but this is a win for honest gamers. Much like drug dealing though, I don't see this verdict scaring away other hackers in the future. It's "easy" money.
Yup EA get your head out of the Sand. I have not played BF V in days, because of the cheat problem.

R* obviously cares, a lot of FPS shooter devs / publishers don't. Too bad nobody cares to go up against Battlefield cheat suppliesers, they've been in the business for at least 10 years, same homepage, same forum, same guys, no legal action by EA. It used to be the same with COD when I still played that franchise.
People openly brag about using cheats in EA games, I was playing Battlefront II up until fairly recently and the amount of times I saw blatant cheating with added 'bragging about it' was just unbelievable. Same for BFV, just go on youtube and there are a tons of videos of exactly the same thing. EA is a cancer, and hopefully, their recent financial troubles are just the beginning of much bigger problems for them. They are the antithesis of how one properly treats one's customers.
Hopefully it will be a better place now, I've seen far to many hacks there almost on every server I joined.. But what baffles me the most is why do I keep getting alone on the server after few min.. is it another hack thing? Or is my account weird now that my persona is boosted by one hijacked hacker - it got stolen and now I got it back with few billion dollars and lvl 500+ XD
Although no punishment brings back the moments of lost relaxation and entertainment, this news brought a little joy to my heart. It should be like this since ... Always.
Good to hear... BTW, all cheaters should be burried alive. Period.
I've got no sympathy for pirates who hacks game files and players who cheat.
I still don't understand the point of online cheating. How is that any fun? How is it rewarding? Who are you trying to impress? More importantly, why would you spend real money to cheat in the first place, especially if the game has MTs to make gameplay easier without the threat of being banned? The less "sandboxy" a game gets, the less it makes sense to cheat online.

Too bad nobody cares to go up against Battlefield cheat suppliesers, they've been in the business for at least 10 years, same homepage, same forum, same guys, no legal action by EA.
Ironic, isn't it? Seems they do anything they can to earn money without actually improving the game code itself, so suing cheat suppliers is right up their alley.
Won't find any tears shed here for cheaters who think nothing of ruining peoples online expereince, and no doubt in todays gaming they are also making money out of said cheats.
🙄 Cheat's on GTA V is the reason why i haven't installed the game and played it in a year and a half

I still don't understand the point of online cheating. How is that any fun? How is it rewarding? Who are you trying to impress? More importantly, why would you spend real money to cheat in the first place, especially if the game has MTs to make gameplay easier without the threat of being banned? The less "sandboxy" a game gets, the less it makes sense to cheat online. Ironic, isn't it? Seems they do anything they can to earn money without actually improving the game code itself, so suing cheat suppliers is right up their alley.
They don't like the pay to cheat ratio obviously 🙄; I don't advocate cheating online but microtransactions only breed the mentality that it's okay.

I don't care for cheaters, but i feel like the courts are not the place to take care of this. I worry about the precedent it sets. Next, trainers for single player, then all mods in general, then lawsuit because we don't like the way you play this thing you bought from us. You will pay for it, but you won't own it.
Cheats, trainers, and mods in single-player never hurt anyone. It doesn't impact game sales (if anything, a lack of cheats in singeplayer probably hurts game sales). If a company decided to sue such people, I'm sure there would be quite a lot of gamers unhappy with the parent company. After all, people were pretty PO'd when GTA banned people for cheats and mods in single-player, where Rockstar responded basically saying they think such behavior is fine, so long as you don't continue to do these things online. Online cheats are just selfish and spoil the fun for everyone else. They discourage people from playing, and that's an incentive for publishers to take action. So in that regard, I'd say this precedent might be a good thing in the future.

Cheats, trainers, and mods in single-player never hurt anyone. It doesn't impact game sales (if anything, a lack of cheats in singeplayer probably hurts game sales). If a company decided to sue such people, I'm sure there would be quite a lot of gamers unhappy with the parent company. After all, people were pretty PO'd when GTA banned people for cheats and mods in single-player, where Rockstar responded basically saying they think such behavior is fine, so long as you don't continue to do these things online. Online cheats are just selfish and spoil the fun for everyone else. They discourage people from playing, and that's an incentive for publishers to take action. So in that regard, I'd say this precedent might be a good thing in the future.
Well said. The biggest thing PC always has going for it, is mods, trainers, ReShade, and game fixes. Look at the amount of widescreen fixes for old games now, and even Direct X converters. You can run DX1-8.1 now in DX11 with a wrapper! The performance jump even in a single threaded game is massive doing this. I dont play GTA5 online but I am fully supportive of them going after these a$$holes.

But the courts are the place to decide things that effect reality, not things that have no bearing on reality. I love online gaming, and have for many years.....and yes, we all hate it when some asshat ruins the game. Still, administration and policing of your game and your servers is a job for you, and it is still just a game.
It does affect reality if the economy is impacted by it, and, if it is hurting the reputation of the devs or publisher. GTA5 is a very popular game that in its first year has raked in more money than some countries. Who knows how much more money they'd have earned if people weren't fed up with cheaters. As for policing, do you think it's a better idea for players to resort to vigilantism? Because that's kind of the implication if you think they should be responsible for what's happening. As for being "just a game", that argument works both ways. If you deem games aren't worth the attention of courts, as a gamer, does it really matter if publishers start suing everyone who creates cheats, online or otherwise? In other words, your initial concern is if single player games will see these court cases too, but if it's "just a game", does it really matter?
Its bad enough that pay to win has become profitable, how about when litigating players and modders becomes profitable......EA will be first in line. I am not trying to advocate for cheating, and I tend to play only on well-administered clan servers (many games not allowing private servers anymore is part of the problem i think, but a seperate issue). I just want the courts to dwell in reality, and i think this borders a bit too closely on making law regarding fantasy. Trainers, mods, etc. Never hurt anyone.......but if we are talking about hurting people, online cheating doesn't hurt people either, just their feelings. It may effect how profitable the game may be to the companies involved (and their may be some grounds for legal action there) but where does it end. When can game companies sue whole groups of people who quit playing a game, thus making them lose money? It sounds crazy now, but lots of things do till they can justify with legal precedent. Maybe far-fetched, maybe not. Rather the courts stay out if it.
I see your point but like I said before, there's not much of a financial incentive to chase after people who do offline cheats and mods. First of all, it's much harder to prove (though to your credit, EA is [moronically] one of those companies that requires you to be online, even for single-player games) but it'll only hurt that publisher's sales in the end, since it's just ruining harmless fun. Sure, cheating online literally never hurt anyone, but neither does blasting your music for all the neighbors to hear in the middle of the day, or walking naked in the streets and doing the helicopter to random women. Laws don't only exist to prevent misery, they're also there to reduce inconveniencing of others, and cheating online is definitely an inconvenience.
Good! F*** game-ruining cheater pricks

Good. Hopefully more cheat devs realize that messing with on-line gaming has consequences.
Easier to blame the cheat than to blame the lazy arse developer, I know Rcokstar is some small indie developer and that their game GTAO is just some tiny drop in an ocean of games and that their is no way they could possibly afford to plug the holes and bugs in a game listed as the most profitable piece of media ever!

Good. Hopefully more cheat devs realize that messing with on-line gambling has consequences.
Corrected that for you.