Nioh: Complete Edition is coming to the PC

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Yay steam release!
Those min requirements dont exactly make me feel confident about this port.
I expect a lot of complaining , bad textures, 60fps lock , bad mouse and keyboard support. :P
Oh hell yeah! Heard a lot of people recommend this! Must-buy! Edit: wait wha? 100 GB HDD space required! Oh fart...
this kind upsets me, I got the ps4 verison cause i thought it would never come to pc.. if i knew it would come to pc i would waited

I expect a lot of complaining , bad textures, 60fps lock , bad mouse and keyboard support.
um this game is ment to be played on gamepad, anyone play such game on mouse and keyboard have to be a masochistic, and locked stable 60fps is all is needed for this game then again ports from consoles to pc seem to be bad these days

this kind upsets me, I got the ps4 verison cause i thought it would never come to pc.. if i knew it would come to pc i would waited um this game is ment to be played on gamepad, anyone play such game on mouse and keyboard have to be a masochistic, and locked stable 60fps is all is needed for this game then again ports from consoles to pc seem to be bad these days
It's published by Koei Tecmo. 🙂 Their earlier works used assets from handheld versions of some games, reduced or cut out features entirely and had locked display resolution support. 🙂 Their newest ports however have slowly improved, display resolution is still locked to a few set choices but range from 1280x720 (720P) and 1920x1080 (1080P) to 3840x2160 ("4k") though optimization has been all over the place so even for less impressive (visually.) games there's been some frame drops even on higher-end systems. For this game? This announcement is currently a bit weird.
"The PC version will include two visual presentation modes: Action Mode, which aims for a stable 60 fps frame rate, and Movie Mode, a “cinematic” option with a 4K display resolution. Koei Tecmo's note to press suggests you can't deviate from either of these two modes, no matter how powerful your PC."
There's no detailed info on how that will work but it sounds like they're almost porting the PS4 Pro (Whose version of the game launches on the same day.) functionality and 4K support directly 1:1 to PC so it's behind a 30 FPS display mode but it remains to be seen, and yes Koei Tecmo has had a poor track record for mouse and keyboard implementation as well with the keyboard almost working as a gamepad in some games although this too has improved a bit recently but it varies from game to game. (And Nioh is on a new game engine altogether so there's all kinds of unknowns, looking forward to hearing about the PC port quality upon release though and I'm hoping it'll turn out to be one of their better PC ports, sadly that doesn't say much.) EDIT: Warrior's All Stars is a pretty good effort though it does use their "common" game engine seen in many other games and it's been improved with each game including numerous customizable settings and actual mouse and keyboard support though still not the greatest but it's there. It also featured crazy high-res UI assets ranging up to 8192x4096 in resolution which is just a bit overkill. 😛 That's the overworld map image, word of advice it's a 45 MB JPG. And then Blue Reflection from their GUST studio which they acquired some years ago launched a bit later, lacking almost any settings what so ever (Though supporting any display resolution you enter manually into the config file.) and with a game breaking bug that shouldn't have been possible to avoid if the game had had any Q&A at all. (Corrupt asset, 100% of all owners will crash at a certain point at chapter 7 as a result unless the game is modded and said asset replaced with a similar but working one resulting in one of the creature models being replaced by a different one.) EDIT: Still can't be worse than the PC port of Dark Souls 1 though but that game at least had a very active and involved community and is still being modded with both content additions and fixes to utilities such as DSFix. (Was a great game though, but I heard Nioh is pretty good as well although it's not quite comparable to Souls in gameplay even if there's similarities but it also mixes in some things of it's own from both that and other franchises too.) But hopefully the PC port will be mostly solid, it's still Koei though so I'm waiting on user opinions and such before deciding whether to get the game or not, seems like it would be best with their current track record.
Actually anyone saying ports are bad thesedays is clearly a little out of the loop. Ports are better now than they've ever been. "Tales of" games, Final Fantasy and Legend Of Heroes series games are all good examples of great ports. Ports are better now than they ever were
The video trailer for Nioh on both steam and on the steam page within a browser has no sound. Wtf?

Actually anyone saying ports are bad thesedays is clearly a little out of the loop. Ports are better now than they've ever been. "Tales of" games, Final Fantasy and Legend Of Heroes series games are all good examples of great ports. Ports are better now than they ever were
You are listing examples from non-Tecmo Koei games. I just finished BERSERK and the Band of the Hawk and the port quality is horrible. Crashes, slowdowns, and fps dips all over.
This is not the typical genre of games I'm into, but doesn't 100GB seem a lot? Is it a typo or does it come with 70GB of prerendered videos?

this kind upsets me, I got the ps4 verison cause i thought it would never come to pc.. if i knew it would come to pc i would waited um this game is ment to be played on gamepad, anyone play such game on mouse and keyboard have to be a masochistic, and locked stable 60fps is all is needed for this game then again ports from consoles to pc seem to be bad these days
Umm I finished all dark souls including dlcs with keyboard and mouse. Imagine being able to look where you want from the mouse and to aim properly the damn bows. The only thing a controller is better are fifa and racing games, but I guess if you have the right actuation on the keyboard racing games are not a problem.
This looks like it will be a beautiful game, and I don't say that about games very often. Certainly hope the depth of game play will be impressive. At the moment, I'm pretty sure it will be joining my Steam library.
This game was one of the reasons I was actually considering a PS4. I will probably still get one, however it's great this is coming to steam. It's like Dark Souls on steroids this game And yes, gamepad only, unless your a masochist. Dark Souls was never meant to be played with KB&Mouse and the only reason to do so would be if you couldn't afford a controller. These games are simply far more comfortable and ergonomic with a controller, end of story. FPS games, sure; mouse and keyboard only, of course. Sorry Balrog but it's not even really opinion at this point. As someone who primarily plays with M&Kb I can say without any bias that DS and similar games are just better with a gamepad. And you can aim just fine with a bow with the Gamepad Racing games/simulations: Wheel/pedals. Not gamepad. And definitely not M&kb 🙂

This game was one of the reasons I was actually considering a PS4. I will probably still get one, however it's great this is coming to steam. It's like Dark Souls on steroids this game And yes, gamepad only, unless your a masochist. Dark Souls was never meant to be played with KB&Mouse and the only reason to do so would be if you couldn't afford a controller. These games are simply far more comfortable and ergonomic with a controller, end of story. FPS games, sure; mouse and keyboard only, of course. Sorry Balrog but it's not even really opinion at this point. As someone who primarily plays with M&Kb I can say without any bias that DS and similar games are just better with a gamepad. And you can aim just fine with a bow with the Gamepad Racing games/simulations: Wheel/pedals. Not gamepad. And definitely not M&kb 🙂
So if it's your opinion it's fact? Who can't afford to pay 50 dollars for a controller these days? You play however you want but my guess is you haven't even tried to use a mouse and keyboard and you play even fps games on controllers. Why would a controller be more ergonomic? Having to move the analog to look around is super retarded compared to a mouse in my opinion and just the auto lock saves you because otherwise you would struggle to hit where you want with accuracy. But hey it's my opinion, it's not 'fact'.
I tried playing Dark Soul 2 with keyboard/mouse and end up going back to my XBox 360 controller. For me it felt more nature moving the camera with the analog stick then the keyboard. No as far as Nioh goes, it does look very good and going to get it with my cousin who loves the warring era of Japan. He will have a hard time playing though having only the i7 2600k and 8GB of memory but he does have a 1060 6GB card so might just be ok at 1080. If 6GB of memory is going to be the norm for future gaming then I'll definitely going to add another 8GB soonest.
In contrast to the PlayStation®4 version, all seven weapon types, ninjutsu and onmyo magics will be available to players from the beginning, while finishing the core game will also unlock features like the Dual Guardian Spirit.
LOL Pc gets easy mode 😀
dude this company is releasing a game with a 30fps mode ? really ?

dude this company is releasing a game with a 30fps mode ? really ?
Yes a true 1:1 port. Unless someone with programming skills makes it, there wont be any graphical enhancements from the ps4 version.
One of the first things we noticed once the Store page went live was that the game will require 100GB of hard drive space. That’s curious since Nioh’s file size listed on the PlayStation Store is 39.3 GB – does that mean the PC version gets higher quality assets? In addition to the main game, we’re including the three additional DLC packages. Taking into consideration the data compression rate and allowing some buffer, we’ve currently announced 100GB. Upon release, we are aiming to have the game run using less hard drive space and will announce the details ahead of launch. Nioh: Complete Edition will lock frame rate and resolution to the ‘Action’ and ‘Movie’ modes already seen in the console version of the game. Does that mean users won’t be able to pick their own resolution and run the game as fast as their hardware can? We introduced these two modes as pre-set graphical options. This means that the resolution, rendering quality and framerates are independent options that can be altered by the player. Nioh the title will not support ultrawide resolutions. Whilst you can play using keyboard or controller, we recommend using a controller for the best experience! The game will not be using DENUVO.
I fear this game will get overlooked being released at the busiest time of year. I may buy it myself even though I own it on PS4 but not at the moment as I'm more interested in playing the new games being released. It may have fared better if they'd released it in the post-Christmas lull IMO when it could get more attention.