The PC Market Is Slowly Stabilizing

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BS! The PC is dead because we were told that it would die by Q2 of 2014! /s
I lost track of how many computers I built last year. Whoever said PC was dying is a moron.
Off course that is expected!
It is not dying, but I constantly see a decline in the amount people are willing to spend for a new PC. Although I've not looked into statistics, the majority just opt for the cheapest available solution, or something barely above that. Upgrading their Pentium 4s to something that can just run Windows 7 with internet and office, and, they are looking at staying with it for another decade. I'm not sure if the amount of shipments alone can describe the situation in the PC market nowadays. At least 10 years ago people were willing to spend an $1000 - $1500 for a new PC. Now even $500 seems high to them. They'd rather spend their money on cell phones or tablets.
Maybe it's because not a lot of corporation are upgrading to new computers.
I'll never understand how some of you guys can live on a laptop with a puny, low res screen. Hopefully this means that the desktop market won't die for a while. I need my ultra powerful pc master race computer and 27" or larger 1440p monitor.
PC market is far from dieing. It's just losing sales to lack of interest. For the majority of people that have bought a new computer over the last 5-6 years with a Core i3, i5 or i7...there's been no real reason to upgrade and in the short term, there still won't be. The systems running Lynnfield, Clarkdale or Bloomfield can do everything that Sandybridge, Ivybridge and Haswell can do for the "average user". Even Arrandale can browse websites, check e-mail and run word processing software well enough for the "average user" to get by on. There's just been nothing really "exciting" since Nehalem launched in 2008....and no real reason to upgrade. There's just no way that all these "market analysts" could believe that the PC market could continually grow year after year, forever. Every market suffers a decline in sales at some point. Doesn't mean the market is dieing. If that were the case, the "gaming" market is already dead and gone.....
well I only know 3 friends that actually have a computer, and only one of them actively uses it, most people got used to live with a laptop, and now all they need is a phone, most people see desktop computers as "work" and that's a bad thing, like vegetables for children lol
Firms with money are buying large tablets (airliners), most firms are still buying PC's.
What is this so called PC market you all speak of? 😀
What is this so called PC market you all speak of? 😀
Its a bit like religion. People only pay attention to the parts that interest them:P