Anti-Downloading Law Hits Japan, Up To 2 Years in Prison

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Well something has to be done. There are economic consequences from copyright theft. Nobody can really quantify exactly how large they are, but they're still there. Jail is a silly punishment though.
Just think, if SOPA would have passed, pirating copyrighted material would of been classified as economic terrorism.
How much of Japan's revenue is generated by the music industry ? Jailing teenagers/students downloading youtube videos is'nt going to help Japan's economy. Whos going to employ them when they come out of prison ? Less employed people means less money for the country.
Don't think anyone other than a few "make an example" cases will actually be thrown in jail. Likely used as a deterrent, or as a way to get people to pay up when they get caught. As already mentioned, putting people in jail is a very expensive and only ends up hurting the country more, which is why (here anyway) we have alcoholics and drug addicts on government handouts as its cheaper than jailing them. That got me thinking though, downloading is probably very addictive for many, would that mean a future world could have government handouts of games/movies/music to stop people "stealing" :wanker:
So let make pirating a crime and fill our already over full jails with even more non violent offenders. Prohibition in the U.S. failed, the war on drugs has been a failure for 40 years now. What makes you think the Government could fight pirates any better? I mean really...When are people like you going to realize that criminalizing BS like this does absolutely nothing and runs up more worthless Government spending in the process. You aren't solving a damn thing with legislation like this, instead your ripping families apart and putting more burden on taxpayers that cannot afford it.
I think 2 years in prison is too harsh but wth do you suggest? I have a really really crazy idea....don't steal a product and you won't have to worry about it anyway.
Hopefully this laws hits US and EU as well.
Already hit the US.....more than 30 years ago.... Just impossible to enforce as intended.
This. As a musician, as I understand the business currently: There's no money in traditional record sales any more really, at least not through major labels. Things like Bandcamp are the way forward, as that way, the artist gets 90% of the profits rather than 5% from a record deal. Touring makes artists far more money than record sales, with merch sales being more important than ever. Japan is definitely going in the wrong direction with this.
Guy I work with is in a band. He said the same thing.... touring + merch = pay day. Must be right if multiple musicians (in different countries no less) are saying it.
Well something has to be done. There are economic consequences from copyright theft. Nobody can really quantify exactly how large they are, but they're still there. Jail is a silly punishment though.
Well, if people can't pay the fines....the fines are pointless. So, exactly what can you do? In the US the current penalty is a maximum of up to $250,000 and up to 5 years in prison per far, that deterrent hasn't worked.... Maybe it'll work better in Japan....
when it will come to eu, with money i escaped from paying terabytes of data, movies, music and games, i will build an armory in my house and then come to arrest me, i'll not be back like terminator, i will be there to kick your @$$... 😉
Til they nuke you off the face of the earth, even if that means taking other people with you. 😉
This. As a musician, as I understand the business currently: There's no money in traditional record sales any more really, at least not through major labels. Things like Bandcamp are the way forward, as that way, the artist gets 90% of the profits rather than 5% from a record deal. Touring makes artists far more money than record sales, with merch sales being more important than ever. Japan is definitely going in the wrong direction with this.
If it wasn't for filesharing I wouldn't even know half of the bands on my HDD. Thus I'd never go to a performance of those artists. Instead of this **** they should find a good way to provide people music on the internet for a low price.
This. As a musician, as I understand the business currently: There's no money in traditional record sales any more really, at least not through major labels. Things like Bandcamp are the way forward, as that way, the artist gets 90% of the profits rather than 5% from a record deal. Touring makes artists far more money than record sales, with merch sales being more important than ever. Japan is definitely going in the wrong direction with this.
That's why some bands are promoting their songs through free downloads on some torrent sites, so that people know them and want to come to their tours..
Well something has to be done. There are economic consequences from copyright theft. Nobody can really quantify exactly how large they are, but they're still there. Jail is a silly punishment though.
what about a musician that wants to make money out of his hobby to sell tickets to his/her even? ever thought of that? thats how all the smaller bands make money around here
Already hit the US.....more than 30 years ago.... Just impossible to enforce as intended. Guy I work with is in a band. He said the same thing.... touring + merch = pay day. Must be right if multiple musicians (in different countries no less) are saying it. Well, if people can't pay the fines....the fines are pointless. So, exactly what can you do? In the US the current penalty is a maximum of up to $250,000 and up to 5 years in prison per far, that deterrent hasn't worked.... Maybe it'll work better in Japan....
How about if they find you were guilty of significant filesharing activity (and I mean actual proof was found, something that's not easy to do), they come and smash all your computers? That would certainly get me to stop filesharing, if I did. (not serious idea, har har)
Authors and creators should try getting their legit money from ISP, downloading server sites and hardware companies...for some people these money are a lot already...they should have rights against rich, egoistic and shopaholic people.
HO-HO-HO! This law or "Cybercrime Law" hit our country as well!! [URL=ht"tp://"] Philippine Republic Act No. 10175[/URL] Life, as we know it, will suck even more.
This is SICK. I always looked up at Japan, but now..... Well Encryption is the only way. Somehow democracy becomes fascism with exception of people number in charge.
Theft of copy on an individual basis should be left to the civil courts. Law enforcement the world over can hardly deal with the **** already reported. I bet Japanese cops are laughing about this tripe. Well I hope they are!
Theft of copy on an individual basis should be left to the civil courts. Law enforcement the world over can hardly deal with the **** already reported. I bet Japanese cops are laughing about this tripe. Well I hope they are!
I hope you are right=) Cause i would be sentenced for lifetime in there ;D
How about if they find you were guilty of significant filesharing activity (and I mean actual proof was found, something that's not easy to do), they come and smash all your computers? That would certainly get me to stop filesharing, if I did. (not serious idea, har har)
That would stop most people....
Theft of copy on an individual basis should be left to the civil courts. Law enforcement the world over can hardly deal with the **** already reported. I bet Japanese cops are laughing about this tripe. Well I hope they are!
Problem is, the burden of proof required in a civil trial. In a criminal trial, it's up to the prosecutor to prove "beyond any reasonable doubt" that you committed the act you're accused of. In a civil trial, you only have to create a reasonable doubt....while the plaintiff must prove all claims with a very limited ability to collect "evidence". The RIAA was well known for using malware to collect "evidence" to use in their civil cases. The US Gov't made that practice a criminal act...which is why we don't see nearly as many cases involving the RIAA anymore. So, they see the only alternative as using law enforcement to do their dirty work for them. I agree with you to an extent. I think it should be left as a civil matter until proven damages reach a certain point. Basically, if the provable damages exceed your ability to pay restitution, it should become a criminal matter. Now, by "provable", I mean they should be required to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that your actions caused an exact dollar figure in damages....not some BS estimate based on current laws. So, if you steal 1000 songs that all sell for $1 on owe exactly $1000 in restitution. However, if you steal 100,000 songs, sold for $1.30 on iTunes, yet you can't possibly come up with the becomes a criminal matter.
They should be worried about commercial counterfeiting and not random home users downloading a bunch of stuff over the Internet. Waste of police time and tax payer money in the courts and prisons.
Not theft. Please get it right.
Not theft. Please get it right.
If a person obtains a product without payment it's theft unless the owner of that product authorizes you to have it without payment. The owner sets the price he wants for the product and you either decide it's worth that price or you go without.
Im noy buying stuff on itunes...What if in 5 years i dont have an ipod or would prefer to use a different program. itunes is a bad idea. Your paying for long term temporary music with no choice in the applications you use it in.