Unreal Engine 4 - Darth Vader DirectX 12 Tech Demo

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Afterburner displays api as dx11.
Awww, poor Vader, all alone & bored on a chunk of dark rock! Reminds me of when I was a kid & used to slay dragons in my garden with a blunt stick!
Afterburner displays api as dx11.
Try to run it with -D3D12 parameter. If it is DX12, afterburner will not display OSD.
Movement is so robotic. Turns in sudden unnatural tiny 90deg increments. It is unsettling.
I was under the impression this was a demo to show DX12 functioning, not to show off textures, models, physics.
Well that was a whole lot of nothing...shouldn't his lightsaber be slicing through everything? Maybe I'm just too used to the force unleashed 😀
Noticeably more cpu usage when running in dx11 vs dx12.
Looks far too shiny, since when did Vader have a plastic cape? He looks physically 'off' too along with his movements. 😛uke2: Other than that it's 'ok' I guess...
Ran very well on my laptop, very smooth, tried to use FRAPS to see fps but didn't show - was smooth though and seemed like high fps. Not sure what this demo proves though - perhaps DX12 with all those particle effects? CPU usage was really low, so maybe that shows something for DX12, who knows? Deleting demo now, fun to try for 10 secs.
Noticeably more cpu usage when running in dx11 vs dx12.
Ah, I missed that before I posted - the demo does prove something there then.
If you see any "DX12" demo that doesn't identify which DX12 features are being employed, and when & where you can see them in the demo, it's best to simply ignore it as it is likely nothing except PR for--in this case--nVidia (still smarting from the no async-compute revelation, I'd imagine.) I certainly won't pay any attention at all to such "demos"...;)
1- DX 11 was supposed to end tessellation problems. We have now DX12, and every character has easy to catch poor tessellation. Heads and shoulder edges are the worst offenders on any game/demo. Is so easy and distracting to notice the rectified curves with pointy joints, even on AAA titles. 2- Why so blurry? I don’t understand why programmers waste resources ruining their creations (the same goes about lens flare effects and other garbage like that. 3- I’m tired of particle effects thrown everywhere just because reasons. Somebody invented PE, and nobody knows how and where to use them, so they puke unnecessary PE just because they can.
1- DX 11 was supposed to end tessellation problems. We have now DX12, and every character has easy to catch poor tessellation. Heads and shoulder edges are the worst offenders on any game/demo. Is so easy and distracting to notice the rectified curves with pointy joints, even on AAA titles. 2- Why so blurry? I don’t understand why programmers waste resources ruining their creations (the same goes about lens flare effects and other garbage like that. 3- I’m tired of particle effects thrown everywhere just because reasons. Somebody invented PE, and nobody knows how and where to use them, so they puke unnecessary PE just because they can.
1: true - blame the modeller, not the person who created the video 2: the person that made this is not a programmer 3: it's a demonstration, PE is a good but predictable way of doing that
Pretty neat, its just a "fast" demo to showcase dx12 in UE4, just like kakariko village and those appartments and stuff,made by normal people(one person usually). I wouldn't take those flaws too serious. Just enjoy them...or don't.