Wanna Play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III with HQ Textures? That's a 213GB Install

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Set to launch on November 10, 2023, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III requires a notable 213GB of free storage space for a full installation, making it one of the more storage-demanding titles in the Call of Duty PC series. Both the system requirements on Steam and Activision's official guidelines highlight the importance of SSDs, reflecting the game's storage demands.

For users with SSDs, particularly those with standard 1TB drives, setting aside 213GB can be a considerable amount. While 2TB SSDs are now more affordable, the growing size of game installations continues to pose storage challenges.

Diving into the storage breakdown: the main game files require 149GB. This number can be reduced to 78GB if players either pre-install COD HQ and Warzone or already have them. The complete 213GB installation includes an additional "Hi-Rez Assets Cache" that takes up another 64GB, not counting Warzone. Considering the base installation can reach up to 213GB, plus potential future updates, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will demand a significant portion of SSD storage, especially for those keen on multiplayer gaming. However, multiplayer enthusiasts have the option of a more compact 79GB installation, better suited for limited storage or slower drives.


Source: Toms Hardware

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