NVIDIA: Founder Edition Cards will not get a Lite Hash rate Limiter SKU

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This must be a joke...
Well... The LHR is also a joke in itself... NVidia do a lot of joke in this time... But it doesn't make us laugh 🙂 More good news: with the bitcoin and etherum falling in value since few day, the late "trader billionary farmer" and "scalper" have started to sell 2nd hand at really good price to not loose much. I have bough today a RX 6700 XT for 500 Euro and a friend buy from the same guy a RX 570 ITX 8g for 200 Euro... May it continue this way.
Makes sense. You were never able to buy Founders Edition cards in bulk anyways, and Best Buy will be the only retailer.
so could i flash a limited 30 series with a FE bios?

so could i flash a limited 30 series with a FE bios?
Maybe (in theory yes), but it might need some mod bios skill. Exept GPU anything might have changed and protection might have been put. And so, might make the flash fail... 🙁
No FE version of the 3080Ti? So $1300+ it is then. Looks like I'm not upgrading this gen, but I already gathered that much. Hope my 1080Ti doesn't die until mid to late 2022.

so could i flash a limited 30 series with a FE bios?
No, Nvidia would be very much aware of bios flashing and would most certainly have it locked. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for them if someone were to bypass it with a simple bios flash?
This is just like when Nvidia said, hey we'll nuke ETH from the 3060 cards! Here's the driver to unlock it! LOL. They just put a target on the FE cards for miners. I was hoping to see a 3080 ti FE for gaming, now there will be no hope!. We are all doomed! Why are we in GPU hell in 2021 🙁