AMD to add Dynamic Frame Rate Control

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This is something ALL GPU drivers should of had YEARS ago! Being able to cap your FPS in any game, with per game profiles, set render ahead limits, etc. Even if its to cap at 30fps so you can add on more graphical features and quality. I still can't understand how people can't play with 30fps. 60fps is obviously better and more fluid but still 30fps is more than playable.
If your happy with 30fps that your own preference. I always have strong gpus where I can tun a bare minimum 60fps maxed out or near maxed out preferably higher than that (100 vsync). Theres a big difference between 60 and 100 vysncd In smoothness. At 30 fps I would give up pc and get a ps4 instead.
It depends, on some games (mostly RPG's and strategy games) I'd rather have solid 30 fps than have it fluctuating between 30 and 60 fps. For me, it's a worse experience (slow-fast-slow-fast...) I actually think Dark Souls works fine @ 30fps. It's just my opinion. I'm talking about monitors with refresh rates higher than 60hz, which aren't that common.
Well, yea, the fluctuation is what sucks, but if someone can run a game at a solid 60 FPS or even never dip below 45 or 50 ( triple buffering VSYNC ), it's smooth and in my opinion, better than a solid 30 FPS. I choose to play some games locked at 30 FPS because of a wide fluctuation, so I know what you mean.
I'm already using this for years with the help of afterburner+statistics server. Works wonders for farcry3+4 for smoothness. Also since these 290's have horrible coolers it helps a lot to keep the noise down and performance up when needed. Only problem is that if you limit to 60fps (for 60hz monitor) you'll always see a tearing line. I hope amd fixed this in their implementation and 100% syncs to the refreshrate.
Don't you use D3DOverrider to force VSYNC and triple buffering ?
One should simply implement a fps cap that can be set to just about anything imo... Though the "I can only see... refreshrate" argument can be countered with another one: "As FPS increases, input lag decreases." Gameworld gets updated more frequently, etc.