EA Acquires Titanfall studio Respawn Entertainment

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They'll shut them down a couple years from now, just like they did with pretty much every studio they bought. Buy them, suck them dry, throw them in the trashcan.
Another one bites the dust...
After EA acquirers Ubisoft (many years ago). Ubisoft Was a great studio. Then Ubisoft had many nice games on their portfolio. But since EA get them. They start relasing more and more crap under EA pressure. It was good times, when "tripple pyramids" not push-in hands into gamming. For Me EA is a comunist, and developer parasite/cancer.. 😀 From EA I only buy Battlefield franchise. And always have problems after launch any of them...
Well in this case it's a pretty 100% likely scenario, especially since Titanfall II hasn't done well (even though the game itself is decent I hear, but poor marketing and release window choice), just push out a third more or less finished game and call it a "day"...

Another one bites the dust...
I came here to say the exact same words 😀
Shouldn't the article title be EA Acquires .. and not EA Acquirers? Beyond that, I think more companies are going to start gobbling up other companies, especially in the multiplayer arena. With micro transactions and and loot boxes becoming huge money makers for publishers, they want to grab as much online game real estate to maximize profits. I really hope this new trend doesn't completely destoy single player games as microtransactions and loot boxes spread like the plague. 🙁
Looking forward to the release of Titanfall 3, (whenever that's gonna be!), I'm hoping it's gonna be more similar in feel to the first Titanfall game rather than similar to Titanfall 2, I'm still playing the first!

They'll shut them down a couple years from now, just like they did with pretty much every studio they bought. Buy them, suck them dry, throw them in the trashcan.

Another one bites the dust...

I came here to say the exact same words 😀
isnt it amazing how many people think samething, every time EA "aquires" a new studio. so many great studios have become pale shadows of them selves after EA got there hands on them

Shouldn't the article title be EA Acquires .. and not EA Acquirers? Beyond that, I think more companies are going to start gobbling up other companies, especially in the multiplayer arena. With micro transactions and and loot boxes becoming huge money makers for publishers, they want to grab as much online game real estate to maximize profits. I really hope this new trend doesn't completely destoy single player games as microtransactions and loot boxes spread like the plague. 🙁
pretty sure this trend already started, and it only gona get worse
Next Titanfall will be full of micro transactions. And two years later they close the studio. So RIP, they wont be able to respawn after this sadly.
Yes, general tone fits for me too: another studia that won't get any better under EA supervision.

After EA acquirers Ubisoft (many years ago). Ubisoft Was a great studio. Then Ubisoft had many nice games on their portfolio. But since EA get them. They start relasing more and more crap under EA pressure. It was good times, when "tripple pyramids" not push-in hands into gamming. For Me EA is a comunist, and developer parasite/cancer.. 😀 From EA I only buy Battlefield franchise. And always have problems after launch any of them...
EA only owned 20ish % of ubisoft from 2004-2010 5% now.. Ubisoft on its own is doing a fine job running itself into the ground.
It sucks that gaming is just big business now. I remember when games were actually creative and fun. Now all these companies do is look at the bottom line. So many great companies are gone or moved onto games that are just a cash grab. Command and Conquer..Gone. Battlezone... Gone. So many good games are not being made because of corporate greed. It would be nice if Raven made another heretic or hexen game off ID tech 6.. Look at the overwhelming popularity of the new Doom and Wolfenstein.. I mean, why not make one of those heretic/hexen games?
Ohh.. wow.. now this is disgusting news.
Goodbye, Respawn.
rip respawn I'll never forget what ea did to maxis
I don't know if any Respawn employees lurk around here but if they are, please start searching for another job now while you still have plenty of time. It's the wise thing to do.
That's a pretty cheap price.
It is funny how many people continue to say that companies like Ubisoft, EA and Activision are going down with their user unfriendly strategies like micro-transactions and shitty content in games yet these companies keep reporting records in sales and only seem to be getting stronger and stronger. People: if you want to really bring them down, it is easy, stop preordering, stop buying stupid lootboxes and in-game currency and stop giving them your money if you believe it is not worth it. Many gamers just whine and complaint with their keyboards instead of their wallets! Don't give them your money and they WILL get the message.

Buy them, suck them dry, throw them in the trashcan.
Yep, EA managers have just enough skills to sucks victims blood until it dies. They have no choice not to buy, because core of the company is rotten and would drop in value otherwise. It's like royalty title give away scam to famous and successful people, which in the essence required to keep their own titles worth something by the association.
Another game into the trash can i wish people would just boycott EA and Activision completely RIP