AMD Radeon Crimson ReLive Edition Driver Overview

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The ReLive DVR

The Radeon Crimson ReLive DVR

The biggest and best feature (according to our opinion), is the integration of a DVR into the software. With this feature you may Capture, stream and share your gaming experience. 

Radeon ReLive contains the following major features:

  1. Radeon ReLive Overlay/Toolbar 
  2. Instant Replay 
  3. Record 
  4. Stream 
  5. Screenshot


The Driver implementation

Lets have a look at a screenshot on how and what ReLivelooks like at driver level. By default Instant Replay and Radeon ReLive are disabled for a user. Enabling each feature may have a marginal impact on your gaming performance. Below is some testing methodology used to test this performance impact as well as some expected numbers from our own internal testing of the Radeon ReLive feature. 


Radeon ReLive OFF By default Radeon ReLive will be off on a fresh system install. For testing purposes with Radeon ReLive we suggest that you launch the game that is being tested and configure the resolution and quality settings first with the feature off. Locate a benchmark scene in-game and gather FPS data over a specific time period using benchmarking tools such as OCAT, Fraps or PresentMon. This will give you a base set of data to work with to compare Radeon ReLive with once the feature is enabled. 

Radeon ReLive ON Open Radeon Settings and navigate to the Radeon ReLive tab and turn ReLive on using the toggle. Once Radeon ReLive is enabled, in the Global tab, the folder where recordings and screenshots are saved can be changed, as well as the hotkey combinations for activating various toggles and settings for Radeon Relive. Desktop recording can also be enabled in this tab. 


Navigate to the recording tab and set the recording profile preferred. The recording resolution, bitrate, and FPS, as well as the encoding type and audio bitrate can be changed individually as well. 

Close the Radeon Settings window, launch the game that is being tested and locate the benchmark scene in-game. Start recording by either pressing the Recording Hotkey indicated in the “Global” tab in Radeon Settings, or by pressing the configurable through Radeon Settings toolbar hotkey for Radeon Relive and clicking Record”.

Enabling this feature does cost you some performance, on average 3 to 4% of your framerate budget, which we think is very acceptable.


Screenshot allows you to quickly take a screenshot of your current systems environment. Screenshots are saved under the configurable ‘Save Folder’ in Radeon Settings ReLive navigation tab in Radeon Settings.


Record allows you to start recording a video file of your gaming content or desktop through Radeon ReLive. There are many settings available for this feature including; Quality, Resolution, Recording Bitrate, FPS, Encoding Type and Audio Bitrate.


All settings for recordings are configurable through Radeon Settings ReLive under the Recoding Tab.  The quality of recording obviously will be relative to how new your Radeon graphics card really is and the CODEC option you will choose, here is a quick overview relative to AVC (H.264)  and HEVC (H.265).



Below you will find two videos recorded with the new ReLive DVR functionality. Please do make sure you disable other overlays etc before trying this function. Feel free to play around a little with this function, try different quality settings and bit-rate modes etc that will suit you the best.

Above you can see Far Cry Primal, the benchmark run. We use a the Radeon RX 480 here which can capture at 1080p60.  

Above you can see the Deus Ex benchmark run at 2560x1440, again the Radeon RX 480 is used, the limitation however here is 30Hz compliant to the table we have shown you above. 

I would have loved to show you some more examples, unfortunately the DVR was not working for us right initially with the beta driver we received. Next to that I am a little time constrained due to a media trip. That's it for this update on the latest iteration of AMDs new 16.12 driver. Once available you can download the driver here which likely is released on the 8th of December.


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