MSI To Launch AMD 500-series and 400-series BIOS Updates with Curve Optimizer and R-BAR function

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MSI releases optimized BIOS updates for AMD 500-series and 400-series motherboards. The latest AGESA Combo PI V2 beta BIOS has been released for MEG X570 GODLIKE, MEG X570 UNIFY, MEG B550 UNIFY / UNIFY-X, MPG B550 GAMING EDGE WIFI and MAG B550M MORTAR / MORTAR WIFI.

And the rest models will be able to download soon in January 2021. The new BIOS supports AMD Curve Optimizer feature, as well as support for PCIe Resizable BAR function for NVIDIA graphics cards (in addition to compatible AMD ones).

  • Optimized AMD Curve Optimizer function.
  • Optimized Re-Size BAR function with NVidia Graphics cards.

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