Star Citizen backer gets his $3000 pledge refunded

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perhaps he shouldn't have invested 3000 dollars into a massive game that will take a while unless they EA it (show alfa, go "that's good" polish and release). also wonder what visionary changes were made to the game for this claim to have any ground cause as a backer afaik they're still working on the same vision as they had in 2012?
I backed the game for the basic 30 dollar package that has the singleplayer and multiplayer and already feel like I got my money's worth honestly despite the bugs and performance issues. I give CIG props for being open about the development. However I'd be mad to spend 3K USD on a single crowdfunding project, but I guess if you got money to throw on something, I guess it is their money.
Guy mistakes Pledge for Crowdfunded project with Pre-Order for AAA game. Gets refunded as it's cheaper for company to do that than have a legal fight for no reason, which in turn would cost more to call the lawyer than to refund the pillock. Simple business decision becomes news because it's Star Citizen...
"In a long response from Cloud Imperium Games, the company explained what it was not going to refund Streetroller's $3,000 pledge, saying: Here are the ten top selling titles on Steam for the week as reported by Valve:" Ummm. I think a slight miss-copy/paste there Also the title is misleading, stating "gets his $3000 refunded" - which is clearly not the case. Should be "requests to have his $3000 refunded"
I supported game for super hornet. I don't play it much, however I still do wait for it, because when it actually comes out it will be grand. At least I hope so. Besides its Chris Roberts, I have yet to see a bad game from him. But we all have to be realistic here, for a project so grand, there WILL BE delays, issues, content that was planned initially and will come out later ( or much later even ). Be realistic and have patience. A lot of people thought that 2016 they can play already. Doub that. Realistically we will have proper game late 2017-2018. So have patience and let them work. P.S. and dont support something for 3k$ regardless of how good it is. His own fault kinda.
More money than brains.
Here is what I would have done with a crowdfunding game like this and the spiritual successor to SOTN. I would donate enough money just to get a free physical copy of the game and leave it at that.
Well, I'm more than happy I pledged about $900 so far. Yeah its a lot, but then I was actively looking for a crowd funded game project before Star Citizen was even announced. Its been a great ride and more than I could have hoped for, they delivered Far More community feedback than any other company ever has. Its been fun just feeling part of the development process, before taking many steps RSI asked the community what We wanted them to do... The community are getting what we asked for honestly I feel 🙂 Really looking forward to seeing how this game turns out in the Persistent Universe!
"Star Citizen backer regrets donating 3000 dollars to an unreleased game, decides he'd rather have the money back, no doubt after putting in hours using the content that bought him." Alternatively, "Star Citizen backer learns that a customer can extort a company if they threaten legal action" Or, more succinctly, "Star citizen backer is kind of a giant douche"
Funny thing is he claims to have never run the Alpha at any point. So why the flying fark would you invest $3000 into something you clearly aren't that interested in...
Technically, he shouldn't be refunded all $3000. Assuming he actually played the alpha, he still used some of his investment. I managed to get a "free" copy of the game when I bought my R9 290. I still haven't played it yet since I'm waiting for the game to get beyond alpha stages. In a way, I do regret getting it rather than any of the other choices available to me. The concept of the game is cool but I'm not that interested in something that is so in-depth. I just want a nice space sim. I didn't realize I invested in what is effectively an alternate life. The level of detail in the game is overwhelming. When/if I ever play the game, I'm guessing I'm going to have to dedicate an entire hard drive to it, and probably an entire work week just to scratch the surface. The developers really need to stop adding content and focus on just getting the game released. There's already plenty of stuff to do to keep people busy.
Looking at this another way: the KS was in late 2012, with an estimated delivery date of 2014 and it's two years past with no sign that it will be out anytime soon. They're dumb for throwing so much at it but, I can't blame someone for being upset with the seemingly minimal progress made with $117,420,227 put toward it so far. I haven't been keeping up with news on SC, has a playable base game (ie. several systems to explore) been released? I'm interested in SC and S42 but, progress seems very slow going on SC and I have no idea what's happening with S42.
Progress only seems minimal to those who don't follow the info in detail and I can totally see that. However behind the ship sales there's a ton of work going on to get the nuts and bolts of the game as close to perfect as possible and as a result do it right instead of botching the job.
Progress only seems minimal to those who don't follow the info in detail and I can totally see that. However behind the ship sales there's a ton of work going on to get the nuts and bolts of the game as close to perfect as possible and as a result do it right instead of botching the job.
The progress is undoubtedly immense, but the problem is the priorities. Almost every single time I hear something new about SC, it's "check out this new ship!" or "check out this new game mode!" or anything that's a new feature. They need to stop making new things and focus on making it a polished product. This is why they're pissing off investors. They seem to want to make an infinite universe, but what good is that when the game isn't ready to explore it? They're running low on funds and yet they're still focusing on adding more content.
The progress is undoubtedly immense, but the problem is the priorities. Almost every single time I hear something new about SC, it's "check out this new ship!" or "check out this new game mode!" or anything that's a new feature. They need to stop making new things and focus on making it a polished product. This is why they're pissing off investors. They seem to want to make an infinite universe, but what good is that when the game isn't ready to explore it? They're running low on funds and yet they're still focusing on adding more content.
Most of the new stuff they are working on is for Squadron 42. S42's campaign requires assets so as they build them for S42 they are adding it to the other modules. I don't see anything wrong with that. If you're an original backer, then yeah I guess I can see some people being upset with the stretch-goal feature creep effecting the campaign's release. But you can't be upset about star citizen itself. The game was essentially marketed as the most ambitious game development project of all time yet people are expecting the entire thing to be completed faster most AAA games.
The progress is undoubtedly immense, but the problem is the priorities. Almost every single time I hear something new about SC, it's "check out this new ship!" or "check out this new game mode!" or anything that's a new feature. They need to stop making new things and focus on making it a polished product. This is why they're pissing off investors. They seem to want to make an infinite universe, but what good is that when the game isn't ready to explore it? They're running low on funds and yet they're still focusing on adding more content.
Sorry don't agree. The whole premise there is that they are running low on funds, so far the financials we have seen are they are managing funds pretty damn well despite what some corners of the internet want to intimate. There is always a well of discontent with all projects, however they are a minority, a very very vocal one, but still a very very small minority. We don't see a lot of the asset side at the moment as that's focused on SQ42, which we'll see more of later this year. Though the differences in shaders, assets and even the flight model are plain to see from the different iterations back to the original hangar module up to present day Crusader. The progress is there, though I think the process highlights how different game design is in actuality from the public perception of it.
Sorry don't agree. The whole premise there is that they are running low on funds, so far the financials we have seen are they are managing funds pretty damn well despite what some corners of the internet want to intimate. There is always a well of discontent with all projects, however they are a minority, a very very vocal one, but still a very very small minority. We don't see a lot of the asset side at the moment as that's focused on SQ42, which we'll see more of later this year. Though the differences in shaders, assets and even the flight model are plain to see from the different iterations back to the original hangar module up to present day Crusader. The progress is there, though I think the process highlights how different game design is in actuality from the public perception of it.
I understand that this is a bit outdated, but I can't imagine the financial situation is too different from this: I'm well aware stuff like this takes time. I have no problem with how long this is taking, I'm personally just unhappy with their development priorities. In another perspective, when you work on designing a new car, you shouldn't devote 90% of your attention and funding toward aesthetics and the entertainment system. It doesn't matter how great it is to be in such a car if it doesn't drive well. Roberts Space Industries didn't create an engine from scratch. Though very cool, the whole on-foot FPS idea was completely unnecessary. The content variety is phenomenal, but excessive. Though I personally have a greater interest in SQ42, they could have held that off until they were mostly done with the online multiplayer (because most people prefer to play online, and you don't have to worry as much about things like AI, story, or content variety). They have so many ambitions and it seems none of them are getting sufficient attention. Progress seems slow to people because, from what I gather, nothing is close to completion. But to reiterate, I am well aware they are constantly making huge progress. It's just on the grand scheme of things, it seems so little. Unlike many naysayers, I do think this game will be released and I do think it'll be a success, but I understand why people are getting upset.
I don't see what the problem is it took 6 years for GTA V to come to PC! It took them 4 years to bring it to consoles! This game has only been in development for 4 years and will be far larger than anything that's come before it...
That Forbes piece was a bit of hit piece rather than balanced journalism. Go check out the financials of F42 from the UK (the only publicly available direct info of their sustainability). The problem with that article is it was part of a reaction to the Escapist crap setup by a certain internet idiot we'll do better not to mention. It's light on fact and heavy on hyperbole and sensationalism. It was utter crap at the time and is still utter crap. The financials of F42 put that studio at $12 million for a year, which was a fair bit lower than what I was expecting for the UK HQ of CIG/RSI. If they bled through $82 Million then the funding from the opinion of F42 UK to now would not cover all the studios and certainly not the $12 Million for F42 themselves. Just highlighting the inaccuracy of a lot of the negative articles surrounding Star Citizen. I can totally see why people would get annoyed with the delay, I'm not best pleased with it, however I'd rather they get it right and release a good product and don't do a Elite Dangerous and release something so bare bones people question whether they actually included a game in the package. On the engine side of things, they did have to alter the engine significantly to get the results they need. For instance the item system which is just coming online, the 64bit world space (a first for PC gaming I might add), procedural planet generation, etcetera (yes there's a few of those out there now including Elite Dangerous and the upcoming No Man's Sky as well as the newly annouced Dual Universe to name 3). Personally I find it pretty fascinating to watch the development of the game, though I have taken a step away from testing the builds. They change too often for me to take the download at the moment. When it get's closer to SQ42 release I'll jump back in again.
I never wholly believe any claims on funds, good or bad, unless they're being backed up with legitimate financial documentation. With it being an MMO there are going to be constant updates for problems big and small no matter how much they polish. I think they need to get some meaningful amount of content out the door for the masses even though waiting longer doesn't bother me personally.