STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl for PC needs 150 GB Storage and at least a GTX 1060 6GB

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unreal engine game rip stalker franchise
Has there been any information as to what the AI system is being used? Does it even have an A-Life AI system or is it just the generic Unreal AI?

I like Stalker, own the whole series and modded out, but NOTHING in that video shows off why the game needs 150GB of assets... I mean what the character models? 8K textures? How about the map size? It is even at ARMA level yet?
my skryim is mostly 2K with 4K (pretty much all the clothing and armors) or sometimes 8K for really large items like buildings,giants,dragons, talking per item textures ! it looked 4 years ago and will still look 4 years from now better than any retail game, the uncompressed game only takes 74Gbs

unreal engine game rip stalker franchise
I though the same then i actually saw the gameplay and i was surprised how good it looks.
[youtube=cfmhfDvOyP0] This video has me worried, the scene at the start where the player just runs in to a room full of bad guys firing and doesn't take any cover at all, survives and seems to take no damage... that's not Stalker, the guy would have been lucky to not have been killed in the first two seconds. My concern here is that they are going to try and deliver a cinematic experience of what Stalker is, toned down in difficulty and smoothed out so as not to scare off the console crowd. They will miss the fact that Stalker's tone came from a combination of the slightly janky gameplay experience combined with the in game feel rather than forced cinematic set piece BS.
The Laughing Ma:

[youtube=cfmhfDvOyP0] This video has me worried, the scene at the start where the player just runs in to a room full of bad guys firing and doesn't take any cover at all, survives and seems to take no damage... that's not Stalker, the guy would have been lucky to not have been killed in the first two seconds. My concern here is that they are going to try and deliver a cinematic experience of what Stalker is, toned down in difficulty and smoothed out so as not to scare off the console crowd. They will miss the fact that Stalker's tone came from a combination of the slightly janky gameplay experience combined with the in game feel rather than forced cinematic set piece BS.
Its a showcase. Imagine how fun it would be sneaking around trying to avoid the AI and be spotted and killed in an instant? Wait for the real gameplay before judging.
Not being able to hit the broad side of a barn was one of the great atmosphere enhancers.
Visuals look very good. Fire and related particles looks like complete crap as we've seen it since UE3?! I can see it a mile away... needs a new variable shader to make it look better. Canned effects. That circle strafe in game is pure console joypad game play. Cringe... WTF... Need to see pro KB+M action with 60+ FPS @ whatever resolution. The gun play and ballistics modeling remains to be seen... I am coming from ARMA + ACE + UAS + AAPM reference settings so ARMAholics knows what I am talking about. I miss good old OpenGL powered, low latency input CS 1.x ... I hope the game is good, SP can be somewhat on rails shooter, cringe, but for PC, it better be a REAL PC game. At least throw in an editor like ARMA so we can create our own missions. Aw hell... I am skeptical. Just give me ARMA 4 Alpha with updated Vulkan 2022 graphics settings and let the community create our own dream game.

Using Compactor GUI with a good CPU is kind of a must for now. I must have saved close to 300GB amongst my drives in total by using LZX. Microsoft should have a global switch for it.
I'm not familiar with this -- is it some kind of compression utility for games? Thanks, will Google it after work.

Visuals look very good. Fire and related particles looks like complete crap as we've seen it since UE3?! I can see it a mile away... needs a new variable shader to make it look better. Canned effects. That circle strafe in game is pure console joypad game play. Cringe... WTF... Need to see pro KB+M action with 60+ FPS @ whatever resolution. The gun play and ballistics modeling remains to be seen... I am coming from ARMA + ACE + UAS + AAPM reference settings so ARMAholics knows what I am talking about. I miss good old OpenGL powered, low latency input CS 1.x ... I hope the game is good, SP can be somewhat on rails shooter, cringe, but for PC, it better be a REAL PC game. At least throw in an editor like ARMA so we can create our own missions. Aw hell... I am skeptical. Just give me ARMA 4 Alpha with updated Vulkan 2022 graphics settings and let the community create our own dream game.
Super off topic as it doesn't relate to Stalker 2, but given how Fromsoftware's engine/PC ports/tech stack hasn't been the best in my estimation (really crappy anti-aliasing/stuttering issues regardless of PC I test it on for Dark Souls 3 when moving through certain areas/flat looking lighting/bad reflections which often fall apart/etc), I was pleasantly surprised by Sekiro's fire and particles. Playing it on PC recently the fire/particles in that game look great to my eye and is some of the best looking fire i've seen for awhile. It is disappointing when fire looks like garbage in games since it sticks out like a sore thumb -- I still remember being blown away seeing Uncharted 3's chateau burning building fire scene running on the PS3 all those years ago and games are still getting it wrong all these years later.

Imagine how fun it would be sneaking around trying to avoid the AI and be spotted and killed in an instant? Wait for the real gameplay before judging.
That was kind of the case and point with the original Stalker, it lent a value to stealth and rewarded players who tried to be stupid by taking on challenges before they really had the equipment to win. As you got hold of better armour and weapons you got more powerful but the game always had a certain feeling of never being quite as powerful as run in to a room full of guys using zero cover and pop them all with a handful of rounds (as shown in that trailer)

Decompression is generally faster, it all depends on the method used. I personally will have to wait for a repack or something, generally you can download separate language packs and that will shrink the game size immensely (who needs to download 10 languages when you just want English?)

it uses chunk decompression in memory instead of whole file decompression, though things like the GW2.dat will be decompressed entirely before play.
thank you both for the explanation I will have to look more into this, its sounds too good to be true.

Has there been any information as to what the AI system is being used? Does it even have an A-Life AI system or is it just the generic Unreal AI?
Surely you checked the STEAM page with so much interest in the game...right? 😎 "Life-simulating system “A-life 2.0” that makes the game world feel alive as never before"

Visuals look very good. Fire and related particles looks like complete crap as we've seen it since UE3?! I can see it a mile away... needs a new variable shader to make it look better. Canned effects. That circle strafe in game is pure console joypad game play. Cringe... WTF... Need to see pro KB+M action with 60+ FPS @ whatever resolution. The gun play and ballistics modeling remains to be seen... I am coming from ARMA + ACE + UAS + AAPM reference settings so ARMAholics knows what I am talking about. I miss good old OpenGL powered, low latency input CS 1.x ... I hope the game is good, SP can be somewhat on rails shooter, cringe, but for PC, it better be a REAL PC game. At least throw in an editor like ARMA so we can create our own missions. Aw hell... I am skeptical. Just give me ARMA 4 Alpha with updated Vulkan 2022 graphics settings and let the community create our own dream game.
May just be me, but your post makes you look like some weird/drunken ARMA-holic...this isn't a thread about ARMA at all... o_O

I'm not familiar with this -- is it some kind of compression utility for games? Thanks, will Google it after work.
NTFS natively supports advanced compression algorithms for some time now, it's just that they're not used when you select to "Compress this drive". Microsoft does allow the library that supports this to be used though, so there is a really fast and nice utility called Compactor that does this for you. It has some exclusions already, but I would also recommend excluding your OneDrive and 3D Mark folders if you use them. I use LZX with it for all my drives. I have a similar configuration with my Linux install, only in that case the filesystem is BTRFS and the compression is zstd. With the 5950x especially, I think it's completely worth it, although I was even doing that with the 2600k.

Surely you checked the STEAM page with so much interest in the game...right? 😎 "Life-simulating system “A-life 2.0” that makes the game world feel alive as never before"
I had not seen that information but thanks for pointing it out, it will be interesting to see how it compares to the original AI system that has nothing to do with unreal.
Ok sounds good

thank you both for the explanation I will have to look more into this, its sounds too good to be true.
It mostly is. Most of the time it is going to be a few GBs because most of the files are already compressed and won't be worth the SSD writes. Every now and then you'll find a game that's worth compressing.

May just be me, but your post makes you look like some weird/drunken ARMA-holic...this isn't a thread about ARMA at all... o_O
It is definitely you, especially if you have never played either. If you have played both the original Stalker Trilogy and ARMA, there is a lot of similar tactical game play. There is even a Stalker mod for ARMA which retains the original Stalker feel, gameplay while extending it. People who have played both know what I am talking about in that ARMA gunplay feels more like Stalker than Metro did for example.