Diablo IV Confirmed as Online-Only

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Anyone else thing D4 looks really rushed. Like they took D3 and did a quick mod to it.

Anyone else thing D4 looks really rushed. Like they took D3 and did a quick mod to it.
They Fallout76'd the graphics.
How is this even news worthy? D3 was online only, and Blizzard hasn't had an offline game since before Starcraft II.

Anyone else thing D4 looks really rushed. Like they took D3 and did a quick mod to it.
The game will come out probably by the end of 2020 and that's really wishful thinking,more realistically it'll release mid to end of 2021 or something like that. There's plenty of time to refine it more. I think it looks really good considering how early it is, i really like the artstyle especially.
"You don't have internet?" - bliz Another cash grab by blizshit. pathetic
This game is just so far away that by the time it appears we will all be living on the moon. lol

"You don't have internet?" - bliz Another cash grab by blizshit. pathetic
Another quality post.... No
The reason they are making it online only even for singleplayer is that they will be pushing microtransactions, so forcing online only makes sure users have access to what is for sale within the video games.

Another quality post.... No
That space represents the emptiness of your head or something? 😀 Well, hopefully micro-transactions will fill the void.
Ye, not sure why this would surprise people. The last game that had offline mode was StarCraft 2, no idea if that's still the case nowadays.
All Blizzard games come on their launcher so all of them require internet connection. Also all of them have some sort of cash shop, typically selling skins. Don't know why would anyone expect that D4 will be any different.
Money well saved this year, the more always online games the bigger the savings 🙂
I know this much that I AM NOT getting D4 at launch because I know the launch is going to be a disaster just like D3 was where most players could NOT play the game at launch.
Path of Exile is always online (drm) and have mtx sale messages popping up while playing, but then again it's free to play, though I don't like any form of drm. Heck they even went so far as to having several "shop" buttons in the game hud and menu, where you simply can't hide from all of that nonsense. I don't want to write Diablo IV off just because it's always online (drm), but it's sad to hear that Activision Blizzard haven't learned anything from feedback.
I don't see why people care when a game best played online is online-only. Hardly anyone leaves their PC or phone on much longer than a half hour without connecting it to the internet, even at a LAN party. I don't recall Blizzard having issues with servers.

Anyone else thing D4 looks really rushed. Like they took D3 and did a quick mod to it.
Seeing as it was supposed to be for mobile devices, I'm guessing they recycled much of the graphics that were meant to be used for crappier hardware. Just a guess though.

Ye, not sure why this would surprise people. The last game that had offline mode was StarCraft 2, no idea if that's still the case nowadays.
I guess it depends on what you define as "offline mode". Single player nowadays doesn't necessarily mean offline. SC2 still requires you to connect to Battle.net regardless of what you intend to play. I'm not exactly sure what happens if the game can't connect, but, I think Battle.net itself requires connectivity in order to play any games. I wouldn't be surprised if you can play D4 solo.
The only major drawback to always online I can think of(unless you live in the middle of nowhere with spotty internet of course) is getting disconnected in hardcore mode. I would smash things if I lost my character to a dc.
Online always is especially a thing if you're on vacation... not everywhere there's free WLAN.
I get what you guys are saying, but imagine having played for hours, when suddenly their servers crash (and lose your progress) or restart for maintenance, not very convenient.
Baffled by the outrage - it's the same system as the current one in D3. Did you thing they'd backtrack and revert to offline mode? The times of D1/D2 are long gone.