AMD Radeon Crimson ReLive Edition Driver Overview

Crimson ReLive

AMD Radeon Driver 16.12 - Meet the Crimson "ReLive" Driver

AMD is getting ready for the winter, in this article we look at what AMD labeled the Radeon Crimson ReLive Edition. This is the new 16.12 driver which has had some TLC from AMD. The release is not offering overall performance for games, but AMD has been working on new features. Time for a quick article, to cover all topics. 

The December driver obviously is an incremental driver update just as we have seen on roughly a monthly release schedule with lots of zero-day driver releases when games are released. The driver team has put a lot of focus on consumer feedback and tries to deal and adapt towards the demand from you guys. Winter is coming and AMD always cooks up a nice December driver.


For Radeon Crimson ReLive Edition I wanted to write a small article as the updates in this driver are significant for APUs and desktop graphics cards. The past few months the driver team has been working on a series of driver features. Ever since the RTG group was launched the Radeon Software division has released 29 drivers of which 8 were WHQL releases, supporting and optimized for over 28 gaming titles, with a total of 85 million downloads. The driver enhancements, changes and updates can be bulleted up towards these primary features:

You can download (once made available) the driver here. As you guys know, and as we have posted in our news Raptr, the Gaming Evolved APP from AMD was missing from the installation options ever since a few months. Raptr was the Gaming Evolved APP that allows for stuff like monitoring and game optimizations, as well as video recording and overlays.


AMDs own DVR implementation now has been embedded into the Crimson drivers. So yes, the most prominent feature will be the integration of a proper DVR, thus recording say game screenshots and videos even streaming them towards the most popular solutions. We'll walk through some of these features. Next page please where we'll talk about that a little more.


AMD claims performance increases of Radeon cards such as the RX 480 see of up to 8% performance increase with Relive. This however are the incremental performance increases over time, and not specific to the 16.6.2 driver in the slide. Later next week we'll follow up on this due to time restrictions right now at the time of writing this article.


 RADEON WattMan to Support More GCN Products

Radeon WattMan was implemented to support new Radeon 400 series cards, the latest ReLive drivers allows support for more GCN products including Radeon 200 series, Radeon 300 series and Radeon Fury series products as shown in the slide below.


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