Crytek releases Neon Noir Ray Tracing Benchmark

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Rx580 ultra 1080p 30-40 fps
5700xt 55-100 fps. 75fps average 1080p Ultra.
Quadro RTX 4000 (about RTX2070 level) 79-125 fps, no idea what the average was but it spent most of the time above 100 fps. Set to Ultra. res 1680x1050 (work PC with 22 inch monitors) score was 9334.
1080TI 1080P ultra 70-125 I'm surprised that it ran that well considering how poor performance is in RTX titles.
GTX 1060, 1080p Ultra, 30-50 fps, score: 3637 . Impressive demo and engine Tried again with 1080p Very High, got 40-60 fps, score 4780, still looks great
9455 - 1080p Ultra with RTX 2060 SUPER (oced). Looks fine, I wonder how much tensor and RT cores would increase overall performance if possible.

1080TI 1080P ultra 70-125 I'm surprised that it ran that well considering how poor performance is in RTX titles.
Their engine is only making use of ray tracing for reflections and not for shadows and/or ambient occlusion, add to the fact that the test scene is devoid of entities running around shooting one another...

9455 - 1080p Ultra with RTX 2060 SUPER (oced). Looks fine, I wonder how much tensor and RT cores would increase overall performance if possible.
Not by much I would think, again cause they only used ray tracing for reflections. If they added shadows and ambient occlusion it would be a completely different story.
I'd like to see a benchmark with ALL the DXR standards used in some part... like different chapters... 30 seconds it's only reflections, 30 seconds it's shadows as well etc, then 30 seconds with everything... done with DXR and without it. But I guess that's hard af to program in the first place.

I'm surprised that it ran that well considering how poor performance is in RTX titles.
The demo is also only running with medium reflections which has some artifacts. Including @SniperX observations, running at Ultra levels will be a better performance indicator. They mentioned that when they include RT hardware sometime next year it will allow them to run at Ultra levels.
ZOTAC RTX 2080 AMP i5 3570k @4.4 Z77X-D3H 16Gb DDR3 @1600 860 EVO 500Gb 1080P - Very High - 11893 (CPU Bottleneck) Average: 127.1 Minimum: 100.1 Maximum: 159.1 1% low: 82.3 0.1% low: 65.1 1080P - Ultra - 10580 (CPU Bottleneck) Average: 110.2 Minimum: 89.1 Maximum: 135.3 1% low: 73.7 0.1% low: 62.9 1440P - Very High - 8472 (CPU Bottleneck) Average: 90.3 Minimum: 71.7 Maximum: 107.6 1% low: 70.1 0.1% low: 61.2 1440P - Ultra - 7112 Average: 74.3 Minimum: 57.6 Maximum: 94.5 1% low: 53.4 0.1% low: 49.7 2160P - Very High - 4379 Average: 46.6 Minimum: 36.3 Maximum: 55.1 1% low: 36.0 0.1% low: 34.1 2160P - Ultra - 3587 Average: 36.7 Minimum: 27.2 Maximum: 46.6 1% low: 26.8 0.1% low: 24.3
1080p, full screen, ultra = 5731 Neat looking demo for sure. Edit: Just noticed this. [youtube=efOR92n9mms]
Strange Times:

Rx580 ultra 1080p 30-40 fps
I can confirm it, even with a video: [youtube=LeUewTLfKn8] Similar results to yours on ryzen 3800x + rx580 8GB.
It looks cool but reading about the implementation kind of shows differences between it and utilizing DXR: The number of rays per pixel falls below BF5's medium setting (1 ray per 4 pixels) and it falls back into voxel cone tracing in a lot of areas, which means any kind of dynamic lighting is going to tank performance. It's essentially an extremely optimized set of various methods for reflections. Going to be interesting to see how the reflection resolution increases once DXR is implemented (which they state will occur sometime in the future). It's definitely an awesome demo but it's kind of hard to gauge how this would perform outside the demo and into an actual game implementation.
1080p Ultra Fullscreen Score - 13961
And Nvidia a year ago was saying ray tracing couldn't be done on current API's, with current hardware....... Crytek.... "Hold my beer!" Seriously, this is what should of been pushed first BEFORE Nvidia's RTX stuff, which the industry wasn't ready for. Just imagine if they pushed something like this, and gave us a monster compute driven GPU with an insane amount of shader cores instead of cutting the chip in half and cramming in RT and Tensor cores which took up space for those compute units. Demo's like this would be in real games and running extremely well, not to mention everyone gets to try it out and see just how good it looks and it even performs very well on older hardware. Which would of then in turn encouraged people to upgrade their older hardware to newer more capable hardware. Then Nvidia could of used the money gained here to further develop RTX and actually release it in a more refined state. With more than likely cheaper hardware as well!
must be gearing up to sell the engine again.
I was going to download it and give it a run....until I read the part about "crytek launcher"....