Battlefield 2042 currently has 74% negative user reviews on Steam.

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Who would've thought, right? Right?
I am not sure why anyone is surprised by lackluster games from big companies. Big corps do not have passion projects, they put love into their games the only thing they prioritize is the bottom line. They know they can put out a buggy unfinished product they spent X amount of time on and get Y amount of return. How it's rated or perceived makes no difference to them. They put in 500k and they got 5mil (I made up those numbers) out of it, that is all that matters. This is now the case with almost anything creative. Music and Movies are the same way. Churn out something half-arsed and make X amount of return. If it's good or not makes no difference. This is why independent artists and studios are where the creativity and fun is at. But the market hates a vacuum, and I suspect this will flip in time.

I remember reading some quote by EA that said why there won't be a campaign. It went something like "... so DICE can focus on what they can do the best - multiplayer". Which is kinda ironic now loll
I’m happy they don’t waste time on a singleplayer campaign, some play it once 10 hours, others never play it, it’s just not important. Would be good if they released a finished games though, and a new improved firestorm mode would be icing on the cake. But right now isn’t very good. I think with EA the only focus is maximum profit, so paid early access, short production time and quick expensive expansions are in focus, then off to the next game.

The main killer for me has been the complete lack of balance, anti-vehicle weapons are super weak, SMGs have zero recoil and insane range, LMGs are laser beams with a couple of attachments and assault rifles are useless.
pretty strange when I think of a game like division two when you gotta grind for 60hrs to get a precise weapon.
Is this even slightly surprising to anyone? I don't get why people keep buying EA's crap. Even when a game isn't broken, it's still an example of minimal effort. The one thing EA is good at is graphical detail with reasonable optimization. That doesn't make a game good. "Yeah but DICE/Bioware has always been good!" not anymore; you're just clinging onto nostalgia.

I remember reading some quote by EA that said why there won't be a campaign. It went something like "... so DICE can focus on what they can do the best - multiplayer". Which is kinda ironic now loll
DICE hasn't done multiplayer that well lately either, mostly thanks to EA pushing for MTs, loot boxes, minimal originality, and not allowing for enough refinement.

You have to be very talented to move franchises in new directions for the better, Mario and Zelda stand out as having been able to do this.
Although I agree with the rest of your post, I disagree with this - it isn't that hard, EA just opts to not even try. There are 2 ways to maximize profits: A. Dump more money and resources into a better product that everyone wants to buy. B. Take an already popular product and cut back on development as much as possible, because people will buy it anyway so why spend more money than you need?
To have played to this one i confirm that it is the less interesting of the franchise... And i don't talk about the bug, now youtuber should have a new pinata as there are everywhere in the game (do they have tested the game?). Since the original team left DICE every BF is worse than previous one... (need a lot of work to do so)
Still waiting for Bad Company 3...

I don't see how current social politics in a specific country or part of the world has any place in Battlefield. I'm not trying to be controversial here, quite the opposite. Do I really want devs purposely adding specific groups of people for players to shoot at ?
You know that some big company in video game are obliged to offer LGBTQ+ and colored people choise, different religion aspect, and even rewrite our past (btw: revisionism is a crime in many countries too) in their game, due to pressure of some lobbies, don't you? I found that this pressure shouln't be in this industry or any arts, i think it is very sad. 🙁
BF2042 is what results when you have a group of predominately Millennial-era types "creating" a game that targets both themselves, and a Gen Z audience, as the most likely customers. In other words, there is a shortfall on both plausible believability and any sense of thematic maturity. (AKA, a lack of "grown-ups" in the room.) Far Cry 6 would be another example. And, yes, I'm saying this as a Millennial, myself. In the field of Advertising, television commercials are quite often a complete fiasco for the same reason. For that matter, the entire film and television industry is affected, as well. Anyone on the developer team who didn't have a verified minimum of 1000 hours each in BF1942, BF2 and BF3 as an absolute minimum, shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near this project.

Still waiting for Bad Company 3...
Even after seeing what they might do to it?
Seems to me that 2042 is pretty obviously an "interim" Battlefield/a smaller side project while they work on the true next gen Battlefield 6. Consider that: 1) 2042 has no campaign, no deathmatch, missing features from prior games 2) Looks graphically worse than BF One or BFV (to my eye at least -- why no RT Reflections like in V, those looked awesome) 3) Many of the maps are just remakes of old maps -- this probably saved them dev time since they didn't have to design as many new maps. 4) It's cross platform rather than being the "true" next gen Battlefield like BF One was. 5) The operator system seems like an experiment I just doubt that this was ever intended by EA/Dice to be the next big Battlefield game -- this seems more in the vein of Hardline of some of the interim spin off type BF games. I think Dice/EA should've marketed and sold it as such and sold it for $40 not $60.

BF2042 is what results when you have a group of predominately Millennial-era types "creating" a game that targets both themselves, and a Gen Z audience, as the most likely customers. In other words, there is a shortfall on both plausible believability and any sense of thematic maturity. (AKA, a lack of "grown-ups" in the room.) Far Cry 6 would be another example. And, yes, I'm saying this as a Millennial, myself. In the field of Advertising, television commercials are quite often a complete fiasco for the same reason. For that matter, the entire film and television industry is affected, as well. Anyone on the developer team who didn't have a verified minimum of 1000 hours each in BF1942, BF2 and BF3 as an absolute minimum, shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near this project.
I really do not like how modern advertising is dominated by these sorts of ads where they show you an emotional scene then throw up their logo with the two things being totally unrelated (they try to associate a "feeling" with their brand -- e.g. they show you happy children or striking emotional images then it's a car or bank commercial, etc). Maybe advertising was always like this, but I find myself getting more annoyed by ads like this these days -- if you're a bank, tell me what do you better than other banks (do you have interest on your checking accounts? what's your savings rate? atm withdrawal fees? international support? etc). If you're a car then don't show me "happy people" and the desert, tell me about the price to perf or gas mileage, tell me relevant information about what you are selling. In a similar vein, many commercials today seem to shoehorn in how X company is "diverse and inclusive" instead of telling you about their product -- just give me a good product that I want to buy, why do so many ads have nothing to do with the actual product? I'm just going to assume your product is garbage if it's so bad that you have meander around it in a circle and focus on other unrelated things. If it's a game, the only thing I want to see is basically actual gameplay footage running on real hardware (not prerender trailer nonsense) and just show me some gameplay -- I remember when they did this for DOOM 2016/showing the Foundry level my jaw was on the floor.
Sadly, most games end up like this nowadays.. simply unfinished quick and dirty junk. And it's been like this for years, many times discussed here and elsewhere. But it seems that people STILL buy those games allot, thus the industry does keep and follow their "minimal investment, will sell anyways" ruling. Like look at Warzone.. They make updates which introduce game breaking bugs, for example the last patch had: - No visible shops on map - No loot on ground at all (Empty buildings etc.) - Broken missions, spawned like crazy all over the place, you had 50 missions in one building spawned etc. - Broken "shield" indicator showing when ppl already half-dead on ground etc.. Would they run "1" QA test, they would notice "owww half game is broken". No, they released it, and then 3-4 weeks later started fixing stuff one by one. Feels like as if there is 0 QA and developed in INDIA for 0.1$ an hour in some basement, where ppl don't even have good enough PCs to run the game, just blindly do changes to code..
A good list of the game's problems. ( I stole from the steam reviews.) "- No single-player mode - No server browser - No general, team, or player scoreboard, only your own squad is shown. - No general chat, only team, squad, and party - No VOIP - No TDM/FFA - No leaning/peeking out while in cover - No score bonuses for headshots, multikills, or hit-based damage XP gain - No persistent lobbies (back to the main menu after every match) - No ammo pickups off dead enemies/players' kits, only obtained through specialists - No levolution beyond the tornado, the sandstorm on the Hourglass map only hurts visibility - No melee weapon options, though melee is completely discouraged by the bugs and low damage it yields - No spawning in other players' passenger seats when game is about to start - No changing teams, squads, or creating a new squad entirely. Squad bonuses, field upgrades, and drop-ins have also been removed - No self promoting to squad leader by requesting an order - No battle log/player stats page - Laughable end-of-match player highlights with voice lines that make these battle-hardened soldiers fighting a global-scale proxy war act like middle schoolers - Though the soundtrack is just as eclectic and electronic as past "modern" Battlefields, its placement is few and far between and is awkwardly sequenced throughout the match - HUD is an absolute mess of small icons with large lettering, when an objective is capped a message takes up all of your top-screen real-estate for a good 5 seconds - Geforce 10 series card owners, even the later released ones, good luck in even attempting to come close to a stable frame rate, as this game is far from optimized and server-end latency is common - Weapon bloom (randomized spreading of shots) only helps bad players and hurts good ones - Buildings are not as destructible as previous Battlefield games, rarely will you ever see a collapsed building or create tactical cover through destroying chunks of walls or terrain - Crouch sprinting, being prone while on your back, and being knocked down from explosions from Battlefield V have been removed - Reworked class system into hero shooter-like character select - Can never gauge what height you can and can't climb over - Customization has nowhere near the depth of Battlefield 4, 1, and V - Only 19 primary weapons and 3 sidearms-- 4 assault rifles, 4 SMGs, 2 LMGs, 6 rifles, and 3 shotguns - Shotguns are completely unnecessary as close-quarters combat is never emphasized - 14 different vehicle types to make up for the maps' large sizes, though you are at the whim of availability and demand, so traversing the maps a majority of the time involves walking great distances for small rewards - Tarkov-like "Hazard Zone" mode where matchmaking lasts 3+ minutes and crossplay is all but required due to PC's player base"

Still waiting for Bad Company 3...
Yeah, why don't they get down to this?! BF BC2 was simply awesome! I've always wondered why BC3 hasn't been made....
Apart from the features missing from previous games (the overall scoreboard at and of round not being there at all is crazy omission, no stationary weapons at all) I am having serious stability issues... game has "hung" completely on me about 5 times since I got it on Friday - most of them are strange "freeze" of game, but no errors in Windows event log.... happened again today... BF5 task in Task Manager did NOT say it was not responding... still using 10% CPU... but game screen was frozen... no error in Event Log either. I did manage to get below from previous crash....
All i want is Battlefield Bad Company 2 remastered with enhanced graphic with all originals maps. I didn't buy bf 2042 I knew it's gimmick when i saw some BS trailers meh.
I tried the 10 hours which comes with xbox pass and i can say the game need a lot to improve. Very poor on content, you are paying a lot of money for big maps and guys (and bots) running everywhere. The performance is really bad not matter your pc specs, i remember some spots getting 55-60 fps with ultra settings with NO RT and DLSS on quality. Seriously this game need to get fixed and with more content ASAP. In the other hand, ill stick with BF5 which works very good.
tbh it deserves over 80% negative....