Microsoft advocates regulation for facial recognition

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Microsoft chief lawyer Brad Smith says Friday that face recognition technology causes problems affecting fundamental human rights, such as privacy and freedom of expression.
Microsoft and privacy should not be permitted to be put in the same phrase.

Microsoft and privacy should not be permitted to be put in the same phrase.
I logged in to say the same. Definitely the Pot calling the Kettle Black. MS have done so much to damage Privacy, that they just spout crap out to try and get something to say they are the good guys....
Wanna have privacy, don't go on the internet. Want to go on the internet, better have a live Tails USB, and even so, hardware flaws could betray you. I am looking at you Intel and AMD.
what measures it can take against the use of facial recognition to profile people on the basis of race
The whole issue is that somebody will maybe use some racial face recognition traits based on... race ?! Really ? Based on this logic, I guess soon gonna be illegal for a face recognition software to use genre elements too 🙂))))
Probably they're just trying to get it regulated so they can make the rules via lobbying, only trying to block out competitors rather than care for privacy...
This should happen, not to make money on it, but to regulate what is OK and NOT OK for companies to mess with. Amazon already taking a good chunk of money for it. Google is a good guy this time, actually cares about peoples privacy and not providing it. related media news: Not bashing amazon, I hope their technology aided police to bring justice. This is just a two edged sword, which could use some regulations.
How typical of corporations to lobby with big brother.
I was hoping they'd advocate regulation because facial recognition is stupid and horrendously insecure.
"Microsoft and privacy should not be permitted to be put in the same phrase" Or, in other words, wherever there is m$, no privacy you can find there. LOL, m$'s "lawyer" (devil's advocate) pretending to be concerned with people's privacy... 🙄. Like in a Yugoslavian proverb (to mark an obvious deception): a hungry dog would not have swallowed it even if it were covered with fat.

Microsoft and privacy should not be permitted to be put in the same phrase.
I logged in for the same. Corporates appearing in white armor and siding with consumers is a myth. there's always a concealed catch or an ulterior motive, always.
Who cares? It is not like US government does have those super computers for SETI.
Looking forward to Windows 12 Home, and PPB - pay per boot 😀
"the period when the US immigration service at the border separated parents from children." That period has been 10 years so far lol, good ol' Obama actually had a stricter policy, but currently it provides mud to blame Trump so that how it goes.. "In the control of immigrants, the American immigration service would have used ICE facial recognition from Microsoft. Earlier Microsoft already renounced the immigration policy of the US" Good on you Microsoft, to renounce a country protecting its borders against illegal immigration...
Incredible Lama:

"the period when the US immigration service at the border separated parents from children." That period has been 10 years so far lol, good ol' Obama actually had a stricter policy, but currently it provides mud to blame Trump so that how it goes.. "In the control of immigrants, the American immigration service would have used ICE facial recognition from Microsoft. Earlier Microsoft already renounced the immigration policy of the US" Good on you Microsoft, to renounce a country protecting its borders against illegal immigration...
Separation of Religion and State was good thing to do. But for long time, there is need to separate Corporate interests and state. Because State is here for citizens.
Once our faces and body parts all become data, hackers will be able to put us anywhere they want to put us at any time of day. There will be data evidence of us doing things we never did.