Hackers steal money from bank accounts through two-factor authentication

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Perhaps you should revise the first sentence, it looks strange. "Criminals have been able to Hackers have been able to steal .."
Perhaps you should revise the first sentence, it looks strange. "Criminals have been able to Hackers have been able to steal .."
Perhaps when you write thousands of articles on your own accredited web site you can then troll for errors. Perhaps until then you should give the respect Mr. Hagedoorn deserves and comment only on content not editing errors.
Criminals have been have been able to steal money from bank accounts by intercepting text messages (SMS) used for two-factor authentication.Â*... Hackers steal money from bank accounts through two-factor authentication
I read ages ago that they( some antivirus sercuity company or some firm) were warning that this so called secruity is a risk, it's already been used for hijacking/stealing two factor authentication with game accounts. They advised not to use or link accounts with this system as the hacker can hijack the sms. it will probs start being hacked more as time passes.
Perhaps when you write thousands of articles on your own accredited web site you can then troll for errors. Perhaps until then you should give the respect Mr. Hagedoorn deserves and comment only on content not editing errors.
What exactly is wrong with what he said? He pointed out an error. That's not trolling. I'm sure Mr. Hagedoorn appreciates if people help him catch these errors.
Well, nothing is safe in this day an age (not that it ever was). I long gave up on the feeling of absolute security, and for that reason I have a debit card where there is always just a minimal sum of money on it for internet shopping and the "bigger" accounts are separate. I also keep quite a bit of cash in various currencies/locations.
Sneaky F*%*&£$ !!! Solfaur's idea of multiple bank accounts is a pretty good one. If my account was emptied I'd be a little more than gutted :s I hope the banks took responsibility due to their well known security vulnerability they did not bother putting right.
we should get rid of money. utopia... i know 🙁
we should get rid of money. utopia... i know 🙁
Me and a mate got drunk and discussed that we'd be better off without money, started talking about how money is worthless and everyone just wants to swap it for useful things anyway, so why don't we just go back to trading items for other items After about half an hour we ended up coming to the conclusion that it would be a PITA carrying cattle or crops around with you when you wanted a pack of beer from the shop, and decided money is in fact pretty useful 😀
Funny thing is that this is directly tied to how archaic the mobile system is, and it has nothing to do with the banks really. The antennas have no sort of strong encryption either between them or to the phone, and anyone with ~$500 can pretend they're an antenna of any carrier they want, and pretty much intercept everything.
Ha LOL good luck in getting anything outta my account morons there's nothing to be had LOL plus I don't get sms msgs for my two factor its a card sent to me by the bank that has a 7x7 grid with random numbers/letters and they ask for a random 3 everytime I login the card is replaced every 6 months
Perhaps when you write thousands of articles on your own accredited web site you can then troll for errors. Perhaps until then you should give the respect Mr. Hagedoorn deserves and comment only on content not editing errors.
Or maybe that´s intended and hackers, hacked a hacker hacking the bank accounts ... ala UK stealing the stolen gold from México [spoiler] http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/925/494/218.png_large [/spoiler]