Denuvo Protection under fire - Gets Removed From Doom

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Good to see some movements. Prices for AAA titles are outrageous in developing countries in past few year. More on denuvo hack will force publishers to rethink pricing policy for developing countries to sane levels.
I'm glad that they removed it. I got locked out of Doom and several other Denuvo games I purchased for days at a time just because I changed some BIOS setting on my Mainboard or switched the PCIe slot of my video cards. Good riddance. If a game is good, it will sell. No need for DRM.
All all this DRM crap does is bog down the game
I've heard this time and time again. DOOM ran beautifully with it so I really want to see if there is a FPS difference or a change in loading times now that it has been removed. I need real results!
Well isnt that smart. I mean your games has been cracked and you are still paying for the protection.
It says that you do not need to pay if the game was cracked in a certain amount of time. Part of the refund is removing the the DRM. At least that is what it says. So, no, they won't be paying for it.
I've heard this time and time again. DOOM ran beautifully with it so I really want to see if there is a FPS difference or a change in loading times now that it has been removed. I need real results!
wasnt talking about doom I was talking in general... There tons of game the removed there DRM after luanching cause they caused issues in one or another, forget about the DRM that actual roots its self in the pc...
I guess it's just Mad Max and Just Cause 3 that haven't been cracked by CPY? I've seen MGS 5 and DX:MD recently.
Comparison is futile, because: a. not exactly same versions are compared b. IIRC in Doom protection is done only on loading etc. not while "in-game" so technically there shouldn't be any difference (but I may be wrong on this one) Also what Denuvo did is: Open up / expand account sharing (Uplay / Steam / Origin) market. Now instead of downloading from warez it's enough to purchase access to acc. for the price of pack of smoke (actually three times less...). Now the question does "piracy" decrease? No. Just some (sellers) ppl play for free and still amount of purchased games is (more or less) same. I wrote this on multiple occasions and will write again: I'm all pro globalization but prices, especially for electronic goods, nowadays are sometime ridiculous. What's needed is localization sell system that i.e. is protected by Denuvo and there users can purchase products with price tag that is affordable by them. The root of piracy is disproportion between price tag and monthly salary. Closer that gap and piracy will decrease. All gamer do know that piracy is evil but sometimes that's necessary evil because alternative is not to play at all or steal / rob / etc..
Perhaps it should be renamed DIEnuvo?
DRM running constantly wouldn't really effect high end gaming rigs. It's the people whom are struggling to run games in the first place who would feel negative impact of intrusive DRM the most. Lots of people play games using iGPU @720p and DRM sniffing around in the system files while gaming will cause some stutters/slowdowns, especially if using HDD with system and game on same HDD.
Also what Denuvo did is: Open up / expand account sharing (Uplay / Steam / Origin) market. Now instead of downloading from warez it's enough to purchase access to acc.
Which is also piracy. No real difference between the two.
The future of gaming... So as hackers become more aggressive, and it takes less and less time to crack a game, eventually the financial incentive disappears. Then where will new games come from?
So as hackers become more aggressive, and it takes less and less time to crack a game, eventually the financial incentive disappears. Then where will new games come from?
From people who buy games. Duh.
I'm all pro globalization but prices, especially for electronic goods, nowadays are sometime ridiculous. What's needed is localization sell system that i.e. is protected by Denuvo and there users can purchase products with price tag that is affordable by them. The root of piracy is disproportion between price tag and monthly salary. Closer that gap and piracy will decrease. All gamer do know that piracy is evil but sometimes that's necessary evil because alternative is not to play at all or steal / rob / etc..
Not to get to political, but I'm in the same boat. Also why I would never vote for leaving the EU if it ever comes to it. Sure on the short term, nationalism can be beneficial, sure the EU made quite a few mistakes, but on the long term I strongly believe economy needs to become more global and more equal over time, regardless of where people live and voting for extreme nationalism always feels like a step back.
So as hackers become more aggressive, and it takes less and less time to crack a game, eventually the financial incentive disappears. Then where will new games come from?
The gaming industry will do just fine with the scene on the side as it has done for so long now. It even keeps the industry honest as far as I'm concerned. Glad to see Denuvo being defeated in general, and you get a patched up game to play 😉
There's also the little known Arxan Anti-Tamper protection on COD: Black Ops III, GTA V and Mafia III that's also been cracked!
Well isnt that smart. I mean your games has been cracked and you are still paying for the protection.
Seems you misread the article. It's the complete opposite. It's been cracked so they've removed it and will not and did not have to pay for protection
i only buy games from gog nowadays i prefer older games with mods and drm free no internet connection needed to play, as far as drm and pirates if your on windows 10 microsoft know if its a pirate version and probably nvidia drivers data collection will know if its a pirate version aswell so why even bother pirate it, games like dota mmo,s are big on pc no ones gonna pirate them there multiplayer and triple A pc ports are pretty crap nowadays if u wanna play them your better off get a console, i can see denuvo dying out like securom did
You don't need an internet connection to play Steam games, Nvidia and Microsoft do not know whether your game is pirated at all and no one plays pirated games in multiplayer (because generally it's not possible). Why bother pirating it? Lack of money? Not willing to spend what little money we have to find out the game is a pile of poo? I have pirated tons of games and then bought them. Others I hate and was glad I pirated first instead of wasting my money. Pirating is more beneficial than detrimental if you only knew.
Also what Denuvo did is: Open up / expand account sharing (Uplay / Steam / Origin) market. Now instead of downloading from warez it's enough to purchase access to acc. for the price of pack of smoke (actually three times less...).
Wtf ? Your statement shows how out of touch you are. Warez? LMAO. Warez hasn't been used since the early 2000s. It went the way of the dodo and torrents took over.
Wtf ? Your statement shows how out of touch you are. Warez? LMAO. Warez hasn't been used since the early 2000s. It went the way of the dodo and torrents took over.
Torrents are usually warez. Also, warez have never been used by the masses. Not in 2000, not in 1990. It always was about people with access to warez "leaking" them to others. These days, they "leak" them on torrents instead of floppies. Also note that the people who defeated Denuvo are a warez group. So saying that warez hasn't been used in ages, while the thread you're posting on is about a warez group cracking Denuvo, is kind of ironic 🙂