Square Enix might put Deus Ex-series on hold

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Rather the put Final Fantasy on hold till the remeber what final fantasy game is.
Is your keyboard broken? There's an edit button, ya know?
Is your keyboard broken? There's an edit button, ya know?
you get the butthole grammar police reward.
Square Enix is slowly turning into the new Ubisoft - they have good titles/IP but at this point they're banking on their die-hard fans to keep them going; they're losing touch with why people liked these games so much in the first place.
when exactly did ubisoft create a good IP? rayman? (prince of Persia, assassin's creed--not good games). ok maybe I've met one die hard assassin's creed fan ever. not nearly as many as SE fans. who, by the way, drown themselves in customer feedback to the point of being detrimental. getting trolled into remaking xiv online while at the same time being trolled over all these games not coming out because of the first demand. SE is finally returning to their roots, imo. large expansive worlds, manual flight, good animation music and story, fun gameplay.
I'm not surprised. Mankind Divided was a really bad game, almost in all aspects.
exactly. this duex ex trash is what you get when you try to make a story that revolves around terror attacks, smuggled weapons, explosions, more explosions, and more explosions (oh and the one interesting part, cyborg augmentations which only the rich or military could ever get. how relatable). it's cliché. it's been done a million times before. there's not enough character development, nice music and setting, good story to care about any of the stuff exploding. (like the shire in LoTR, and the relationship between gandolf or sam and Frodo--to use an example from cinema). "any jackass can kick down a barn, it takes a good carpenter to build one." characters, story, the integrity of the art assets, setting, and gameplay is where it's at. SE does this better than anyone, by far. are they perfect? nothing is. but you would be hard pressed to find this level of quality anywhere else. that's my personal opinion, and I am pretty sure a lot of people agree. if not, then I would LOVE to hear about any RPGs that exceed this level of quality in each category or even one. and no, skyrim doesn't even come close. lol
other then being short i enjoyed MD
when exactly did ubisoft create a good IP? rayman? (prince of Persia, assassin's creed--not good games). ok maybe I've met one die hard assassin's creed fan ever.
I wasn't aware personal anecdotes and preferences were treated as fact. I'm not a fan of Assassins Creed either but that doesn't change the fact that series is popular enough to have more games in its series than most, themed clothing, and a movie. Also there's Far Cry and Tom Clancy series as other popular IPs. You don't have to like them, but someone deemed them good enough to keep making them.
Let's not forget that this was initially an AMD optimised game, that alone was a turn-off for many people. The built-in biased benchmark alone caused a lot of fuss with fans of both vendors. Then, there's the delayed DX12 patch which was "buggy". Add everything else that's been mentioned and it was bound to sell "poorly". The one thing that they've done right is to continually patch this game.