AMD Mantle Graphics API Adopted by Various Developers

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Mantle isn't open source.
Mantle isn't open source.
oh yea, you're right, only TressFX is then?
Mantle isn't open source.
It's not proprietary either. AMD has said that NVidia can use it if they choose to.
Damn good for AMD nvidia owns 3dfx glide. Maybe we see 3Dfx2 glide soon 🙂
developers don't give a damn about DX - where is tessellation in BF4 ? - and now suddenly they will make something from mantle ? if they are upset about DX why they did not use opengl...
I've jumped through enough hoops to know that marketing hype and reality rarely align, so I'll jump for joy when hard facts demonstrate the outcome, until then, It's the marketing team at AMD that's doing all the legwork. I say this will an open mind though, that I open my wallet to what I like and trust, not brand loyalty - I care about the brand as much as they care about me as a customer. Zero.
hey omnimodis for a newbie that was pretty well said
Mantle will be zombie (read: walking dead) tech just as PhysX. Not because its proprietary (phisix) or AMD written all over the place (mantle), but because its not needed. In case of physics, there are bunch of 3rd party physics engines, working on all platforms. In mantles case i say this: If u hate directx so much AMD, go and patch up OpenGL. Shiny new api is nice and all, but we cant just ditch well established technologies every few years, just to get some minor performance in very specific places.
I think you missed the point in mantle, even though its AMD specific for now.
Does anyone really think AMD would have bothered developing Mantle if the boosts are to be minor? Also, if AMD had used OpenGL with extensions instead, the hardware specific features in GCN still wouldn't have been available on Kepler cards Mantle can be important in many areas. It could allow games to work well on all future AMD APUs, as well as putting the pressure on DirectX and OpenGL. If the claims about improved CPU performance were true, it could also mean BF4 will run great even on Core 2 Quads once Mantle is out.
Mantle will be zombie (read: walking dead) tech just as PhysX. Not because its proprietary (phisix) or AMD written all over the place (mantle), but because its not needed. In case of physics, there are bunch of 3rd party physics engines, working on all platforms. In mantles case i say this: If u hate directx so much AMD, go and patch up OpenGL. Shiny new api is nice and all, but we cant just ditch well established technologies every few years, just to get some minor performance in very specific places.
Dx and OpenGL are high-level API. Is it clear to you? Then, what does Physx have to do here with Mantle 😕 "it's not needed" I can say that we will wait and see... but i can't say now that it's needed or not. So, how you can? Maybe you have a "Crystal Ball" ? :roll: Furthermore, AMD states that developers have been asking for more at low level and it wasn't purely an initiative by in your opinion are these false claims?
I've jumped through enough hoops to know that marketing hype and reality rarely align, so I'll jump for joy when hard facts demonstrate the outcome, until then, It's the marketing team at AMD that's doing all the legwork. I say this will an open mind though, that I open my wallet to what I like and trust, not brand loyalty - I care about the brand as much as they care about me as a customer. Zero.
Well said, sums up my thoughts on hardware and software perfectly. Being a "fanboy" for a brand is pointless. If something is good then it's good, if it's bad then it's bad. (See console vs. console and PC vs. console arguments) I also don't care one bit about what the hype is until I see it in action myself. That said though, I DO think that Mantle is a great idea, and will be wonderful for PC gaming if it works as it is said to and is actually commonly adopted. I just wish that G-Sync (or a system just like it) were made available to everyone. This new trend of proprietary hardware abilities is somewhat worrying, as PCs are supposed to be an open system.
It's not proprietary either. AMD has said that NVidia can use it if they choose to.
As long as its cross platform, and anyone can use it on anyhardware, I'm all for it. Anything to get us away from DirectX. OpenGL, and Mantle should be the most popular API's in my opinion, ones a high level, and ones a low level, and both are cross platform.
We all have to agree that DX is not very good API right now.. Its due that we have good alternative . Also i hope it wont be exclusive to AMD for long.
Cryteks rumoured to be onboard.
Cryteks rumoured to be onboard.
DX11 is a terrible API its good to see something like Consoles API on PC. And now some Huge names are supporting it i think Both Amd and Nvidia should swallow there pride and if they really cared put both Gsync and Mantle together then it would fix almost every issue.
Probably won't happen, just look at Nvidia with PhysX and AMD with TressFX (TressFX does work on Nvidia but they had some serious problems and it took a few driver fixes to get it working right). Look at AMD with Edge Detect AA, look at Nvidia with TXAA, etc. The list goes on, I too wish they could just share the technology and that way everyone gets the best of both worlds. That way it would all boil down to their actual architecture and driver optimizations rather than "look we can make this line less jaggy but it destroys your fps". It would be a good world, but its only a dream.
dx11 is just starting to find it's feet, dx11 borderlands 3, o hell yes.
DX11 is just starting to find it's feet, but it's still nowhere efficient enough. I love the idea of Mantle in principle, but only if games are Mantle exclusive, things are bad enough when devs only have to support one api, things will only get worse if there are two to work with, can see things being even buggier for games that use it. Not forgetting Valve pushing OpenGL now, I can see the market getting very fragmented in 2014.