Forza Horizon 3 PC demo and System Requirements

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Impressive looking game. Ran 60+ fps 1080p ultra settings with vsync, nice and smooth. Turned off V-sync and was getting into the 80s fps, so headroom for more AA perhaps. Anyway looks great. Game-play felt great to me although I like playing this sort of driving game with a keyboard arrow keys and I like this arcadey sort of racer. Felt a bit like Dirt3/Grid Autosport but I think with practice this is a far superior game, especially the drifting and the scope of it is huge being open world. Basically a really good sense of speed that flatters the players skills (or lack of) and is a lot of fun. Fun is the reason I play games so that's good. 20GB is big for a demo, but the full standard game is 60GB so it's kind of in proportion I guess. Welcome to 2016 where games are enormous! But I'm really glad to have a DEMO of a game like this in 2016, we get less and less these days. The UN-skippable video at the beginning is annoying and worries me that is in the full game. Too expensive as well, what happened to PC games being £30 or less. I spose this franchise is a console game, so I should be pleased to at least have the option to play it on the PC. TL,DR: It's alright I spose, nice gfx. lol
Just before I put you on iggy, do a google for "True 4k resolution" and take a maths class when you double pixels Even with your not true 4k rez, 8.2 X2 is not 14.7
Thank you but I know what true 4K is- you are talking about 4K DCI and this is not the "4K" used in monitors so it's irrelevant, and I sad almost double "~X1.8)" P.S I am not really a newbie here, my real account its over 11 years old- this is my favorite HW site and I always check news here 🙂: It's just got disabled since I didn't used it for a few years.
Downloading this now - heard that you can't save progress though which is a bit annoying.
Downloading this now - heard that you can't save progress though which is a bit annoying.
Yea, and it starts like a brand new game every time you start it, full intro to watch each time
Yea, and it starts like a brand new game every time you start it, full intro to watch each time
I do own the full version, but that is rather lame. Also some stupid arse stipulation these days instead of just doing things like they used to be. A simple demo that has the basic functions. I do miss the days where sometimes I spend 20 hours replaying a demo of a game I really really wanted.
OK, so I've played it 3 times now. 2 of those times it crashed. I don't really want to update my drivers for the crashing as I doubt it's that. pain in the ass. And no progress saving at all, the demo is the same each time to start with.:( clever marketing bastards. Anyway i still refuse to pay for it.
A simple demo that has the basic functions. I do miss the days where sometimes I spend 20 hours replaying a demo of a game I really really wanted.
Agreed, but there are a certain group of people who would be satisfied with just the demo and never buy the full game. The marketing people know this, so that's why this demo is so restrictive.
Just before I put you on iggy, do a google for "True 4k resolution" and take a maths class when you double pixels Even with your not true 4k rez, 8.2 X2 is not 14.7
Both are true 4K. 3840x2160 is PC and TV 4K, 4096x2160 is DCI 4K. 4K - any resolution with around 4 Kilopixels in a line. Even 3989x2485 would be true 4K.
"true" (native) 4K comes from the theaters, and runs at 4096x2160 res. anything else is called UHD (no matter what the use/screen), but a lot of tv companies call/called UHD tvs "4K", so ppl would get the difference to regular FHD screens. And just because a certain aspect ratio is not common on a pc/tv screen, doesnt change what the (screen) res is called. real 4K uses aspect ratio of 20:9, and one reason a lot of tvs/pc screens dont use it, since you get black bars for all content thats not native 4K. which means a 3840x2160 moni/tv, is not really a so called (native) 4K screen, but a UHD one. BTT: wont get any games limited to win 10 and/or store. dont like 10 anyway (ran it twice for about 2 month each). dont need an OS running on +1000$ hardware, that looks like its 20y old.
Make it for Windows 7 64bit.
strange i cannot seem to download it on my store :/
"true" (native) 4K comes from the theaters, and runs at 4096x2160 res.
Again, it's not true 4K, but cinematic 4K. But there are also PC and TV. And 4K is not an exclusive to DCI term. K and HD are too distinctive approaches. One is determined by number of pixels in a line, another determined by number of lines. And K is a group of resolutions, where K just stands for kilo and where DCI's resolutions are is just few of them.