Epic Games Announces Workforce Reduction (830 people)

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There are also earning 5% from developers using their engine if the game is successful.

Six months of severance pay with insurance....at least they didn't fire them and flip them the bird. https://media.tenor.com/CXJvEXidjkgAAAAC/bird-parrot.gif
True. That is a very good severance package. Other companies would just give a kick in the butt and a bag of peanuts.

At the same time, Epic is increasing the prices for their micro-transactions in Fortnite. Epic is raising Fortnite V-Bucks prices in October
That's a ~13% increase, probably not impertinent in comparison to price increases of some soup powder brands. But ofc the lay-offs suck, I guess they increased their personnel stock too fast. At least it should look good in people's résumés. Maybe they've also reached a state with Unreal that the same work can be done by less people. Hope they won't turn into a crunch company (no idea if they are already).

Isn't that what Elon Musk did at Twitter?
Not at all.
Please don't turn this into a "Musk" thread.

Isn't that what Elon Musk did at Twitter?
You probably have fewer benefits when working for Tesla than when being fired by Epic.
They bought companies left and right, spent way more than they were earning, they seperated from Bandcamp and SuperAwesome as well.

At the same time, Epic is increasing the prices for their micro-transactions in Fortnite. Epic is raising Fortnite V-Bucks prices in October So it seems all those billions that Fortnite makes every year, are not enough for Tim Sweeney & Company.
It seems huge profits are never enough for these giant companies...

spent way more than they were earning
Were they? Latest gross profit figures I'm able to find are 2021's $1.19 billion. Would be very unusual if this has turned into a net loss by now already.

Were they? Latest gross profit figures I'm able to find are 2021's $1.19 billion. Would be very unusual if this has turned into a net loss by now already.
it is true that epic was effectively subsidizing developers with their reduced fees compared to steam and exclusivity agreements, how much that actually cost them is hard to say. This move feels more like epic has reached market saturation and gutting/price hikes are now the best strategies to increase profitability.
6 months pay and benefits for 900 people is not really an act of greed or a sign of financial chaos within a company. Feels more like a restructuring/re-focusing move. Either way, a decent way of letting people go.
why the hell did they wasted money with Bandcamp?

Isn't that what Elon Musk did at Twitter?
He removed the hot tub and sauna...so they quit. They just couldn't work under those conditions.
As AI becomes more prevalent there will be layoffs in the 1000's across all tech industry jobs. Even though this Epic thing may have nothing to do with that, AI will decimate the human jobs in the tech industry first.

As AI becomes more prevalent there will be layoffs in the 1000's across all tech industry jobs. Even though this Epic thing may have nothing to do with that, AI will decimate the human jobs in the tech industry first.
Also robotics+AI in manufacturing. https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQH8U71ynhirIw/article-inline_image-shrink_400_744/0/1629109210015?e=1700092800&v=beta&t=DWEGtfkEkzPv0xZvW2pvjozo-y3vX-E-4_GFwxJSi98 Added bonus: a robot doesn't b**** about personal problems....
im not surprised ,i play 2h a day fortnite ,never payed anything to epic store . I got some great games for free that i actually spent time to complete and enjoyed the time spent. on the other hand i bought all 3 starcraft 2 episodes when released ,when the final chapter was released blizzard decided to turn the game to a free to play . stupidity went to the roof and i stopped playing a game that i loved and payed for it. in the end everyone will be a microsoft employee, microsoft knows how to get your money :P

As AI becomes more prevalent there will be layoffs in the 1000's across all tech industry jobs. Even though this Epic thing may have nothing to do with that, AI will decimate the human jobs in the tech industry first.
if the so called AI cannot do a task like basic binaray math like I asked yesterday to a bot, well those jobs will soon get restored.