The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project V10 available

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Halk Hogan PL has released a new version of his HD Reworked Project for The Witcher 3. This new HDRP version focuses mainly on environments but it will also touch some NPCs (mainly redania/temeria/novigrad guards). Furthermore, all terrain/rocks textures will be reworked (except Toussaint, these will be done in BaW Update after this release). The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project aims to overhaul the game’s graphics with very high quality detailed textures (with great sharpness and performance and without any unnecessary VRAM losses), very high quality accurate normal maps, high quality meshes with a lot of details and better objects LODs. FYI, version 10.0 features over 1000 textures, as well as over 250 improved and reworked models! 


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