Obama to announce changes to NSA surveillance on Jan. 17

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I don't think the problem is that people mind that their emails are scanned by some NSA software, or there is software out there listening for keywords on mobile phone calls. The problem is that people don't trust politicians, and while there is no trust for politicians people assume there is more going on.
Nothing is going to happen. The NSA just wont be spying on you as often. :funny:
The problem is that people don't trust politicians, and while there is no trust for politicians people assume there is more going on.
Why should we, the people, trust politicians when so often they're caught lying to us? Also, the spying proves a distrust in the people by the government. How can you trust a government that doesn't trust you? The government keeps secrets from the people, while assuming that the people who keep secrets from the government are a threat......so, on that premise alone, we can assume that the government is a threat to us.
All we are going to hear is, "if you like your privacy, you can keep it!"
All we are going to hear is, "if you like your privacy, you can keep it!"
But the fine print is going to point out that you may have to change countries.....
Be afraid. Be very afraid indeed. 😉
A lot of people are against all this spying and surveillance. But then if you've not done anything wrong or shameful, why even bother the slightest? Oh the irony.
because what is wrong for you might be right for me... and most of the world don't think like USA (something to meditate).
A lot of people are against all this spying and surveillance. But then if you've not done anything wrong or shameful, why even bother the slightest? Oh the irony.
This is the attitude of someone who has accepted his modern form of slavery. Good for you.
This is the attitude of someone who has accepted his modern form of slavery. Good for you.
Agreed. To be honest I couldn't give two ****s if the NSA spy the hell out of Americans - if that's the stazi power they have allowed to grow and festor - good luck to them. What I do not want is these wankers reaching out their incidious tentacles out into the rest of the world and prying into non-americans business when they have no right or authority to do so. But that it seems is what they seem to think they do have the right to do - AND they have the cheek to use the oldest excuse known to totalitarian states - to protect their cizitens against "terror".
This is the attitude of someone who has accepted his modern form of slavery. Good for you.
IKR, I wish to throw off the shackles of oppression and remove my slave name of 417.124.124.98. FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOM
This is the attitude of someone who has accepted his modern form of slavery. Good for you.
Freedom is but an illusion. All law-abiding citizens are but slaves to the state....
As an American, I hate the NSA's spying for the following reasons: 1. We never ASKED for it. We wanted something to be done about terrorism, and the precautions our airports took should've been enough on civilian land. Our over-funded military is what should take care of the problem from the source of the issue. I don't keep up with world news that much, but terrorist attacks are relatively uncommon. 2. We're spending a lot of tax dollars on something that is giving is suspiciously very little results. 3. The NSA is getting way too carried away, spying on other countries that shouldn't be a priority. 4. For something that's supposed to make us feel safer, it's making people feel paranoid about their everyday lives. 5. Considering how much of a big deal the world is making of the NSA's spying, I'm SURE the actual terrorists have managed to communicate without the use of phones, email, or paper letters. For the record, I have nothing to fear or hide. I just think this country has all of its priorities wrong. The problem is they're taking things 1 small step at a time, so they never rile up the public enough to cause a revolution.
Its not just the puppet Obama and the NSA, this is happening everywhere around the globe including UK France China Russia. US got cought thats why they are in the spot light but that doesnt mean EU or the rest of the worlds privacy is safe from the police stat. If only we knew more and the true scale of this global survalance and why its here but I doubt many are interested. Its easier to live in a fairy tale brainwashed enviroment rather than accepting harsh reality and whats possibly to come. Which points to more power to few and less control for many. We are already enslaved just look around we have been robbed of natural resources and everything is privatised. The Constitutions are for people but companies take advantage of them because the Gov lawfully allowed them to exist as a fictional entity. We are deeper in sheesh that we realise. Wake up peeps and question everything trust no one and listen to your gut.
But the fine print is going to point out that you may have to change countries.....
Lol, +1
Its not just the puppet Obama and the NSA, this is happening everywhere around the globe including UK France China Russia. US got cought thats why they are in the spot light but that doesnt mean EU or the rest of the worlds privacy is safe from the police stat. If only we knew more and the true scale of this global survalance and why its here but I doubt many are interested. Its easier to live in a fairy tale brainwashed enviroment rather than accepting harsh reality and whats possibly to come. Which points to more power to few and less control for many. We are already enslaved just look around we have been robbed of natural resources and everything is privatised. The Constitutions are for people but companies take advantage of them because the Gov lawfully allowed them to exist as a fictional entity. We are deeper in sheesh that we realise. Wake up peeps and question everything trust no one and listen to your gut.
So on one hand, you think the government is out of control with their spying, yet you are complaining that too many businesses are privatised (not controlled by the government). You think all businesses should be controlled by the government? Yeah, that will work out real well. Look at the huge pile of debt the USA is in. That is what would happen with every "business" if it were controlled by the government. How bad do you really want the world economy to completely tank?
screw everything on this topic - it disgusts me that the topic even exists.
So on one hand, you think the government is out of control with their spying, yet you are complaining that too many businesses are privatised (not controlled by the government). You think all businesses should be controlled by the government? Yeah, that will work out real well. Look at the huge pile of debt the USA is in. That is what would happen with every "business" if it were controlled by the government. How bad do you really want the world economy to completely tank?
Don't be so narrow. I'm talking about mega corporation registered as private companies which are above you, me and the Gov. Throw in a a few private world banks which are above the said corporations and you get what I've had described. Like I said open your eyes or think outside the box if you will and stop repeating what this system has thought you and instead educate yourself. Or watch this; THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
All hail future president Snowden.
You want security? Start using **** like OpenPGP with your emails. edit And I honestly think the NSA had LITTLE Affect on the average person. Look at all the cybercrime that goes on online- the stolen credit cards, the malware, the drugs, etc. The NSA shouldn't be opposed because of risk of privacy evasion. It should be opposed because it's a huge waste of resources and money.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin Nobody has the right to spy on your calls and emails. It don't matter the reason. Crime prevention taken this far is outlandish. They are trying to punish people for thought crime.