Possible Radeon RX Vega 3DMark Time Spy Benchmark Result

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I refuse to believe it. This isn't big Vega. It's bs.
I think the core and memory are underclocked since it's an ES. I believe the product will have to be 1.5Ghz, but the problem is even Polaris 20 XT has a binned version, and I'm not sure they all reach 1.5Ghz. This card will probably be pricey. I can accept a 4GB Vega at this speed. A Vega 11, but not Vega 10. It might come down to how many cards they will be able to release, which will be very few. :'( Time to go cry in a corner.
I refuse to believe it. This isn't big Vega. It's bs.
I dont think its bigger vega. But even if it were small vega, doesnt look good that it took them a year to catch up to the 1070.
I'd lean more towards an RX 590 candidate.
I'm guessing its this... Fury refresh with 8 GB HBM2 for 1070 performance target as Vega 11. Then Vega XTX chip will be BIG Vega at 1080+ speeds. Someone should go back in time and look at any leaked Fury benchmarks to see if it was Fury X, or Fury at the time. That would give us some speculation though not 100%
Going back to the comment from the AMD employee about it being "nice." Would this in anyway be classified as "nice" by anyone? No. Therefore this is not what being referred to. This is little Vega.
AMD are trying something new with an anti-hype surprise train ?? Must be right 🙂 I'm looking for a 4K 60fps+ card for my next upgrade, something strongly makes me feel this leak is not what we are actually going to be getting. I can survive only so long playing my back catalogue of older unplayed Steam games, which maxed out at 4K locked to 60Hz no problem on my Fury, enjoying that much quite a lot for now...
I hope its cut-vega chip then its nice 1070 performance with a little less money would be fine I guess?
AMD are trying something new with an anti-hype surprise train ?? Must be right 🙂 I'm looking for a 4K 60fps+ card for my next upgrade, something strongly makes me feel this leak is not what we are actually going to be getting. I can survive only so long playing my back catalogue of older unplayed Steam games, which maxed out at 4K locked to 60Hz no problem on my Fury, enjoying that much quite a lot for now...
Do you think a 1070 card can do 60fps @ 4k with our without Vulkan? Perhaps this is AMD dropping a red herring to keep NVidia from dropping the 1080 price before Vega is released. Which is what they will do if Vega provides 1080ti performance for < $600. There's simply no way Vega is coming out competing with a 1070. AMD stock would tank, and they would be done in the high performance GPU space. Done.
This is good. Its better for people to expect worse than they get. For AMD its better. Odds are this is BS just like the ryzen results that showed it at really low clocks. But its good because people will be much more interested if it outperforms their expectations at launch.
IT IS NOT VEGA , it is new blue , radeon pro due 11traflops vega is 16 and 25 traflops
Hopefully that is just an engineering sample. I thought the top card was supposed to have clocks of 1500mhz. This will be disappointing if this is the final revision.
Do you think a 1070 card can do 60fps @ 4k with our without Vulkan? Perhaps this is AMD dropping a red herring to keep NVidia from dropping the 1080 price before Vega is released. Which is what they will do if Vega provides 1080ti performance for < $600. There's simply no way Vega is coming out competing with a 1070. AMD stock would tank, and they would be done in the high performance GPU space. Done.
You do know vega is not one card, but more likely 3. They need to compete with 1070, 1080 and 1080ti.
You do know vega is not one card, but more likely 3. They need to compete with 1070, 1080 and 1080ti.
Yes. And hopefully, if this is Vega, it is the low end. It has to be.
Yes. And hopefully, if this is Vega, it is the low end. It has to be.
I'm thinking (or hoping) Engineering sample.
Do you think a 1070 card can do 60fps @ 4k with our without Vulkan? Perhaps this is AMD dropping a red herring to keep NVidia from dropping the 1080 price before Vega is released. Which is what they will do if Vega provides 1080ti performance for < $600. There's simply no way Vega is coming out competing with a 1070. AMD stock would tank, and they would be done in the high performance GPU space. Done.
The Fury X and 1070 are fairly close in many games, but the 1070 has a lot more overclocking headroom which will help it with 4K gaming. Vulkan seems great and its good to see NVidia's new cards doing well with it too, just would be nice to see more games supporting it. Modern games running 4K and Ultimate GFx settings honestly need a 1080Ti to be able to get a decent steady 60fps and if I had the money and wanted to play at that resolution and have a card last a few years That is the lowest performance bar to aim for. That said... in the real world most of us realise that with few tweaks that reduce the biggest performance hitting GFx options we can maintain a near identical looking game and free up a good number of extra fps. - I'm even sure I can get many new games running very respectably at 4K on my Fury, just not tried yet (been saving newer games for my GPU upgrade) If Vega is Good (1080Ti territory or better) it will be the 1st time I have ever bought a top of the line card and I will be happy to help support AMD with all that money this time around. The same thing can really be said for NVidia too, top of the line cards are really expensive from either camp. I actually can afford it for once this year 🙂 I support the underdog and will buy what they have that is good enough to support my needs, even if it is slight less than top dogs products. Competition is good right, but it does not come for free. Although this time out I am not sure I am going to wait for 1h 2018 for Navi if Vega does not pan out as being up to good 4k gaming. NVidia might get my money for the 1st time since the 8800GT
IT IS NOT VEGA , it is new blue , radeon pro due 11traflops vega is 16 and 25 traflops
no, new radeon pro has 32GB GDDR5 it is one of the "engineering samples" :C1 is the earlier one, lower clocked :C3 would be the so far fastest one leaked. leaks are all one month old so i doubt even the :C3 revision is still up to date. https://www.pcgamesn.com/amd/amd-rx-vega-sisoft-benchmarks
no, new radeon pro has 32GB GDDR5 it is one of the "engineering samples" :C1 is the earlier one, lower clocked :C3 would be the so far fastest one leaked. leaks are all one month old so i doubt even the :C3 revision is still up to date. https://www.pcgamesn.com/amd/amd-rx-vega-sisoft-benchmarks
Thanks for that link, I'd not seen that one yet. A little ambiguous, yet still encouraging ^^
Thanks for that link, I'd not seen that one yet. A little ambiguous, yet still encouraging ^^
yeah i don't know about the validity of the results & expectations as well... but i wanted to illustrate that there are already two different "samples" out there...
I do hope this is the lower Vega, AMD needs to launch a card above 1080 performance or forget about offering performance graphic cards.
1) Fury is 4GB only 2) HBM memory cannot OC to 700 MHz
Good points. Depending on how 3DMark recognizes memory amounts those could be explained, but the fact of the matter is they would have scratched Vega ages ago if it was only as fast as Fiji clock-to-clock, so something else must be going on