The Millennium Falcon Drone

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He did a really nice job with that. Drones are pretty neat to be honest. Also, thats the first time I have seen a video with a 50 fps option and not 60.
Funny thing. But it looks like it's hyper drive was not fixed on Bespin 😀
Pretty cool, it looks great. Just needs a bit of backlighting in the cockpit.
Uh, no. Start Trek ships don't need to go faster than the speed of light, they stay stationary, form a warp bubble, and then expand the space behind the bubble while contacting it the space in front of it. Result? They move the space around the ship at superluminal velocities with no g-force, no relativistic effects and no wookies*. When moving at Warp 9 they are effectively moving at 1,016,909,644,465.91 MPH while the speed of light is only 670 616 629 MPH. Meanwhile the "fast" Millennium Falcon is left in the space dust going ".5 past light speed" whatever that means. Let's be generous and say that it's going 1.5 the speed of light. Well that's still only 1,005,924,943.5 MPH. You were saying something about Star Trek being slow? *Some Klingon may occur. See Starfleet for details.
Regardless of measurements given, Star Wars ships are generally capable of traveling from A to B more quickly. You regularly see ships in the Star Wars universe traversing the length of the entire Galaxy, something far beyond the capabilities of almost everything in Star Trek. Interestingly, Michio Kaku comments on it in a Big Think video regarding civilization types.