Fan Negativity Was Too Much for Bioware Owners

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He had absolutely no business being the director, and everyone is still wonder how the hell he got that position. The root problem with D3 is that they had the audacity to tell you how to play and if you tried doing it any other way they would patch it to force you into that one play style (as if it wasn't limiting enough as it was). Each patch actually ended up enraging the old fans (rather than new/casual ones) more and more. Eventually long after many had quit they admit they screwed up (only on a few points), such as putting in enrage timers (dumbest and possibly most assholic mechanic I've ever seen in a game)... but they didn't remove them entirely, they decided to keep them for bosses which continues to keep certain areas broken and nothing more than gear checks. I started playing it with 7 or 8 friends and all of us unanimously decided it's an absolute joke, they ignored all the core features of D2 that made us like that game and put in a bunch of crap that serves no purpose but to annoy us. All of us sold our items for real money and quit the game. One of us made almost $500 from the items he got in that short time, but I only managed to get like $35 back. D3 was the biggest troll job of the decade. We're playing Lorchlight 2 now, we bought it in packs of 4 so it cost us just $15 each. We're all happy with it. As for these guys retiring, I call BS. They were probably blackmailed or paid off to leave.
Or maybe they saw the direction EA was going and thought it better to depart with dignity intact than to let EA drag them down as well....
It's absolutely disgusting. And it's not just happening to them, it's happening to everyone that dares to make a mistake. There is a growing number of people on the internet that is just filled with poison and the rest walks along with them. It's okay to have constructive critizism, but to talk people into the ground like this is just sickening. Grow the **** up, people. Make something of your lives instead of ruining other's.
Some, deserve the treatment they Jay Wilson....who, instead of accepting the criticism and improving the game, intentionally went against what players wanted.
SWTOR going F2P is viewed as a failure SWTOR had a budget around $200,000,000.00 dollars Last paragraph of the article.
SWTOR was a failure. $200,000,000 budget and couldn't even attract 2 million players.... I call that a failure.
SWTOR was a failure. $200,000,000 budget and couldn't even attract 2 million players.... I call that a failure.
I think the first gameplay videos killed interest in the game after seeing all the amazing pre-rendered movie scenes. Everyone was thinking of Jedi Knight 2, Tie Fighter and Republic Commando in an MMO format, instead what we got was the same old rehashed MMO gameplay and formula with star wars textures.
No MMO will ever be able to compete with WoW....using the same "formula".... Somehow, someone is going to have to come up with a new "formula".... Pre-EA, Bioware might have been capable.....but now, as SWTOR proves, it's unlikely to ever happen with EA involved.
I think it's more that the $15/mo sub model is broken. SW:ToR was really awesome in some respects, but there was simply no reason to hang around paying $15 a month.
I was perfectly fine with the $15 a month sub. It's just that I lost interest in the game before the first month was up. I tried one of these free weekend deals a few months back and saw that nothing really changed other than the lack of people currently playing. TSW and Tera were the same way. They don't make MMOs like they use to.
Mass Effect 3's ending pissed me off. TOR I played in Beta for a little bit, and couldn't justify buying + $15 sub. The game was fun, but not $15/month fun. Now that it's going to f2p, I started playing it again, and it's not bad. This last patch they just released pissed alot of ppl off again, since they didn't properly test it out, and now there's ridiculous amounts of micro-stutter in game.
Well just reading this small subset of comments on a website not even related to the game on a news article most people didn't even read... Yeah I could see why they would want to quit over this, sure. Just so we're clear. These guys created, helped create, whatever, some of the best games the video game industry has ever known. They have crafted amazing stories and made people enjoy life for years. Many of the games you play today are based in part of their work (as well as their colleagues, in fairness) And this is how you guys behave. It's sickening. The devouring of talent. Take what they offer, spit it out, then devour the creators. This game isn't FUN ENOUGH FOR ME. You're trying to entertain me and FAILING AT IT. This ENDING ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. I WANT A BETTER ONE. Corporate shrills, sure, sure. Whatever. For my part, I was glad to have them while they wanted to do it. Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire. Thanks guys, even if you'll never read it.
This.. it's truly shocking to hear this entitled and spoiled brat mentality. Really I wouldn't want to be part of it either with such a twisted view on something so positive in idea and entertainment.. taken to selfish hate. It embodies the entire idea of this generation to me here in the USA: Everyone is first place, win or lose, weak or strong. Don't change what you do, weather it be unrealistic.. everything you do is perfect. with a mindset like that no wonder it's so hard to understand how much work goes into any creative format, especially with these layers.
i like swtor but bw keepts screwing up the performance of the game with ever patch, only to fix it then screw it up again
Well just reading this small subset of comments on a website not even related to the game on a news article most people didn't even read... Yeah I could see why they would want to quit over this, sure. Just so we're clear. These guys created, helped create, whatever, some of the best games the video game industry has ever known. They have crafted amazing stories and made people enjoy life for years. Many of the games you play today are based in part of their work (as well as their colleagues, in fairness) And this is how you guys behave. It's sickening. The devouring of talent. Take what they offer, spit it out, then devour the creators. This game isn't FUN ENOUGH FOR ME. You're trying to entertain me and FAILING AT IT. This ENDING ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. I WANT A BETTER ONE. Corporate shrills, sure, sure. Whatever. For my part, I was glad to have them while they wanted to do it. Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire. Thanks guys, even if you'll never read it.
Nothing sickening about it. They sold out, they tried to act like they didn't, then everyone got mad at them. Getting **** on by fans comes with the territory, especially when that territory is EA, and it's a very well known cost of admission at this point so they shouldn't act so surprised.
impossible to defend ME3
i like swtor but bw keepts screwing up the performance of the game with ever patch, only to fix it then screw it up again
Same thing happens with WoW every patch/expansion..... MMO's have a lot of code to consider and sometimes it's hard to ensure everything is working perfectly when people are screaming for something new.
I find it amusing that ME3 and SWTOR are cited as major sources of complaints. I mean I'm sure that's true and all but if we're going to complain about BioWare games one should probably start with DA2. ME3 I never played, I liked the first game but the second started moving in a direction I didn't approve of and from the looks of it ME3 is even worse. SWTOR I really liked, I prefer it to WoW even, but I'm just worn out by the whole MMO concept.
ME2 was good, DA2, not so much, too many repeats of scenery/areas. ME3, was good apart from the ending.
stop pretending me3 was good, it really wasn't. it was nice that they brought back some areas (citadel) and characters (old party members, cute short stories, etc) but overall it was back to back cheesy american action 1-liner explosion cut-scene for the first few hours and incredibly cringey dialogue the rest of the way through. the only time it started to actually feel better was when you go to the asari home planet, but that was about 3/4 of the way through the game. me3 had some nice moments here and there but my god was it bad. da2 was also a complete flop. everybody, including the devs, knew it was unfinished and not ready. they really had to recycle the same few maps over and over again while the storyline itself was very "meh".
lol yeah, they crunch 'till the end because of us! I personally asked them to ship the game in a scrict timeframe of like 2 friggin years. Sure. EA has nothing to do with that, I signed the contract myself! Now its our fcking fault they work in a ****ty company in ****ty conditions with ****ty management. Well, im truly glad some people are fed up of being the scapegoat ALWAYS for EVERYTHING. When in doubt, blame the player. Fck that.
"I'm sure the internal culture at EA had pinned the Old Republic conversion to free to play as a failure and hung that completely on Ray, so that would have hurt his upward climb."
How can someone make a statement like this then blame their departure on fan negativity?
ME3's ending was the biggest load of crap I've ever seen in gaming. It has nothing to do with it being "sad" - that's fine. However, deus ex machina endings that are completely nonsensical are a BIG problem. If it were one game, it might be excusable as a good game with a bad ending. However, they showed with ME1 and ME2 that they knew perfectly well how to end a game in a way that made sense. ME3 botched it completely - someone with too much power smoked too much weed one night and came up with that crap. I hope whoever that was is gone too.
They made great games, sold their company, made some more money and now cashed out to recharge their batteries and enjoy the fruits of their labour. End of story, why is this such a big deal?