Chaos - Full-length Demo

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I'll be completely honest. I wanted this sooo much 10 years ago. But eventually gave up from waiting. Completely broke my gaming heart.
It is not about lightning 🙂 Love the destruction remind me of Red Faction 🙂
I think it looks great. This is what kinda destruction we want in our games.
Yeap. That's awesome! Bad for me tho if implemented. It will take me a lot of grind to level the/a whole city.. 😀
Demos,demos,demos can they do some proper game or all we get are dat demos.
Y'know what'd be cool? A new 3D Worms game with this kind of destructible environment. I also hope the next GTA allows for this kind of detail. It's always bothered me how buildings and roads were invincible.
Dope.... I hear that Wreck it Ralph wants to play this game!
Can't decide if I prefer this to the building destruction in Rampage on the amiga 🙂
It's awesome, that's good to know they've thought of networking from the start