Battlefield 6 is Battlefield 2042 (updated & announced)

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Sounds great. Near future was always interesting.
does it have working anti-cheat? no? thanks bye bye
I see Frostbite still has trouble rendering stuff in the distance. I see DICE still has its head stuck in 1980's cold war mentality. I see EA have no idea how to market this game...they even used some crappy 80's music... I see trouble ahead.
I don't care what the theme is... I want an open plan game with large maps that are not over populated. 2142 was a brilliant game because you could camp, you could attack the Titan bases but you could also wander the wild outer lands and be a sniper in the distance. More recent BF games are just run in and kill as many as you can while you get killed over and over.
Lets hope is has a good br and that is crossplay otherwise we re stuck with warzone, and lets hope for a decent anticheat but i doubt it

Lets hope is has a good br and that is crossplay otherwise we re stuck with warzone, and lets hope for a decent anticheat but i doubt it
I know BR is popular, but man do I hate it with a passion - it's like 90% inventory management and 1% shooting players who are 99% bullet sponges. Ever-so-often I give it a go with any one of 50 bazillion BR games out there and they are have the same problem.
The trailer looks sweet.

This seems really promising. Last BF i played was 3, this makes me curious. Hopefully it's optimized for Zen and Polaris+ this time
that was years ago I guess ? then you can forget it..since mid-life of BF4 the entire genre died only people wearing a blindfold continue playing, I'm not going to redo my entire "pvp is dead" rant but let me tell you bits of it : when I played in EVERY game of BF4 you saw a waterfall of people banned by the anti-cheat, easily 300+ in 15min constantly whatever hour or server you played then you have new that 300'000 accounts have been banned but still people that like the genre (I do to) continue to believe in "their game" because they are obvlious to it there are no cheaters.. oh yeah and there's also I cheated for one week in competitve CS and never got caught or called out for it...there's also that 🙄 which made me physically sick I wanted to be called out but no...also I detected other cheaters in every game following me strafing left or right from literally the other side of the map behind 5 buildings didn't even occur to them that I was moving left or right for 30s to test if they followed my movements haven't played pvp fps since, same comment as Legacy-ZA it's around the BF4 era that cheating became out of control

For the cheater problem all they need to do is add proper community servers. BF3 and BF4 are still playable because of that. Yeah, some community servers might have badmins but I rather deal with them than blatant cheaters that don't get banned even 2 years of cheating. I have come across multiple such players in BF1.
99/100 cheaters were admins or friends of admins or servers that had unauthorized features that's the no1 reason they removed them fyi people who paid for them felt entitled to do whatever they wanted and if they didn't someone they tought a friend was in theory a good idea but horrible in real life, almost every one I called out turned out to be part of a clan that rented or had access to said server Dice also as a strong history of blocking or nerfing every anti-cheater or abuser weapons, like anti-air, indirect fire explosives (which worked great against aimbots) adding night gameplay in the middle of BF4 aimbot boom etc...etc...etc...

Lets hope is has a good br and that is crossplay otherwise we re stuck with warzone, and lets hope for a decent anticheat but i doubt it
No BR in this battlefield confirmed.
Looks like the budget went all to promotion the game, you know what that means: the game is probably full of bugs and no working anti cheat. At this point why not just make it free and sell skins? CSGO does that and it works, people don't stop playing that crap.

Looks like the budget went all to promotion the game, you know what that means: the game is probably full of bugs and no working anti cheat. At this point why not just make it free and sell skins? CSGO does that and it works, people don't stop playing that crap.
You know that the marketing budget is normally the size of the budget for development, right? Why would you call CSGO crap? Hugely successful, engaging, esports title that we all would've loved to play something that polished 20 years ago.
I think it looks great, we will see how game play is. I have played every single game since 1942 and I will continue to do so dont care about the whiners. The will fix the bugs and will play the game for years, just like I have for the past 16+ years. If you all want to wait till BUGS are fixed go for it. Im gonna jump in as soon as I can!

I hope this aint true... we needed a MODERN battlefield, not futuristic...
Go play Arma 3, that is a military simulator, if you want modern go play BF4....

Go play Arma 3, that is a military simulator, if you want modern go play BF4....
Well this is a modern setting, isn't it? I think some people need to check their calendars 😀

You know that the marketing budget is normally the size of the budget for development, right? Why would you call CSGO crap? Hugely successful, engaging, esports title that we all would've loved to play something that polished 20 years ago.
The budget differs from game to game, I've seen games use double the marketing budget and then being disappointment. I miss the old days where you would actually spend money on developing a good game everyone NEEDED to buy (not want, based on videos and images). The old CS was good, although I never liked it I enjoyed playing some sessions with friends. Don't know why but never got to grips with the game, was always more of a BF/COD player.

Well this is a modern setting, isn't it? I think some people need to check their calendars 😀
Yeah, some people do - we are in 2021, not 2042...

I know BR is popular, but man do I hate it with a passion - it's like 90% inventory management and 1% shooting players who are 99% bullet sponges. Ever-so-often I give it a go with any one of 50 bazillion BR games out there and they are have the same problem.
to be honest there arent so many br game out there that are fun to play, i like military br, so for me it was pubg then warzone, warzone pace is nice, pubg was more simulation, but both are military background. they re very different game. there is basicly no inventory management in warzone and the time to kill is pretty fast to be honest and if you play br right its not 1 % shooting, so was pubg, people who says br are 1 % shooting they re just to scared to die, play to kill not to win and you ll get better at it. NO BR no buy for me thats for sure. it remains a personnal preferences, but i know that ill get bored by regular multiplayer after 100 hours of gametime. to be honest i think they re missing the boat not doing a br, it is very popular, game is doa already, they had a shot at competing with cod, now they dont. plain and simple. i really enjoyed bf 1 and bf v gunplay its a shame they wont do a proper br
What’s the year pass? Is that how you get access to additional maps and only for a year?

to be honest there arent so many br game out there that are fun to play, i like military br, so for me it was pubg then warzone, warzone pace is nice, pubg was more simulation, but both are military background. they re very different game. there is basicly no inventory management in warzone and the time to kill is pretty fast to be honest and if you play br right its not 1 % shooting, so was pubg, people who says br are 1 % shooting they re just to scared to die, play to kill not to win and you ll get better at it. NO BR no buy for me thats for sure. it remains a personnal preferences, but i know that ill get bored by regular multiplayer after 100 hours of gametime. to be honest i think they re missing the boat not doing a br, it is very popular, game is doa already, they had a shot at competing with cod, now they dont. plain and simple. i really enjoyed bf 1 and bf v gunplay its a shame they wont do a proper br
You must be kidding - warzone is 99% inventory management. Everytime you kill a player, you have to rummage through their dropped items to get vests etc, and they are bullet sponges in warzone...not too mention of course that assault rifles can be fired on 100% trigger full-auto with near perfect accuracy at 300 metres. If they were not bullet sponges...then the bullets would not need to be magical. If they were (also) not bullet sponges...the game would last less time and require better level design. BR games are horrible to play because of this, so, the games become undermining in their own logic, because the only way to survive is to have intense inventory management to maximize the amount, quantity, and quality of the ability to absorb bullets. Y'see?
2142 wasn't the best BF game ever released but i did have some fun playing it with friends. Bad game but still some fun to be had. I can't say the same for BF1 or BF5. I played them both for a total of about 100 hours and maybe it's just me but the fun factor was missing from both those titles. Hopefully this new BF game will at least be a bit of fun but i won't hold my breath for it. I feel the last two games were just money grabs from EA. If i remember correctly i paid over £200 on those two games and regretted it later very much. Waste of money and now if i get this new game then i'll have spent over £300 on just the last 3 BF games alone. Preorder on Origin only shows the base game for £50 then of course there's both the Gold version at £80 and then finally the Ultimate Edition which will cost £100+ but right now i don't see other versions on Origin only the base game so far for preorder. AND btw most of BF1942 success came later thanks to the Modding community. 1942 was good but Desert Combat Final(mod) was way better. So much so that Dice hired the modders to help build BF2.