The Millennium Falcon Drone

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I dont know why, but i want to beat it with a stick... . Which star trek movie is this from?
I dont know why, but i want to beat it with a stick... . Which star trek movie is this from?
The search for Spock's radio controlled drone
I dont know why, but i want to beat it with a stick... . Which star trek movie is this from?
The one where a The Mother of Dragons goes into a wardrobe and takes her Hogwarts friends into Mordor.
Was that before or after JJ Abrams took over?
is it for the next george lucas special edition?
cool 😀
It's a quadcopter/quadrotor, I can't stand all the "drone" stuff like its some sort of military autonomous craft. It doesn't even have a camera on it and if it did it would be FPV. Rant over, the thing is pretty neat just need to make the locals think star wars is real now. Have someone run down the street towards it with a light saber.
Mildly put...that's freakin' epic!
Haha! Now we know where the last 800 UFO sightings came from! I was surprised he didn't attempt to film at night--probably didn't have the right kind of camera, though. Wonderful. Definitely calls for gasoline power, though...;)
I hear Darth Vader breathing.
Im still waiting for my Flying Car. Make that drone big enough to ride.
But will it make it .5 past light speed?
But will it make it .5 past light speed?
Star wars tech go faster then light speeds Star trek tech is slower. I wonder how many people though there ufo out there, only to be trick by the millennium falcon
Haha oh wow.
Star wars tech go faster then light speeds Star trek tech is slower.
Uh, no. Start Trek ships don't need to go faster than the speed of light, they stay stationary, form a warp bubble, and then expand the space behind the bubble while contacting it the space in front of it. Result? They move the space around the ship at superluminal velocities with no g-force, no relativistic effects and no wookies*. When moving at Warp 9 they are effectively moving at 1,016,909,644,465.91 MPH while the speed of light is only 670 616 629 MPH. Meanwhile the "fast" Millennium Falcon is left in the space dust going ".5 past light speed" whatever that means. Let's be generous and say that it's going 1.5 the speed of light. Well that's still only 1,005,924,943.5 MPH. You were saying something about Star Trek being slow? *Some Klingon may occur. See Starfleet for details.
technically they both "fold space" one portrays it better then and its not star trek, as the portray it as the ship is moving in warp, when it is not.
I reckon it couldn't do the Kessel run in 12 Parsecs (even though the term Parsec is used wrongly a Parsec is the distance traveled by light in roughly 3.26 years nothing to do with time at all) otherwise it would have taken them 39.12 years
I reckon it couldn't do the Kessel run in 12 Parsecs (even though the term Parsec is used wrongly a Parsec is the distance traveled by light in roughly 3.26 years nothing to do with time at all) otherwise it would have taken them 39.12 years
Nooooooooooooooo. I wanted that quote.
Uh, no. Start Trek ships don't need to go faster than the speed of light, they stay stationary, form a warp bubble, and then expand the space behind the bubble while contacting it the space in front of it. Result? They move the space around the ship at superluminal velocities with no g-force, no relativistic effects and no wookies*. When moving at Warp 9 they are effectively moving at 1,016,909,644,465.91 MPH while the speed of light is only 670 616 629 MPH. Meanwhile the "fast" Millennium Falcon is left in the space dust going ".5 past light speed" whatever that means. Let's be generous and say that it's going 1.5 the speed of light. Well that's still only 1,005,924,943.5 MPH. You were saying something about Star Trek being slow? *Some Klingon may occur. See Starfleet for details.
Maybe he was mistaking Star Trek starship impulse velocities, aka sub-light speed?
I reckon it couldn't do the Kessel run in 12 Parsecs (even though the term Parsec is used wrongly a Parsec is the distance traveled by light in roughly 3.26 years nothing to do with time at all) otherwise it would have taken them 39.12 years
Han took a shortcut... Look it up. . . . . . . . Oh my god, what am i doing with my life