Intel Might Drop Desktop processor Prices by 15% To Fight off AMD Ryzen 3000

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Intels price drops won't be near enough. They are pricing the 9700K up against the 3800x but they are not in the same class 8c/8t vs 8c/16t. Then they are pricing the 9900K against the 12 core 3900x which again isn't in the same class. Pretty much 99% of people would be better served by the 3900x over the 9900k because single core performance is very close and you get 4 more cores.
Eh? Weren't people saying how Zen 2 was way too expensive? Why drop prices when the competition is already too pricey? :P

Disingenuous how? Your priorities and preferences aren't everyone's; even Intel knows this: hence them realizing they need to lower their prices. I still don't understand why people say "vulnerabilities that have yet to be exploited" as a reason to disable the mitigations. For some people, sure, I could see how disabling the mitigations is well worth it for the extra performance and I don't have any problem with that, but to dismiss the risk is just plain irresponsible and negligent. Most internet-bound x86 CPUs have been mitigated shortly after the vulnerabilities were discovered, so, how exactly were they supposed to be exploited? Why would Intel deliberately shoot themselves in the foot if they didn't think these vulnerabilities weren't actually a threat? How exactly are you supposed to know they've been exploited when the entire reason they're scary is the fact they can't be detected?
What's so hard to understand? Intel fanboys want to defend their company and their products and so will try to minimize talk of any risks or flaws (if that means downright dismissing these security vulnerabilities then so be it). Even if there are reports of people getting hacked because of these vulnerabilities, they will continue to dismiss it as a minor issue and/or blame users for being hacked (e.g., shouldn't have clicked that link, shouldn't have used that site/software, etc). It's similar to Apple fanboys, who flock to Apple's defense on any issue - fanboys are the same everywhere. In short, they only say this because it's Intel - if it was AMD CPUs which were vulnerable, they'd be singing a different tune. It has nothing to do with security, everything to do with brand loyalty.

If Intel is dropping prices, AMD is finally being noticed.
You got it. Up till this point everyone was posting how Intel was sweating but this is evidence that they're actually starting to. Supply and demand... and they're demand must be showing signs of slowing.

What's so hard to understand? Intel fanboys want to defend their company and their products and so will try to minimize talk of any risks or flaws (if that means downright dismissing these security vulnerabilities then so be it). Even if there are reports of people getting hacked because of these vulnerabilities, they will continue to dismiss it as a minor issue and/or blame users for being hacked (e.g., shouldn't have clicked that link, shouldn't have used that site/software, etc). It's similar to Apple fanboys, who flock to Apple's defense on any issue - fanboys are the same everywhere. In short, they only say this because it's Intel - if it was AMD CPUs which were vulnerable, they'd be singing a different tune. It has nothing to do with security, everything to do with brand loyalty.
Sure, all of that is true. But you can still be a diehard fan without making ignorant decisions/claims at the same time. Like I said, there are valid reasons to disable the mitigations.

Great disingenuous reporting. Anyway, I'll take the faster real-world processor with mitigations against so called vulnerabilities that have yet to be exploited.
Do you think that they will send you a note and an invitation before they exploit your computer? You wouldn't even know when they do it and have your info. How do you know that these vulnerabilities are not already being exploited, but just hidden? Keeping your head in the sand might not help with the sun burn on your a**.

Intel dropping prices??? Sorry i don´t believe it!...
A new season of X-Files has been announced...
they would have to cut prices in half to make any kind of sense, for people buying new rigs intel doesnt make any sense other than the 8700/9900k for 144hz+, everything else on their lineup is laughable at best, for upgraders stuck on their awful platforms a 6700k/7700k at around 300$ even used is just ridiculous with ryzen 2600-1700 going for 150$ new, now if ryzen 3 is actually a match or better for current intel stuff, intel will be selling on brand name alone

Why do used i7's go for $300+? Because they have better IPC they can overclock and when overclocked are faster to ryzen 2700x in games.
Interesting how you don't seem to question why they're being sold in the first place...

they would have to cut prices in half to make any kind of sense, for people buying new rigs intel doesnt make any sense other than the 8700/9900k for 144hz+, everything else on their lineup is laughable at best, for upgraders stuck on their awful platforms a 6700k/7700k at around 300$ even used is just ridiculous with ryzen 2600-1700 going for 150$ new, now if ryzen 3 is actually a match or better for current intel stuff, intel will be selling on brand name alone
That is not exacty true, If I want to build rig without gpu right now, but to have some decent CPU - I'll be stuck with Intel, AMD yet to release any 6+ cores CPU with integrated GPU. Yeah, that is edge case. If I already have a GPU on hand Intel would not be my first choice. For 4 core office systems I'd choose AMD as well, as overall price is lower (even if I plugged in Intel's SSDs)
Intel is the new value CPU for the budget conscious gamer.
I don't think that's enough, when almost everything Intel has to offer is almost twice as expensive, but competition is always good for the consumer.

Intel dropping prices. I might have to watch the sky for flying pigs.
LOL best comment I have seen this year on this site.
Just kick a man while he's down now will ya: "of course with a dozen or so free vulnerabilities." Lol,

No thank you. It's gonna be hard enough selling my Swiss Cheese 4770K once i upgrade to Zen2.
Yeah, my 4770K's been delidded like Swiss Cheese so figure

Why do used i7's go for $300+? Because they have better IPC they can overclock and when overclocked are faster to ryzen 2700x in games.
Are you telling me that some sucker will actually pay $300 for my old 4790K? 😱 If so, where are they?!?
The last time i saw Intel slash their prices was when their Pentium 4's were getting destroyed.
So one could say that intel are bulldozing their prices. Piledriving them into the ground even?
Why would they lower the prices? They sell everything they make and still they ask Samsung to help to make more. If Intel lowers the prices the webshops would just keep the old price and put the rest of the money in the pocket, they still sell everything they have in stock anyway. Just like the GPU mining Vega price and stock problem. This is pure Ryzen 3000 sabotage if you ask me, but i hope i am wrong.
Intel starting to sweat?