NVIDIA: Minecraft is getting ray tracing (+screenshots)

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This is like 1st April joke 🙂
They recently canceled the Super Duper Graphics Patch because of performance issues, and now they go with Ray Tracing? This is indeed some early april fools joke.
Not a joke, there was already mod for it. playable OKish on 2080 Ti. And in contrast to other RTX implementations, it actually looked good.
Path tracing and optional normal map assets. https://www.resetera.com/threads/minecraft-news-render-dragon-and-nvidia-ray-tracing-a-new-engine-and-a-new-way-to-experience-minecraft.135714/ AndyBNV
Minecraft is using full path tracing, and virtually everything benefits, as in Quake 2 RTX: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/minecraft-rtx-trailer-screenshots-partnership/ It's quite something to see in action.
Bear in mind, the assets don't show the new (optional) blocks with normal maps, so expect things to look even better by time of release.
Yeah Era can be a bit weird but I find it still has some very good early info and leaks outside of the discussion and drama, for now at least.
If you build your world out of cubes, no amount of Ray Tracing can make it "more realistic". Maybe a bit prettier, but anyone that mistakes Minecraft for "realism" is just blind. 😀
Rtx on/off... Take the 1st screen. Very nice colors, fantasy look, inviting presentation. 400 fps. 2nd. Washed out colors, cheap looking god rays, everything is dark and muddy. The thrill is gone. 60fps maybe?

Rtx on/off... Take the 1st screen. Very nice colors, fantasy look, inviting presentation. 400 fps. 2nd. Washed out colors, cheap looking god rays, everything is dark and muddy. The thrill is gone. 60fps maybe?
Maybe you should start a blog, the whining is old.
I would prefer them to get rid of the blocky art style.

I would prefer them to get rid of the blocky art style.
thats not an art style XD
Good, DXR is the future

This is like 1st April joke 🙂
Since there isn't a release date, I would assume it's an April fools joke 🙂 Regarding the patch it sure looks very cool!

If you build your world out of cubes, no amount of Ray Tracing can make it "more realistic". Maybe a bit prettier, but anyone that mistakes Minecraft for "realism" is just blind. 😀
Think long and hard about what you just posted.

Think long and hard about what you just posted.
Oh look! Those blocks now look like blocks in real world. So ... blocky ... 😀 Talking about Minecraft and "realism" is like talking about Leisure Suit Larry and "real world love tactics". So what should @nevcairiel and I think about? I bet I laughed at least the same if not more than he did while reading this. 😀

Think long and hard about what you just posted.
lol, he knew exactly what he was posting
All these $$$$$$$$ GPU cards for blocks. 🙁
It looks nice but if this is what is supposed to convince me to pay the ~200$ premium after taxes on a 2070 over a 5700XT in Canada nope not gonna work nVidia.
Nice for those with RTX cards, i saw the video below and have to admit that RT does look very nice indeed, of course i will have to wait for some console based RT verison of the game because i only have one kidney left after buying a GTX1080 at the time. lol [youtube=NehSihoHCpc]
Hey,at least it's full blown ray tracing. If i had an RTX card i'd buy minecraft just for this.

So, this is why Nvidia inplemented real time raytracing, for games like minecraft ??? HAAAA HAHAH HAHAHHA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. Can i call them fucking idiots now ? How much did you pay to get minecraft producers to implement something nobody wants or needs ??? WAAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA
You miss the bigger picture. No one is really excited about RT in Minecraft or any other game that currently has it NOW. Its about laying the groundwork for RT in the future, so it will become more widespread in a few years from now when HW will be far more capable in running it. Better to start the ball rolling now than later.

Nice for those with RTX cards, i saw the video below and have to admit that RT does look very nice indeed, of course i will have to wait for some console based RT verison of the game because i only have one kidney left after buying a GTX1080 at the time. lol [youtube=NehSihoHCpc]
A bit weird how that video there is by far the best use-case of RT I've seen so far. It's not just a bunch of shiny surfaces, it's actually showing the real benefits of raytracing.