Fake Windows 11 installers are used to infect PC with malware

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hahahahahaha imagine thinking 7GB's of data fits into 1.7GB installer.
Meany people are dumb by acting so; and moreover too lazy to check on anything, or just plainly think. A downloader of such big size don't rattle them? Be infected, please be so... 🙄

hahahahahaha imagine thinking 7GB's of data fits into 1.7GB installer.
Actually, that's not so unreasonable. Many OSes that can run off a DVD can take over 8GB of data and compress them into about 2GB, and that's not necessarily using the best compression method either. Granted, MS tends to favor speed over compression ratio, so I would definitely be suspicious of a 1.7GB installer coming from them.
Win11 will not be officially unveiled to the public until October, at which time it will go sale. What is available now is available only to the Insider Preview group--for beta testing purposes only. Anyone can join the Insider's group--it costs nothing--but it's beta software, not release caliber.
Anyone with Win10 can just enroll in the dev preview for free, so the entire idea of using an external installer is asking for bad things to happen. I swear, being dumb must be contagious and it's a pandemic worse than COVID.
Are win 11 so desirable to warrant pirating em like that ? I mean other than the new look what does it really brings to the table at this very moment for win 10 users ? :/

Are win 11 so desirable to warrant pirating em like that ? I mean other than the new look what does it really brings to the table at this very moment for win 10 users ? :/
You can't pirate an operating system, only its license keys.

Are win 11 so desirable to warrant pirating em like that
You don't get it (you are too smart); the thing is people are so dumb that they think it is legit and the way to get Win 11!! 🙄 How much people on the street know what "insider" means..? Really! 😀
People should really attain patience since October is the month to decide for Windows 11. We all know windows 10 is supported until October 2025. You won't lose anything if you wait 3 months for the finalized product.
Ok this is almost too easy to make fun of. "Fake Win11 installers are used to infect PC [sic] with malware" See. just have to highlight one word there.

You can't pirate an operating system, only its license keys.
Well yeah i did not mean it like that in this case though , wrong choice of words from my part , i should have said said getting it from questionable sources .

Win11 will not be officially unveiled to the public until October, at which time it will go sale. What is available now is available only to the Insider Preview group--for beta testing purposes only. Anyone can join the Insider's group--it costs nothing--but it's beta software, not release caliber.
Not quite accurate my friend. The current Dev distribution build 22000.100 is RTM. The core OS is complete & will have no additional code only bug fix's. What we are actually testing along side the core OS functionality is the included feature sets. These are currently in the bug fix/polish stage & are locked within the OS. Subsequent updates will unlock & expose those features to the insiders for testing as MS see fit to do so. The feature sets can be subject to change due to fix's/implementation/compatibility migrating from Win10 to Win11 architecture. The core OS will not change however. At least this is my understanding from MS resulting from a conversation I had with an MS software engineer regarding the use of Win10 registry entries with Win11 installs & the resulting bug domino effect that this can & will cause within the Win11 OS ranging from core functionality to visual rendering issues. I know, it happened to me, hence my discussion with MS finest o_O

I had with an MS software engineer regarding the use of Win10 registry entries with Win11 installs & the resulting bug domino effect that this can & will cause within the Win11 OS ranging from core functionality to visual rendering issues. I know, it happened to me, hence my discussion with MS finest
just to be clear, reaper is talking about the reg changes to change back to the 10 start menu and such, the installation trick is a perfect 11 install with no such issues to domino effect.

hahahahahaha imagine thinking 7GB's of data fits into 1.7GB installer.
Why not, people are still falling for buying fake 1TB USB thumb drive for pennies. Chinese firmware hack for dumb eBuyers And who falls for this, it's on them.