Star Wars Battlefront Leaked Off-Screen Gameplay Video

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Looks pretty good! I can't judge the graphics that welll but it looks very good, wonder how it'll look on PC at max. Gameplay wise it does remind me a lot of Battlefield, but different in a good way. Thanks boss!
Looks pretty good! I can't judge the graphics that welll but it looks very good, wonder how it'll look on PC at max. Gameplay wise it does remind me a lot of Battlefield, but different in a good way. Thanks boss!
PC gameplay [youtube]ibgzasU6I1I[/youtube] click link for 60fps goodness πŸ˜€
Same animation as BF3, BF4 and Hardline. A Jedi craves not these things.
And that's a must have game. NICE
Awesome. This game is going to be huge!
Battlefield: Star Wars, with tpp - no, thx, i will skip this.
Day one for me lot of fun to come πŸ˜€ and there is a rumour about BF5 will be in the future precisely in 2143 πŸ™‚
Boring!... next!
Looks interesting. My friends concern was that it will not feature any battles in space. Maybe a future dlc?
I played battlefront 1 and 2 for years on PC and Xbox, always bot matches or split screen...or both. This game will have no bots in offline MP modes, only these B.S campaign style levels which are the same, over and over again. I don't buy shooters for the campaign and I don't pay for them to play dated online with a limited lifespan before the $m$a$p$p$a$c$k$s$ come out.
i definitely will skip this game. look more forward to the star wars game from EA Visceral
It looks great, though a bit painful to watch, but then again I too would likely play like a noobie at first. πŸ˜€
it's just battlefield in star wars universe. Nothing special just move along. Thanks for the Vid though.
Its going to be another Batman Arkham Knight fiasco I am afraid.
Seemed fine I guess. Obvious BF4 mechanics, right down to calling in the big walker. What was more interesting for me though was trying to figure out what star wars related material was playing on the tv in the background.
it's just battlefield in star wars universe. Nothing special just move along. Thanks for the Vid though.
Battlefield MP = great exp, Starwars = excellent exp, move along,different opinions for everybody,I love democracy.
Its going to be another Batman Arkham Knight fiasco I am afraid.
No it won't. This has an alpha test coming up and a beta test after that. It won't ship as a broken mess like Arkham did. That said I am anticipating it playing like Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. Which makes me very "meh" on the whole thing. I am preloading the alpha today, so we shall see if the gameplay is any good.
Even if it is like Battlefield,I'm all over it. I'm sure they will tweak stuff and it will have a different feel. Star Wars Battlefield,I'm all over it.
Battlefield MP = great exp, Starwars = excellent exp, move along,different opinions for everybody,I love democracy.
I will give beta a try and still think there is no WOW! factor in this.