NVIDIA Tegra X1 Mobile Processor Released

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Oh man, I love my shield tablet, I can only imagine the next shield tablet with Tegra X1 will be amazing!
Power consumption? If it is mobile then this is required information.
Power consumption? If it is mobile then this is required information.
It uses about as much power as Apple's A8x. And it's not really made for phones, etc. The chip is primarily designed for automotive use like Audi's upcoming digital cockpit that has a fully digital instrument cluster, google earth 3d navigation, and an actual heads up display that provides situational awareness to the driver. http://f30.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=993380&d=1394896441 http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--74hT46re--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/sborvifz3wvydzhkfelh.jpg Then there is the Dual x1 setup which cranks out 2.3tflops and actually does the driving for you. https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8639/15580160984_79d686efa3.jpg It's going to take a lot of getting used to... hopping in your car, telling it to drive to work while you sit back with some coffee and enjoy the ride.
“Your future cars will be the most advanced computers in the world,” I think if Nvidia were to take us to the point where the most advanced computers are in cars, someone's gonna get fired. Maybe Jen-Hsun if he's around then.
I think its pretty obvious that he is speaking in hyperbole, referencing their tech in self-driving cars which requires a lot of compute power. But given your past history on Nvidia topics/threads I think you knew that and just wanted to take another jab.
It uses about as much power as Apple's A8x
Overall the A8x is more efficient. At the same performance target X1's GPU is better but I think Enhanced Cyclone more than makes up for that. Plus X1 isn't really designed to be in phones/tablets anyway. The stock TDP is higher than K1. I'm sure we will see a Denver version with slightly less power requirements on the CPU side.
Power consumption? If it is mobile then this is required information.
Tegra X1 consumption around 10 watts!!! 😀 Pcper mention 4 watts but if you watch the CES video then clearly see 10 watts. Just go to 5:50 and watch. https://twitter.com/Siriq111/status/552091164539494400
While it is arm based, it's not really made for tablets or smartphones. It would be interesting to see this binned for tablets or a home console at least.
Tegra X1 consumption around 10 watts!!! 😀 Pcper mention 4 watts but if you watch the CES video then clearly see 10 watts. Just go to 5:50 and watch. https://twitter.com/Siriq111/status/552091164539494400
Mobile TDP variance is like huge. When Anandtech did the review on the Nexus 10 the TDP output spiked to 8watts and then throttled to 4. You can't just put a number on it. Especially when race to sleep plays such a huge role in long term.
Tegra X1 whitepaper pdf if you want to read more :http://international.download.nvidia.com/pdf/tegra/Tegra-X1-whitepaper-v1.0.pdf Denial: This is what i found: Faster Than Previous Top Supercomputer Indeed, Tegra X1 has more horsepower than the fastest supercomputer of 15 years ago, ASCI Red, which was the world's first teraflops system. Operated for a decade by the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratory, ASCI Red occupied 1,600 square feet and consumed 500,000 watts of power -- with another 500,000 watts needed to cool the room it occupied. By comparison, Tegra X1 is the size of a thumbnail and draws under 10 watts of power. http://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-launches-tegra-x1-mobile-super-chip More interesting: Tegra X1's technical specifications include: 256-core Maxwell GPU 8 CPU cores (4x ARM Cortex A57 + 4x ARM Cortex A53) 60 fps 4K video (H.265, H.264, VP9) 1.3 gigapixel of camera throughput 20nm process
Tegra X1 whitepaper pdf if you want to read more :http://international.download.nvidia.com/pdf/tegra/Tegra-X1-whitepaper-v1.0.pdf Denial: This is what i found: Faster Than Previous Top Supercomputer Indeed, Tegra X1 has more horsepower than the fastest supercomputer of 15 years ago, ASCI Red, which was the world's first teraflops system. Operated for a decade by the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratory, ASCI Red occupied 1,600 square feet and consumed 500,000 watts of power -- with another 500,000 watts needed to cool the room it occupied. By comparison, Tegra X1 is the size of a thumbnail and draws under 10 watts of power. http://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-launches-tegra-x1-mobile-super-chip
I mean yeah, like the X1 is developed for car applications. Their goal TDP probably around 10w. But Anandtech already has a test where they showed that when they scaled the performance down the GPU actually uses less power than the GPU found in the A8x that powers the new iPad. And we know that Big.Little A57's are in the 810 which is powering phones. I guess my point is that the TDP can be scaled depending on the application but the intended application here is clearly for cars. That white paper you linked, like 60% of it is car stuff, it's actually really interesting -- for example they talk about car companies wanting to remove side mirrors in favor of virtual ones to reduce drag and whatnot.
I mean yeah, like the X1 is developed for car applications. Their goal TDP probably around 10w. But Anandtech already has a test where they showed that when they scaled the performance down the GPU actually uses less power than the GPU found in the A8x that powers the new iPad. And we know that Big.Little A57's are in the 810 which is powering phones. I guess my point is that the TDP can be scaled depending on the application but the intended application here is clearly for cars. That white paper you linked, like 60% of it is car stuff, it's actually really interesting -- for example they talk about car companies wanting to remove side mirrors in favor of virtual ones to reduce drag and whatnot.
Good to know TDP scaling doing very well. Wide variety of products can use the same chip. What we see in the scifi movies about cars displays, soon will be available. Ohh , don't forget the 20nm.
compared to GeForce GTX 750 - 1/2 cores (256), 1/2 TMUs and the same amount of ROPs (16) this is massive