Call of Duty Under Fire after Religious Debacle - One Map Removed

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I didnt read the whole topic but if that's what they want and developer does what their customers are asking, then both sides r okay.
did the majority of customers want that?
What? They only noticed this now 3 years later?
So in a game you kill people, mame and blow people up, but heaven forbid if you hang a picture on a wall in a game you might offend someones religion ... ffs
What a stupid religion. They are fine with being portrayed as terrorists but not this?
What a stupid religion.
All religions are equally stupid.
Lol, that was a lazy oversight by the developers of MW2 to just take a snap shot of some writings on a frame from real world and put it up inside the game without knowing what it was. The issue is not about religion, its more of an incomplete homework done (lack of knowledge) by the developers (level designers) to check what they are putting into the game...that too on the lines of copy/pasting stuff (HAHA)
All religions are equally stupid.
Not really. I'd take buddhism over any of the monotheistic desert dogmas anyday of the week.
Why do we insist on pandering to the lowest denominators? Pretty much sums up their religion though, mass killing of people in a game that's ok! painting saying are imaginary friend likes beautify in same said game ****ING REMOVE IT NOW!!
All religions are equally stupid.
^^^ This I've always considered religion as an archaic concept that primitive man believed in because they didn't understand the world around them, what their purpose was and, above all else, feared death and the uncertainty surrounding it. I don't believe religion has any place in an intelligent, highly developed modern culture. Ultimately, it does not matter what anyone chooses to believe in because once you're dead, you're dead. You don't get to come back and say I told you so! This is what makes some religions dangerous though as some religions are not very tolerant of others' beliefs.
I really don't like people sometimes... It's like when you see on the news that a new law gets passed for something incredibly trivial and you think to yourself; THAT'S what they've been working on/talking about this whole time? Do they not have bigger issues to worry about like say, crime rate, education, economy? Extreme facepalm for humanity.
How you can say “I don't believe religion has any place in an intelligent, highly developed modern culture” is beyond me considering all the amazing things that people of all faiths do to help people in need every single day..
And their are millions of atheists doing good towards others too, many scientists curing illness pushing science forward and are understanding of the world not trying to hold this knowledge back in fear of it making their beliefs look even more absurd than they already do. They are doing good without the fear of hell or the fear of judgement from a imaginary entity, without the need of a book to tell them how to be good to others no matter who they are. They do good because they are good people without the need for religion.
Oh noes! We wouldn't want to offend someone!
I don't understand your point. I never said you had to be a person of faith to be a good person. My point is that because of faith a lot of good things take place. Churches do a lot of things to help people in need.
And nothing bad ever happens because of faith and religion 😀
This is so lame tho! How is that offensive?!"Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty". Sub it with Jesus and nobody would give a crap about it! Get a grip!
I don't understand your point. I never said you had to be a person of faith to be a good person. My point is that because of faith a lot of good things take place. Churches do a lot of things to help people in need.
So does the Salvation Army, Red Cross, YMCA, etc... You don't need religion to help people in need.
But if you added up all the things the millions of Churches do here in the US every single day it would far outweigh those. No to mention that tons of Christians give money to those organizations.
I dont know about that dude. Not sure about states, but im pretty sure other charities give more to people in need rather than church. E.g. Comic Relief collected £74 millions during one night in 2011 and im sure they will beat it next year!
maybe muslim players should stop playing this game ? maybe for me and milions other people this painting is crucial part of the game ? :bang: It dulls thinking and blocks creativity.
While I do not agree with your opinion I will respect it. I can’t speak for any other faiths but from a Christian point of view I see A LOT more good than negative from my faith. Every day millions of Christians make choices based off of what we believe to be true. In general we try to be decent people and a lot of that is based off of our faith. I think the world would be a MUCH worse place without a belief in God. How you can say “I don't believe religion has any place in an intelligent, highly developed modern culture” is beyond me considering all the amazing things that people of all faiths do to help people in need every single day. Now that said there are people of every faith that are ignorant, intolerant, judgmental and everything else you can think of. People will be people regardless of faith and some will become misguided. That’s just how the human race is and will always be. From my personal point of view I think it’s insanely closed minded to out the idea of creation. I like science but the fact is we know almost nothing when you look at life and existence. Because we do not know does not automatically mean there must be a God but if we don’t have all the answers we should try to keep our minds open to all possibilities. Also you can’t say “ultimately, it does not matter what anyone chooses to believe in because once you're dead, you're dead” because you don’t know that and it cannot be proven. And most people of faith I know wouldn’t want to come back and say something like “say I told you so!”. And then you talk about “some religions are not very tolerant of others' beliefs”. Well some people who don’t believe in any God are not very tolerant of people who do believe. Just read through this topic. In fact you agreed with the comment “All religions are equally stupid”… that your idea of being tolerant of others' beliefs? Just my opinion. I know being a Christian and not being afraid to say it on this board probably puts me in the minority here but I’m ok with that.
Yeah, you try to be "decent people", because there carrot of heaven is being dangled in front of you, with the flames of "hell" flickering at your behind. For most Christians (aka not you personally because I don't know you) that I've seen, the "good deeds" are ultimately self motivated. In my opinion it defeats the purpose entirely. Also, his opinion is entirely valid and not "intolerant" in any way, shape, or form. It's one thing to acknowledge the fact that the true answer of creation is unknown, but it's another thing entirely to believe in a fairy tale passed down from early AD as if it's absolute truth. Science doesn't even try to explain the actual act of creation (the big bang isn't a theory on creation), so I never understood the reluctance of the general religious community to accept overwhelmingly proven theories like evolution. But I guess any sort of "attack" on their belief system is unacceptable. So yeah, religion is an archaic and overwhelmingly silly life raft for those who refuse to face the unknown. Of course, there's nothing wrong with using said life raft. But more often than not, it creates more problems than it solves. Saying the world could not go on without it is absurd. It's not like it's impossible for people to do good without some silly reward being dangled in front of them.