EA hints that Battlefield 6 is scheduled for 2021

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Bad Company 3?

WOW EA please stop publishing games so fast! I haven't even tried the BF 5 yet and now I won't buy it when I know a new one is coming...
Battlefield 5, 2018......Battlefield 6...2021..... Is your comment a troll or are you serious?
I hope it fails

Bad Company 3?
Yes, please. We wish 🙁 in this year and age i don't think they would allow such single player characters to be in a game. Or a fully destructible map, or highly defined player classes.
The Laughing Ma:

Of course they may do something interesting with....
Yep, they will integrate trans people.
Well EA/DICE need to rebuild their reputation with the Battlefield community after the disgrace of Battlefield 5.

I hope it fails
That's a really messed up thing to say when you get right down to it.

These games are just getting tired for me. I usually buy them when discounted, play for a few days, and then drop them because I'm bored with it. Not really sure what they can do that they haven't already done, but they used to be a must buy for myself and friends. No one I game with plays them anymore. Maybe I'm just losing interest in the FPS genre. Been there done that is my feeling and I think others are experiencing the same.
What you playing nowadays? I used to be obsessive with playing BF1, and have always played fps, but haven't gamed in over a month now.

What you playing nowadays? I used to be obsessive with playing BF1, and have always played fps, but haven't gamed in over a month now.
Mostly just Rocket League. It's my old faithful. I think the last shooter I played was Doom 2 on my switch. I tried to get into the new CoD, but it was the same old twitch-fest I remember. Better than the last couple incarnations, but I think I'm just burnt out on shooters. My favorite of all time was Bad Company 2. I sunk a lot of hours into that one in campaign and online. Can't put my finger on what I like about that game so much more than the new battlefield's, but it scratched my itch. I used to play mostly Rush back then because my friend was into it, and then I played more conquest in the later revisions. I hate Rush in the new versions for some reason. Back in BC2 days, that's all I would play and loved it. If they brought back Bad Company 2 with a remaster I would buy it day one, but would my expectations hold up to the memory? No idea. It's been a while and I'm old as shit now 🙂
My first reaction to this "news", EA in regards to BF5 and the BF franchise: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/zL48ecvX2NkW1cU0FEfgrCc7Rgo=/0x0:900x500/920x613/filters:focal(378x178:522x322):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/49493993/this-is-fine.0.jpg This time as a first I'm 100% waiting to lean back and give an evil chuckle when it turns out, the next BF game sucks and will eventually kill the franchise in the favor of Battlefront games to go along with Disney's intentions.

The game is pretty bad, sadly because i was expecting something decent.
How is it bad? It's also early access, so...
And here I am thinking BF1 is still enough for me... well until the cheater count reaches to 3 or servers get bad admins like in BF4.

Battlefield 5, 2018......Battlefield 6...2021..... Is your comment a troll or are you serious?
Battlefield 5 was finally finished in 2020... early access started 2018. https://i.imgur.com/wLPT23N.jpg
Bad games all over, pls...just stop making them, and fifa, pleeeeaseee! Make interesting games instead.

What is actually your problem with the inclusion of female characters? realism?
Yeah because everything was realistic until a woman showed up and ruined it. Sarcasm tags

Battlefield 5 was finally finished in 2020... early access started 2018.
No. If you think that when games get released then no new content should be released for them and no patches should be released, i don't know what world you live in, that has never been the case, and games that don't ever get updates and are forgotten about are generally the worst. I know there's a lot of flack for Battlefield 5, and i'll be honest, i don't understand it, have loved battlefield since 1942, and yes, i wish they'd make a true wide-called BF1942 remake, with battleships and heavy bombers and everything, but i don't see how Battlefield 5, specifically, took away from this. It's very similar combat since Battlefield 3. As to the completeness of Battlefield 5 in 2018, aside the battle royal they didn't have to include (probably should have been its own, free to play game), there's nothing really now, that wasn't there in the beginning. Sure, there's added content, but i had a full game experience the day it came out.
back to the root, singleplayer only 😱

back to the root, singleplayer only 😱
Um...what? Do mean multiplayer only? Singleplayer was not a thing until the more recent ones, and quite frankly they have been great.
Unless they build a new next-gen Frostbite game engine that works on something like DX12 only and written for high-end CPUs/GPUs only then it will be exactly the same as we have now, just different maps as usual disguised as a new game. If they are limited as usual to having it running on ancient PC hardware and APIs then they have both hands tied behind their back doing it and are already at limits. Would be better to wait for the next gen PS5 and Xbox Series consoles to be out a while and then set that hardware as minimum and truly produce something much bigger and better than ever.

And here I am thinking BF1 is still enough for me... well until the cheater count reaches to 3 or servers get bad admins like in BF4.
I am encountering more cheaters in BF1 than when it came out. Maybe because of less servers available so there is a higher probability of encountering them. I would have thought that they would have all moved to BFV. 🙁