Prices of SSDs and DRAM will continue to fall in the fourth quarter

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NAND really needs to come down in price more... a LOT more. Considering the size of today's software and games, 1TB is pretty much needed for new build with single drive. The better M.2 NVMe units still cost upwards of $140, so in some cases more expensive than the entire motherboard they fit on ! 2TB drives are still ridiculously expensive, easily reaching $300... Storage being more expensive than the CPU... something is definitely wrong there !
Well look at that, isn't it the time for another flood or accident in one of the factories?
It is good news, but let's be honest in many cases 5%-10% probably wouldn't be enough to convince the costumers. At least I wouldn't buy a 2TB premium nvme just because it's 5% cheaper. Guess we will see, let's hope for the best.

NAND really needs to come down in price more... a LOT more. Considering the size of today's software and games, 1TB is pretty much needed for new build with single drive. The better M.2 NVMe units still cost upwards of $140, so in some cases more expensive than the entire motherboard they fit on ! 2TB drives are still ridiculously expensive, easily reaching $300... Storage being more expensive than the CPU... something is definitely wrong there !
Yep. I'm looking to upgrade my server's storage but I'm waiting for better prices. On Newegg, they have a 2TB SATA SSD by WD for $175, which is the best deal I've seen so far and I am enticed to get it, but I still think prices could be better and I'm not in need of it right now. I still have no interest in NVMe until it shows any appreciable difference in everyday games and applications. I'd rather save ~$50 and go SATA for the minimal performance loss.

Well look at that, isn't it the time for another flood or accident in one of the factories?
I would have posted something like that too if I were here earlier. By now they make you think one would get money to take that stuff off of the factories' inventory.
Stuff is always pricey when I need it.
yay? price really need to go down LOT more then that, I will bite when I can get SSD and or NVMe at 35$ a TB that which would be "almost" hdd prices till then I wont buy new SSD let alone NVMe drive 2tb of SSD in most case cost more the Motherboard and 2TB of NVMe drives are more is the almost cost of consoles... The ones about to be released.. And no more "floods" HDD price never fully recovered from last flood... but even then they cost much much less then SSD and NVMe I love my 2 SSD in my system as now fans are only noise coming from pc but the cost to space ratio is piss poor and in most cast those 500+ W/R arnt really noticed in mosts operations

now fans are only noise coming from pc but the cost to space ratio is piss poor and in most cast those 500+ W/R arnt really noticed in mosts operations
The coolest thing about ssd is no vibration!

The coolest thing about ssd is no vibration!
No vibration no noise, only thing that makes noise and vibrations now are my fans which I love

No vibration no noise, only thing that makes noise and vibrations now are my fans which I love
I can't imagine fans make much vibration if at all? I've got one 200mm fan and 5 120mm fans and those don't cause vibration for me, it's just the mechanical drives :x
eh they dont unless there fitted to the case wrong or uneven, most have sound dampeners and rubber grommets these days. My fans where causing viberation noises in my case for few months, and after while those vibration noises stopped, other then fan moving air noise my pc is dead quiet, I compare my pc noise to my ps3 which virtual slient fan wise, pc is just little louder then that, and it get lilttle louder when when all 4c/8t are used cause that kick my cpu fan up from 1k to about 1.3k. I dont miss my mechanic drives one bit. but I question the new consoles jumping from one extreme to polar opsite with 5400rpm mechanical drives that that are like $50 for 2 tb if not more, to NVMe that $200+ a TB speed is great and all but the cost of this is why Mechanical drives are still thing. most people still dont want SSD cause of price to storage ratio
anything 1tb and below seems to be falling a dollar every month, heck at 500gb it makes no sense to go sata, sn750 costs about the same as decent sata 500gb drives, but anything 2tb and bigger seems to be immune to these market forces I'm afraid 1tb is yet again the magic number for the vast majority of people, we caveman still tied to "desktops" have almost 0 influence on this, maybe consoles can save us this time around

Well look at that, isn't it the time for another flood or accident in one of the factories?
More like a loss of power that cause the fabs to lose 2 days worth of work

I'm afraid 1tb is yet again the magic number for the vast majority of people, we caveman still tied to "desktops" have almost 0 influence on this, maybe consoles can save us this time around
1 TB for most people either SSD or NVMe is way to much still, enthusiasts aside even then they most still it to expensive. I really hope Console using this tech forces industry to lower the prices dramatically. For me to have the storage space I have on my ps4 on ps5 it gona cost me $400 if not more which almost more then the console.... that more then most cpu and gpu too which exactly why I not buy ps5 till the increase storage that is solider on the board... i dont want to be add NVMe to the system those thing running at the speed at which 4.0 can go run upwards of 80c which ridiculous hot I dont want to add extra heat of that kind to the system.
I'll believe when I see it. Actually, the prices are stagnating at best. The "shaming" tax here is outrageous. You have to pay a small fee for everything storage related, because of course, you'll download something illegal. So, one is taxed and labeled as a "pirate", but without being one. /Imagine: You buy a brand new car. Just when you make the payment, someone barges in and hands you a fine. Of course you'll be guilty of something, punishing in advance just solved the problem, right? //vent ended. What in the actual zuck?
10c per GIG is a fine price ratio for storage, long may it continue
Figures I just filled my last available storage slot with an NVME I really didn’t need. I just couldn’t fight the urge to use it. So I have 1TB of really fast storage sitting empty...CP2077 and AC Valhalla will go there I guess...

10c per GIG is a fine price ratio for storage, long may it continue
10 c is awesome atm for ssd storage the mid range solutions can be found around that ratio the higher end normaly is between 13-15 c i would love to see the higher end sliding down to 10c in 2021 or lower , i will not complain about it i promise! :P

The PS5 is already going to be nuts at under a TB without an add-on.

The SSD is WELL under a full TB for space on PS5 is what I am saying. I can barely deal with 1TB in my PS4 now as it has all the MP games on a Samsung SSD. 2TB is bare minimum for me on a PC now. I'd rather 4TB for a new rig, and we all know the prices for that are insane. So basically I am looking at a long ass time down the road, because I am not paying 300 dollars for an SSD ever again.
What you are saying is true if you are on 20mbit connection maybe or lower , if i dont need something i just remove it and redownload later ?