Resident Evil Village sets new record 100K simultaneous players on PC

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Death by snu-snu.
I'm loving it. Loved Biohazard too.
Free motion sickness with locked fov, no thanks Tall Lady is tall and what about it? Instead of making interesting characters we're now have tall, big, tiny etc characters cuz writers are empty of new fresh ideas.. But look, folks will still enjoy everything they throw at them, so why should they try harder anyway?

Free motion sickness with locked fov, no thanks Tall Lady is tall and what about it? Instead of making interesting characters we're now have tall, big, tiny etc characters cuz writers are empty of new fresh ideas.. But look, folks will still enjoy everything they throw at them, so why should they try harder anyway?
have you played it?

have you played it?
Select one of the responses below: "I played the demo" "I don't have to" "I can see" "I've seen videos"

But look, folks will still enjoy everything they throw at them, so why should they try harder anyway?
So correct me if i am wrong ... But what you try to say is you do not like the game but the 100s of thousands that enjoy it they are stupid..... Because they do not have YOUR personal taste in games and YOUR arbitrary standards ? Ok boomer !

Select one of the responses below: "I played the demo" "I don't have to" "I can see" "I've seen videos"
How can you forget the legendary, historical option: "I've read a review."
I'll likely pick this up when it has a GOTY version/ is in the bargain bin/has questionable aesthetic mods... Ahem. 😱
I've played it and quite frankly, it's awful. The Resident Evil series is a real mixed bag, some highs and lows. I rate this as one of the lowest. Poor writing, poor puzzles, substandard bosses and enemies and for a lot of people (not me) sub standard optimisation.
Looks like it might be interesting but only because of the setting. The setting of RE7 made it a hard pass for me. The setting matters a lot for enjoyment of a game to me, that's why Far Cry Primal was the only Far Cry game I liked, while others hated it. Instead of the boring usual stuff it was prehistoric, which is extremely rare, so it was fun for me. But I'm not buying it, at least not anytime soon, considering it's from Crapcom. I have 0 confidence in the quality of the product when it's from a Japanese company who's notorious for butchering PC ports, and treating the PC community like garbage. I wasn't surprised to hear that RT is capped at 1/8th resolution on the PC port like it is on consoles. I'm sure there's far far worse issues in the PC port. The videos from DF make the rasterized reflections look immensely better than the joke 1/8th res RT ones. If I ever buy it, it'll be when it's been patched many times over, has all the content in one package instead of nickel and diming me into oblivion, has a ton of mods to fix how Jap-developery it is, and costs squat.
Tell me biased but because I get the impression not only from the forum of Guru3d but also from other forums everyone complains that it is short in duration and the A.I. it's not good but as soon as Metro comes out but again everyone will admire the 2019 game ... Anyway RE caught my attention I played the demo and I did not understand when 1 hour passed it has beautiful graphics it has a nice atmosphere so I will buy it.
Neo Cyrus:

Looks like it might be interesting but only because of the setting. The setting of RE7 made it a hard pass for me. The setting matters a lot for enjoyment of a game to me, that's why Far Cry Primal was the only Far Cry game I liked, while others hated it. Instead of the boring usual stuff it was prehistoric, which is extremely rare, so it was fun for me. But I'm not buying it, at least not anytime soon, considering it's from Crapcom. I have 0 confidence in the quality of the product when it's from a Japanese company who's notorious for butchering PC ports, and treating the PC community like garbage. I wasn't surprised to hear that RT is capped at 1/8th resolution on the PC port like it is on consoles. I'm sure there's far far worse issues in the PC port. The videos from DF make the rasterized reflections look immensely better than the joke 1/8th res RT ones. If I ever buy it, it'll be when it's been patched many times over, has all the content in one package instead of nickel and diming me into oblivion, has a ton of mods to fix how Jap-developery it is, and costs squat.
I never understood Capcom treating PC users as garbage, and their RE Engine games usually fly (like Devil May Cry 5), and they have a ton of options. I personally enjoyed RE7 very much, I think it was a modern classic to be honest, and a great reboot for the whole series.
Neo Cyrus:

The setting of RE7 made it a hard pass for me.
What, a residence? Of evil?

Select one of the responses below: "I played the demo" "I don't have to" "I can see" "I've seen videos"
You can't change fov which is super low, no matter if it's demo or full game, if you can't understand that some people have motion sickness then I don't know. This is old article about RE7 which has fov 91, but guess what.. Village has even lower fov (81) which is locked. Older RE games (RE1-3 and RE1/RE0 Remake) were immersive without those cheap camera/perspective tricks.

Older RE games (RE1-3 and RE1/RE0 Remake) were immersive without those cheap camera/perspective tricks.
Yeah, they've had their own cheap camera/perspective tricks.

You can't change fov which is super low, no matter if it's demo or full game, if you can't understand that some people have motion sickness then I don't know. This is old article about RE7 which has fov 91, but guess what.. Village has even lower fov (81) which is locked. Older RE games (RE1-3 and RE1/RE0 Remake) were immersive without those cheap camera/perspective tricks.
I can see what you mean, but I can also see the need to control perspective in a horror title. As for the old games, the cameras were horrendous. They were good despite them, not because of them.