AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.3.1 driver download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 467 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Thanks HH 🙂
Will try them with Wildlands when i come home
Definitely good drivers. I now have motion blur on GTA5. The driver appears to be much better at managing GPU and GDDR integration, as I noticed to Rise of the tomb raider. I am happy. :stewpid:
Mouse corruption issue still not fixed for the RX 480.
minimum fps increased in wildlands. and the fps drops in cities are less noticeable
They've broken custom refresh rates 🙁 Now whatever you change with CRU wont apply and you'll be stuck with stock refresh rates and wont be able to OC.
They've broken custom refresh rates 🙁 Now whatever you change with CRU wont apply and you'll be stuck with stock refresh rates and wont be able to OC.
Actually EDID overrides are not being applied from the 3rd party program CRU. Custom resolutions and refresh rates work when using the Relive Control panel custom resolution. A workaround with CRU is to enable GPU scaling on each restart for CRU. Been stated many times. Now if you old over clocked refresh rate will not work in Relive Custom need to check each detailed timing. What I DID was compare it to what CRU would be using and enter those values and my old higher overclocked refresh rates. It seems that Relive Contronl panel custom resolution does not change some of the more detailed settings ( I think it was mainly front and back porch settings) all the time so some things do not work. CRU still works fine to add or change Freesync range and other things like that.
yeah, since amd cards play max 3200x1800 i found a workaroound editing the edid to have 4096x2048. NOW THT WORKAROUND DOESN'T WORK