Windows 10 to use telemetry data to troubleshoot and automatically fix issues

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Start? What were they doing with it before?
MS think we'll be ok with this? Its mad hattery gone mad. Try not releasing broken code in the first place. The crap they force upon us is unbelievable. I would rather they left the OS alone instead of making things worse. Then at least the mods we add to make it serviceable again wont be removed. The beneficiaries of their updates are themselves. Its a relief still being on Windows 7.
Good thing i brought Popcorn while reading through the comments.

Good thing i brought Popcorn while reading through the comments.
I'm always tempted to correlate the Farcebook, Discord, Reddit..other social link users who leak data everywhere... but have histrionics over anonymized telemetry. I've never changed a thing about Windows telemetry...can someone explain what the fear is? Leaking folder names from your pron stash? Can anyone articulate what it is....pass the bag man...
Gangsters. BigBadBill always was and still is one of the godfathers.

I'm always tempted to correlate the Farcebook, Discord, Reddit..other social link users who leak data everywhere... but have histrionics over anonymized telemetry. I've never changed a thing about Windows telemetry...can someone explain what the fear is? Leaking folder names from your pron stash? Can anyone articulate what it is....pass the bag man...
I can only hold the people who disable telemetry and indirectly contribute to a worse OS with contempt. See all those issues in the issues and updates list on nvidia's drivers, those are on them.

> you would have to find the right troubleshooter and then manually walk through all the different steps to resolve it Lost me there hahah :-D As if any troubleshooter ever worked reliably. Joking aside, I'm rather happy managing things my own way, thank you MS. However, if this works well enough then I suspect a lot of issues can be solved easier by non-techy people, which is a good thing for Windows.
Isn't that the exact problem they are trying to address? They'd use your telemetry data to find the appropriate fix, if one exists. A big reason why it "doesn't work" presumably is that people find something that they think should be a fix for their problem but which actually is a fix for something completely different and then it "doesn't work".

What was telemetry used for up until this point?

Their 'Fix Me' creators never work. What puzzles me is that they will 'start' using telemetry data for issue diagnostic just now. What the hell they were using it for past 3 years? Poor Windows 10 users. 😀
Up until now, I would assume it has been used to identify common problems in Windows and fix these, surely? (Looking at the data in aggregate, across all users.) The difference here is that they are saying this feature will use *your* telemetry data to help *you* get already existing solutions for *your* specific problems.